名师指津高三英语二轮复习 第三部分 写作 书面表达20 人物介绍课件

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《名师指津高三英语二轮复习 第三部分 写作 书面表达20 人物介绍课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《名师指津高三英语二轮复习 第三部分 写作 书面表达20 人物介绍课件(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、文体概述文体概述 人物介绍的文章一般都是对所写的人的基人物介绍的文章一般都是对所写的人的基本概况本概况(如年龄、出生地、家庭背景、受教育如年龄、出生地、家庭背景、受教育情况等情况等)作简单的概述,继而再叙述其事迹或作简单的概述,继而再叙述其事迹或在某个领域中所作出的贡献,最后再对其进在某个领域中所作出的贡献,最后再对其进行评价。行评价。常用语块常用语块1.出生在一个出生在一个的家庭的家庭 _2. 在某人十几在某人十几/二十几二十几/三十几岁的时候三十几岁的时候 _3. 长相普通长相普通/英俊英俊1. _4. 毕业于毕业于 _5. 获得获得(方面的方面的)学位学位 _get/obtain ade

2、gree inbe born in afamilyin ones teens/twenties/thirtiesordinary/plain-looking / handsome-lookinggraduate from6. 对对有浓厚的兴趣有浓厚的兴趣_ _7. 对对有天赋有天赋 _8. 竭尽全力做某事竭尽全力做某事 _ _9. 受受尊重尊重 _10. 献身于献身于 _devote oneself to show (a) strong interest in/take (a) great interest inhave a gift/talent for make every/great e

3、ffort to do sth./try ones best to do sth. be respected by11. 为为树立榜样树立榜样 _12. 被誉为被誉为 _13. 全心全意为全心全意为服务服务 _14. 高度评价高度评价 _15. 为为作出伟大的贡献作出伟大的贡献 _ make great contributions toset an example tobe honored asserveheart and soulthink/speak highly of1. Brought up by his grandparents, who were farmers, Jack sho

4、wed a strong interest in plants and insects when he was a child.2. Majoring in medical science, he graduated from Sun Yat-Sen University with a bachelors degree in 1989 and four years later, he went abroad for further studies.套用句式套用句式1. 杰克由他当农民的祖父母抚养,从小就对植物杰克由他当农民的祖父母抚养,从小就对植物和昆虫产生了浓厚的兴趣。和昆虫产生了浓厚的兴趣

5、。2. 他主修医学,他主修医学,1989年在中山大学毕业并获得学年在中山大学毕业并获得学士学位。四年后,他出国留学深造。士学位。四年后,他出国留学深造。3. 凭着他的决心和毅力,他在两年内创下了多项凭着他的决心和毅力,他在两年内创下了多项世界纪录并在田径界获得了高度的评价。世界纪录并在田径界获得了高度的评价。4. 他不仅献身于志愿者工作,而且还全心全意为他不仅献身于志愿者工作,而且还全心全意为人民服务。人民服务。3. With great determination and perseverance, he set several world records within two years

6、and was thought highly of by the athletic circles.4. Not only did he devote himself to voluntary work, but also he was willing to serve people heart and soul. 5. 尽管他的相貌平凡,但是他有丰富的教学经验,尽管他的相貌平凡,但是他有丰富的教学经验,深得其他老师和学生的尊敬。深得其他老师和学生的尊敬。5. Ordinary-looking as he is, he has rich teaching experience and he i

7、s deeply respected by other teachers and students.习作修改习作修改(做短文改错,背经典范文做短文改错,背经典范文) Born in Ningbo City Zhejiang Province in December 1930, Tu Youyou show a strong interest in medicine while she was young. After graduated from Beijing Medical University in 1955, she worked on medical researches. On s

8、howed when graduating In January, 1969, she began to conduct experiments on difference drugs and medicine. Having tried over 380 time, she finally succeeded in developing artemisinin(青蒿素青蒿素). different times In spite of this achievement, she still devoted oneself to all kinds of medical researches,

9、aiming to find more effective drugs for humans healthy. Because her great contributions and devotion to the medical field, she was awarded for the Nobel Medical Prize in 2015, becoming world famous.herself health of 1. show showed文章叙述的是屠呦呦小时文章叙述的是屠呦呦小时候的事情,谓语动词要用过去时。候的事情,谓语动词要用过去时。2. while when用用whe

10、n引导时间状语从句,引导时间状语从句,表示表示“当当的时候的时候”。3. graduated graduating因为因为after在句中在句中是介词,后面的动词要用是介词,后面的动词要用ing形式。形式。4. On In月份前面用介词月份前面用介词in。5. difference different用形容词修饰名词用形容词修饰名词drugs。6. time times因为因为time表示次数的时候是可表示次数的时候是可数名词,故用复数。数名词,故用复数。7. oneself herself本句的主语是本句的主语是she,搭配是,搭配是devote oneself,故,故oneself要随主语

11、变化。要随主语变化。8. healthy health意思是意思是“人类的健康人类的健康”,故用名词形式。故用名词形式。9. Because后加后加of由于后面的由于后面的great contributions and devotion是名词词组,不是是名词词组,不是句子,因此要用句子,因此要用because of。10. 去掉去掉for因为因为be awarded sth. (被授予被授予)是固是固定搭配。定搭配。课堂练习课堂练习 为迎接北京申办为迎接北京申办2022年冬奥会成功,某英文报年冬奥会成功,某英文报开设了一个开设了一个“我最喜欢的体育运动员我最喜欢的体育运动员”专栏。请专栏。请用

12、英语写一篇短文,介绍你最喜爱的体育运动员,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你最喜爱的体育运动员,要点如下:要点如下:1. 该人物的基本信息该人物的基本信息(包括出生时间、地点、受教包括出生时间、地点、受教育状况等育状况等)。2. 该人物在运动生涯中所取得的成就。该人物在运动生涯中所取得的成就。3. 你喜欢他你喜欢他/她的理由。她的理由。注意:注意:1. 词数词数100左右。左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Lin Dan, also nicknamed “Super Dan”, was born in 1983 in Fujian Province. He i

13、s considered to be one of the most outstanding badminton players in the world. When he was young, he showed a strong interest in playing badminton. Then, he made great effort to play badminton and was admitted to the national team eventually. In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, he won the champion. But w

14、hat impresses me most is his wonderful performance in 2012 London Olympics, when he competed with another excellent player Li Zongwei. With his professional skills and perseverance, he overcame all the difficulties and finally won the competition, becoming the world champion. Because of this, his sp

15、irits will never stop influencing me, pushing me to work hard to achieve my goal.课外作业课外作业 感恩节将至,学校的广播站即将推出感恩节系感恩节将至,学校的广播站即将推出感恩节系列专题列专题“我要感恩我要感恩”。请你给广播站投稿,用。请你给广播站投稿,用英语写一篇文章,介绍一位你要感谢的人物,要英语写一篇文章,介绍一位你要感谢的人物,要点如下:点如下:1. 简单介绍该人物的基本信息。简单介绍该人物的基本信息。2. 叙述该人物与你之间发生的事情。叙述该人物与你之间发生的事情。3. 说明你为什么要感谢他说明你为什么要

16、感谢他/她。她。注意注意:1. 词数词数100左右。左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Mr. Zhang, a middle-aged man in his forties, is my math teacher. Ordinary-looking as he is, he is extraordinary in his work. I used to be poor at math. Seldom did I pass math examinations. However, he never looks down upon me, nor does

17、 he become fed up with my “silly” questions. Instead, he explains the knowledge to me patiently, keeps encouraging me and sparking my interest in learning math with lots of novel ways and ideas. Gradually, my math improved. I express my gratitude to him not only because of his profound knowledge as well as humorous teaching style, but also his devotion to work and patience with his students. He is really a good teacher who deserves my admiration and respect.



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