2022年初中数学知识点集合 2

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《2022年初中数学知识点集合 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年初中数学知识点集合 2(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes managed by the authority; responsible for the regulated enterprises new proje ct preparation, proactive coordinati on, responsible for new employee safety, technical trai ning; (I) the construction, reconstructi on and ex pa

2、nsion engineering design, construction, commissioni ng process management, supervision of construction and expansion project ready for production work; ensure that relevant state labor safety and industrial sanitation simultaneously with the principal part of the project desig n, constructi on, and

3、commissioni ng procedure implementation; (J) development of production information management system, establishi ng and perfecting the compa ny produces information management net work, post production operation management information in a timely manne r, gui ding the enterprise s to develop i nform

4、ation exchang e; (11) to contribute to the safety offered to praise or reward, to have those responsible for the acci dent, be criticized a nd punished; (12) actively promote the safety quality standardization, clean production work, exploring ne w management methods and means of production safety,

5、establishi ng the long-term mechanism of safe production; (13) according to the carbon company, combined with the companys actual , organized safety evaluation, critical inci dent management, technol ogy monitoring, dam safety, reliability, ma nagement, flood contr ol and other safety work, and che

6、ck for implementation; (14) in its investigation on an accident of personal death and above; unit of organization that belong to major accidents investigation; typical accident analysis system of the company, develop corrective actions. Supervision of four no principles implementation; complete acci

7、dent statistics, analysis, and reporting; Eighth: Workshop safety responsibilities for related infrastructure proje cts in the area of safety supervision, guidance, coordination, a nd assume the corresponding responsibility. (A) the implementation of national safety-related laws, regulations and ind

8、ustry codes, standards, supe rvision of implementation; (B) in accordance with the regulation s to the relevant departments for safety information, and to communicate and coordinate with the relevant departments on relevant issues; (C) supervision of dam safety and flood prevention work and timely r

9、eporting to the carbon company relevant information; (D) urged to report carbon the rules of safety indicators, reflect the internal safety critical issues; (E) the production of safe and civilized construction and infrastructure proje cts, such as checks, and urge rectification of identified proble

10、ms, significant problems in time to report to the company; (F) the related security supervision, inspection, assessment, technology monitoring, reliabi lity, management found in . (A) implementation of safety laws, regulations and safety regulations, requirements for parent company. Make perfect pro

11、duction safety rules, regulations and procedures; (B) according to the request of the parent company, this annual safety targets and implementation; (C) establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety at all levels strengthen safety assurance system and the functions of the sec

12、urity monitoring system; three-level safety net role into full play; four to realize safety production contr ol; (D) establishment of safety education and training system and dynamic assessment mechanism, enhance employees safety education, improving workers safety awareness; (E) establishment of te

13、chnology monitoring network, reliability management, improve the safety level of the equipment; (F) implementation of the safety management system of constructi on, norms and stre ngthening the safety management of outsourcing; (G) implement annual security technology protection measures a nd anti-a

14、cci dent measures plans, and ensure the implementation of two measures program; (H) safety evaluation of production, infrastructure, develop corrective action plans to check list, do the corrective work; (I) developing emergency response plan for accidents, establish critical incident response mecha

15、nisms, organizations plan drilling; (J) the organization security, elimination of production safety accidents i n a timely manner; (11) special e quipment, major hazards and the safe management of hazardous chemicals and special operations personnel; (12) the unit maintenance, technical innovation,

16、equipment maintenance a nd daily work such as defect elimination, strengthe n quality management of infrastructure projects; (13) the Organization w ill hold security meetings, monthly analysis. Find weaknesses in safety and to develop preventive measures; (14) the establishment of security system o

17、f rewards and punishments, serious security assessment, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff safety; (15) faithfully and promptly report se curity i nci dents. Adhere to the four no princi ples of accident prevention, avoid frequent or recur ring; (16) the timely, accurate and complete reporti

18、ng personal and equipment safety, unplanned outage times of pr oduction indicators, reflecting safety critical issues in a timely manner; (17) to establish a scientific mechanism of safety management and the use of advanced safety management methods, improve the level of safety management. Section I

19、II article tenth of rewards and punishments: safety responsibilities seriously, and made outstanding contributions t o the collective or individual, should be given material and spiritual rewards. The 11th article: carbon company and the w orkshop, the workshop with various teams, signing safety res

20、ponsibility between the team and the staff, upon completion of safety indicators and appr opriate recognition and rew ard. 12th: the carbon i nside the company, according to the Division of liability, punishment to the relevant department or unit heads and related personnel. 13th: thecompany incurs

21、major personal injury a cci dent and major equipment failure, serious fire accidents, major environmental poll ution accident. Punishments made by Group Chairman for approval. 14th: after an acci dent, of carbon according to the mandate and responsibilities of the company, give n by the carbon compa

22、ny. Fourth Sche dul e article 15th: under this approach, revision of this unit the units .一、常用数学公式公式分类公式表达式乘法与因式分解a2-b2=(a+b)(a-b) a3+b3=(a+b)(a2-ab+b2) a3-b3=(a-b(a2+ab+b2) 三角不等式|a+b|a|+|b| |a-b|a|+|b| |a|b-b a b |a-b|a|-|b| -|a| a|a| 一元二次方程的解-b+(b2-4ac)/2a -b-(b2-4ac)/2a 根与系数的关系X1+X2=-b/a X1*X2=c/

23、a 注:韦达定理判别式b2-4ac=0 注:方程有两个相等的实根b2-4ac0 注:方程有两个不等的实根b2-4ac0 时,一元二次方程有2 个不相等的实数根;II 当 =0 时,一元二次方程有2 个相同的实数根;III 当 B,A+CB+C 在不等式中,如果减去同一个数(或加上一个负数),不等式符号不改向;例如:AB ,A-CB-C 在不等式中,如果乘以同一个正数,不等号不改向;例如:AB ,A*CB*C (C0)在不等式中,如果乘以同一个负数,不等号改向;例如:AB ,A*CB*C (C0)如果不等式乘以0,那么不等号改为等号所以在题目中,要求出乘以的数,那么就要看看题中是否出现一元一次不

24、等式,如果出现了,那么不等式乘以的数就不等为0,否则不等式不成立;3、函数变量:因变量,自变量。在用图象表示变量之间的关系时,通常用水平方向的数轴上的点自变量,用竖直方向的数轴上的点表示因变量。一次函数:若两个变量X,Y 间的关系式可以表示成Y=KX+B (B 为常数, K 不等于 0)的形式,则称Y 是 X的一次函数。当B=0 时,称 Y 是 X 的正比例函数。一次函数的图象:把一个函数的自变量X 与对应的因变量Y 的值分别作为点的横坐标与纵坐标,在直角坐标系内描出它的对应点,所有这些点组成的图形叫做该函数的图象。正比例函数Y=KX的图象是经过原点的一条直线。在一次函数中,当K0,B O,则

25、经 234 象限;当K0,B0 时,则经 124 象限;当 K0,B0时,则经134 象限;当K0,B0 时,则经123 象限。当K0 时, Y 的值随 X 值的增大而增大,当X0时, Y 的值随 X 值的增大而减少。空间与图形A、图形的认识精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes managed by the authority; responsible for the

26、regulated enterprises new proje ct preparation, proactive coordinati on, responsible for new employee safety, technical trai ning; (I) the construction, reconstructi on and ex pansion engineering design, construction, commissioni ng process management, supervision of construction and expansion proje

27、ct ready for production work; ensure that relevant state labor safety and industrial sanitation simultaneously with the principal part of the project desig n, constructi on, and commissioni ng procedure implementation; (J) development of production information management system, establishi ng and pe

28、rfecting the compa ny produces information management network, post production operation management information in a timely manne r, gui ding the enterprise s to develop i nformation exchange; (11) to contribute to the safety offered to praise or reward, to have those responsible for the acci dent,

29、be criticized a nd punished; (12) actively promote the safety quality standardization, clean production work, exploring ne w management methods and means of production safety, establishi ng the long-term mechanism of safe production; (13) according to the carbon company, combined with the companys a

30、ctual , organized safety evaluation, critical inci dent management, technol ogy monitoring, dam safety, reliability, ma nagement, flood contr ol and other safety work, and che ck for implementation; (14) in its investigation on an accident of personal death and above; unit of organizat ion that belo

31、ng to major accidents investigation; typical accide nt analysis system of the company, develop corrective actions. Supervision of four no principles implementation; complete accident statistics, analysis, and reporting; Eighth: Workshop safety responsibilities for related infrastructure proje cts in

32、 the area of safety supervision, guidance, coordination, a nd assume the corresponding responsibility. (A) the implementation of national safety-related laws, regulations and industry codes, standards, supe rvision of implementation; (B) in accordance with the regulations to the relevant departments

33、 for safety information, and to communicate and coordinate with the relevant departments on relevant issues; (C) supervision of dam safety and flood prevention work and timely reporting to the carbon company relevant information; (D) urged to report carbon the rules of safety indicators, reflect the

34、 internal safety critical issues; (E) the production of safe and civilized construction and infrastructure proje cts, such as checks, and urge rectification of identified problems, significant problems in time to report to the company; (F) the related security supervision, inspection, assessment, te

35、chnology monitoring, reliability, management found in . (A) implementation of safety laws, regulations and safety regulations, requirements for parent company. Make perfect production safety rules, regulations and procedures; (B) according to the request of the parent company, this annual safety tar

36、gets and implementation; (C) establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety at all levels strengthen safety assurance system and the functions of the security monitoring system; three-level safety net role into full play; four to realize safety production contr ol; (D) establi

37、shment of safety education and training system and dynamic assessment mechanism, enhance employeessafety education, improving workers safety awareness; (E) establishment of technology monitoring network, reliability management, improve the safety level of the equipment; (F) implementation of the saf

38、ety management system of constructi on, norms and stre ngthening the safety management of outsourcing; (G) implement annual security technology protection measures and anti-acci dent measures plans, and ensure the implementation of two measures program; (H) safety evaluation of production, infrastru

39、cture, develop corrective action pl ans t o check list, do the corrective work; (I) developing emergency response plan for accidents, establish critical inci dent response mechanisms, organizations plan drilling; (J) the organization security, elimination of production safety accidents i n a timely

40、manner; (11) special equipment, major hazards and the safe management of hazardous chemicals and special operations personnel; (12) the unit maintenance, technical innovation, equi pment maintenance and daily work such as defect elimination, strengthe n quality management of infrastructure proje cts

41、; (13) the Organization w ill hold security meetings, monthly analysis. Find weaknesses in safety and to develop preventive measures; (14) the establishment of security system of rewards and punishments, serious security assessment, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff safety; (15) faithfully

42、and promptly report security incidents. Adhere to the four no princi ples of accident prevention, avoid frequent or recurring; (16) the timely, accurate and complete reporting personal and equipment safety, unplanne d outage times of production indicators, reflecting safety critical issues in a time

43、ly manner; (17) to establish a scientific mecha nism of safety management and the use of advanced safety management methods, improve the level of safety management. Section III article tenth of rewards and punishments: safety responsibilities seriously, and made outstanding contributions to the coll

44、 ective or indivi dual, shoul d be given material and spiritual rewards. The 11th article: carbon company and the workshop, the workshop with various teams, signing safety responsibility between t he team and the staff, upon completion of safety indicators and appr opriate recognition and reward. 12

45、th: the carbon inside the company, according to the Division of liability, punishment to the relevant department or unit heads and related per sonnel. 13th: the company incurs major personal injury a cci dent and major equipment failure, serious fire accidents, major environmental poll ution acciden

46、t. Punishments made by Group Chairman for approval. 14th: after an acci dent, of carbon according to the mandate and responsibilities of the company, give n by the carbon company. Fourth Sche dul e article 15th: under this approach, revision of this unit the units .6 1、点,线,面点,线,面:图形是由点,线,面构成的。面与面相交得

47、线,线与线相交得点。点动成线,线动成面,面动成体。展开与折叠:在棱柱中,任何相邻的两个面的交线叫做棱,侧棱是相邻两个侧面的交线,棱柱的所有侧棱长相等,棱柱的上下底面的形状相同,侧面的形状都是长方体。N 棱柱就是底面图形有N 条边的棱柱。截一个几何体:用一个平面去截一个图形,截出的面叫做截面。视图:主视图,左视图,俯视图。多边形:他们是由一些不在同一条直线上的线段依次首尾相连组成的封闭图形。弧、扇形:由一条弧和经过这条弧的端点的两条半径所组成的图形叫扇形。圆可以分割成若干个扇形。2、角线:线段有两个端点。将线段向一个方向无限延长就形成了射线。射线只有一个端点。将线段的两端无限延长就形成了直线。直

48、线没有端点。经过两点有且只有一条直线。比较长短:两点之间的所有连线中,线段最短。两点之间线段的长度,叫做这两点之间的距离。角的度量与表示:角由两条具有公共端点的射线组成,两条射线的公共端点是这个角的顶点。一度的1/60是一分,一分的1/60 是一秒。角的比较: 角也可以看成是由一条射线绕着他的端点旋转而成的。一条射线绕着他的端点旋转,当终边和始边成一条直线时,所成的角叫做平角。始边继续旋转,当他又和始边重合时,所成的角叫做周角。从一个角的顶点引出的一条射线,把这个角分成两个相等的角,这条射线叫做这个角的平分线。平行:同一平面内,不相交的两条直线叫做平行线。经过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线与这条

49、直线平行。如果两条直线都与第3 条直线平行,那么这两条直线互相平行。垂直:如果两条直线相交成直角,那么这两条直线互相垂直。互相垂直的两条直线的交点叫做垂足。平面内,过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直。垂直平分线:垂直和平分一条线段的直线叫垂直平分线。垂直平分线垂直平分的一定是线段,不能是射线或直线,这根据射线和直线可以无限延长有关,再看后面的,垂直平分线是一条直线,所以在画垂直平分线的时候,确定了2 点后(关于画法,后面会讲)一定要把线段穿出2点。垂直平分线定理:性质定理:在垂直平分线上的点到该线段两端点的距离相等;判定定理:到线段2端点距离相等的点在这线段的垂直平分线上角平分线:把一个角平

50、分的射线叫该角的角平分线。定义中有几个要点要注意一下的,就是角的角平分线是一条射线,不是线段也不是直线,很多时,在题目中会出现直线, 这是角平分线的对称轴才会用直线的,这也涉及到轨迹的问题,一个角个角平分线就是到角两边距离相等的点性质定理:角平分线上的点到该角两边的距离相等判定定理:到角的两边距离相等的点在该角的角平分线上正方形:一组邻边相等的矩形是正方形性质:正方形具有平行四边形、菱形、矩形的一切性质判定: 1、对角线相等的菱形2、邻边相等的矩形四、基本定理1、过两点有且只有一条直线2、两点之间线段最短3、同角或等角的补角相等4、同角或等角的余角相等5、过一点有且只有一条直线和已知直线垂直6

51、、直线外一点与直线上各点连接的所有线段中,垂线段最短7、平行公理经过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线与这条直线平行精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes managed by the authority; responsible for the regulated enterprise s new proje ct preparation, proactive coordin

52、ation, responsible for new employee safety, technical training; (I) the construction, reconstruction and expansion engineering design, construction, commissioning proce ss management, supervision of construction and expansion project ready for production w ork; ensure t hat relevant state labor safe

53、ty and industrial sanitation simultaneously with the principal part of the project design, construction, and commissioni ng procedure implementation; (J) development of production information management system, establishing and perfecting the company produces information management network, post pr

54、oduction operation management information in a timely manner, guiding the enterprise s to develop information exchange; (11) to contribute to the safety offered to praise or reward, to have those responsible for the accident, be criticized and punished; ( 12) actively promote the safety quality stan

55、dardization, clean production work, exploring new management methods and means of production safety, establishi ng the long-term mechanism of safe production; (13) according to the carbon company, combined wit h the companys actual, organized safety evaluation, critical incident management, technolo

56、gy monitoring, dam safety, reliability, management, flood control and other safety work, and check for implementation; (14) in its investigation on an accident of personal death and above; unit of organization that belong to major acci dents i nvestigation; typical accide nt analysis system of the c

57、ompany, develop corrective actions. Supervision of four no princi ples implementation; complete acci dent statistics, a nalysis, and reporting; Eighth: Workshop safety responsibilities for related infrastructure proje cts in the area of safety supervision, g uidance, coordination, and assume the cor

58、responding responsibility. (A) the implementation of national safety-related laws, regulations and i ndustry codes, standards, supervision of implementation; (B) in accorda nce with the regulations to the relevant departments for safety information, and to communicate and coor dinate with the releva

59、nt departments on relevant issues; (C) supervision of dam safety and flood prevention work and timely reporting to the carbon company relevant information; (D) urged to report carbon the rules of safety indicators, reflect the internal safety critical issues; (E) the production of safe and civilize

60、d construction and infrastructure proje cts, such as checks, and urge rectification of identified problems, significant problems in time to report to the company; (F) the related security supervision, inspection, assessment, technology monitoring, reliability, management found in . (A) implementatio

61、n of safety laws, regulations and safety regulations, requirements for parent compa ny. Make perfect production safety rules, regulations and procedures; (B) according to the request of the parent company, this annual safety targets and implementation; (C) establish and improve the responsibility sy

62、stem for production safety at all levels strengthe n safety assurance system and the functions of the security monitoring system; three-level safety net role into full play; four to realize safety production control; (D) establishment of safety education and training system and dynamic assessment me

63、chanism, enhance employee初一至初三数学知识点集合safety education, improving workers safety awareness; (E) establishment of technology monitoring network, reliability management, improve the safety level of the equipment; (F) implementation of the safety management system of constructi on, norms and stre ngthen

64、ing the safety management of outsourcing; (G) implement annual security technology protection measures and anti-acci dent measures plans, and ensure the implementation of two measures program; (H) safety evaluation of production, infrastructure, develop corrective action pl ans t o check list, do th

65、e corrective work; (I) developing emergency response plan for accidents, establish critical inci dent response mechanisms, organizations plan drilling; (J) the organization security, elimination of production safety accidents i n a timely manner; (11) special equipment, major hazards and the safe ma

66、nagement of hazardous chemicals a nd special operations personnel; (12) the unit maintenance, technical innovation, equi pment maintenance and daily work such as defect elimination, strengthe n quality management of infrastructure proje cts; (13) the Organization w ill hold security meetings, monthl

67、y analysis. Find weaknesses in safety and to develop preventive measures; (14) the establishment of security system of rewards and punishments, serious security assessment, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff safety; (15) faithfully and promptly report security incidents. Adhere to the four n

68、o princi ples of accident prevention, avoid frequent or recurring; (16) the timely, accurate and complete reporting personal and equipment safety, unplanne d outage times of production indicators, reflecting safety critical issues in a timely manner; (17) to establish a scientific mecha nism of safe

69、ty management and the use of advanced safety management methods, improve the level of safety management. Section III article tenth of rewards and punishments: safety responsibilities seriously, and made outst anding contributions to the coll ective or indivi dual, shoul d be given material and spiri

70、tual rewards. The 11th article: carbon company and the workshop, the workshop with various teams, signing safety responsibility between t he team and the staff, upon completion of safety indicators and appr opriate recognition and reward. 12th: the carbon inside the company, according to the Divisio

71、n of liability, punishment to the relevant department or unit heads and related per sonnel. 13th: the company incurs major personal injury a cci dent and major equipment failure, serious fire accidents, major environmental poll ution accident. Punishments made by Group Chairman for approval. 14th: a

72、fter an acci dent, of carbon according to the mandate and responsibilities of the company, give n by the carbon company. Fourth Sche dul e article 15th: under this approach, revision of this unit the units .7 8、如果两条直线都和第三条直线平行,这两条直线也互相平行9、同位角相等,两直线平行10、内错角相等,两直线平行11、同旁内角互补,两直线平行12、两直线平行,同位角相等13、两直线平

73、行,内错角相等14、两直线平行,同旁内角互补15、定理三角形两边的和大于第三边16、推论三角形两边的差小于第三边17、三角形内角和定理三角形三个内角的和等于18018、推论 1 直角三角形的两个锐角互余19、推论 2 三角形的一个外角等于和它不相邻的两个内角的和20、推论 3 三角形的一个外角大于任何一个和它不相邻的内角21、全等三角形的对应边、对应角相等22、边角边公理(SAS) 有两边和它们的夹角对应相等的两个三角形全等23、角边角公理( ASA) 有两角和它们的夹边对应相等的两个三角形全等24、推论 (AAS) 有两角和其中一角的对边对应相等的两个三角形全等25、边边边公理(SSS) 有

74、三边对应相等的两个三角形全等26、斜边、直角边公理(HL) 有斜边和一条直角边对应相等的两个直角三角形全等27、定理 1 在角的平分线上的点到这个角的两边的距离相等28、定理 2 到一个角的两边的距离相同的点,在这个角的平分线上29、角的平分线是到角的两边距离相等的所有点的集合30、等腰三角形的性质定理等腰三角形的两个底角相等(即等边对等角)31、推论 1 等腰三角形顶角的平分线平分底边并且垂直于底边32、等腰三角形的顶角平分线、底边上的中线和底边上的高互相重合33、推论 3 等边三角形的各角都相等,并且每一个角都等于6034、等腰三角形的判定定理如果一个三角形有两个角相等,那么这两个角所对的

75、边也相等(等角对等边)35、推论 1 三个角都相等的三角形是等边三角形36、推论2 有一个角等于60的等腰三角形是等边三角形37、在直角三角形中,如果一个锐角等于30那么它所对的直角边等于斜边的一半38、直角三角形斜边上的中线等于斜边上的一半39、定理线段垂直平分线上的点和这条线段两个端点的距离相等40、逆定理和一条线段两个端点距离相等的点,在这条线段的垂直平分线上41、线段的垂直平分线可看作和线段两端点距离相等的所有点的集合42、定理 1 关于某条直线对称的两个图形是全等形43、定理2 如果两个图形关于某直线对称,那么对称轴是对应点连线的垂直平分线44、定理 3 两个图形关于某直线对称,如果

76、它们的对应线段或延长线相交,那么交点在对称轴上45、逆定理如果两个图形的对应点连线被同一条直线垂直平分,那么这两个图形关于这条直线对称46、勾股定理直角三角形两直角边a、b 的平方和、等于斜边c 的平方,即a2+b2=c2 47、勾股定理的逆定理如果三角形的三边长a、b、c 有关系 a2+b2=c2,那么这个三角形是直角三角形48、定理四边形的内角和等于36049、四边形的外角和等于36050、多边形内角和定理n 边形的内角的和等于(n-2) 18051、推论任意多边的外角和等于36052、平行四边形性质定理1 平行四边形的对角相等精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

77、 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes managed by the authority; responsible for the regulated enterprises new proje ct preparation, proactive coordinati on, responsible for new employee safety, technical trai ning; (I) the construction,

78、 reconstructi on and ex pansion engineering design, construction, commissioni ng process management, supervision of construction and expansion project ready for production work; ensure that relevant state labor safety and industrial sanitation simultaneously with the principal part of the project de

79、sig n, constructi on, and commissioni ng procedure implementation; (J) development of production information management system, establishi ng and perfecting the compa ny produces information management network, post production operation management information in a timely manne r, gui ding the enterp

80、rise s to develop i nformation exchange; (11) to contribute to the safety offered to praise or reward, to have those responsible for the acci dent, be criticized a nd punished; (12) actively promote the safety quality standardization, clean production work, exploring ne w management methods and mean

81、s of production safety, establishi ng the long-term mechanism of safe production; (13) according to the carbon company, combined with the companys actual , organized safety evaluation, critical inci dent management, technol ogy monitoring, dam safety, reliability, ma nagement, flood contr ol and oth

82、er safety work, and che ck for implementation; (14) in its investigation on an accident of personal death and above; unit of organizat ion that belong to major accidents investigation; typical accide nt analysis system of the company, develop corrective actions. Supervision of four no principles imp

83、lementation; complete accident statistics, analysis, and reporting; Eighth: Workshop safety responsibilities for related infrastructure proje cts in the area of safety supervision, guidance, coordination, a nd assume the corresponding responsibility. (A) the implementation of national safety-related

84、 laws, regulations and industry codes, standards, supe rvision of implementation; (B) in accordance with the regulations to the relevant departments for safety information, and to communicate and coordinate with the relevant departments on relevant issues; (C) supervision of dam safety and flood pre

85、vention work and timely reporting to the carbon company relevant information; (D) urged to report carbon the rules of safety indicators, reflect the internal safety critical issues; (E) the production of safe and civilized construction and infrastructure proje cts, such as checks, and urge rectifica

86、tion of identified problems, significant problems in time to report to the company; (F) the related security supervision, inspection, assessment, technology monitoring, reliability, management found in . (A) implementation of safety laws, regulations and safety regulations, requirements for parent c

87、ompany. Make perfect production safety rules, regulations and procedures; (B) according to the request of the parent company, this annual safety targets and implementation; (C) establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety at all levels strengthen safety assurance system and

88、the functions of the security monitoring system; three-level safety net role into full play; four to realize safety production contr ol; (D) establishment of safety education and training system and dynamic assessment mechanism, enhance employeessafety education, improving workers safety awareness;

89、(E) establishment of technology monitoring network, reliability management, improve the safety level of the equipment; (F) implementation of the safety management system of constructi on, norms and stre ngthening the safety management of outsourcing; (G) implement annual security technology protecti

90、on measures and anti-acci dent measures plans, and ensure the implementation of two measures program; (H) safety evaluation of production, infrastructure, develop corrective action pl ans t o check list, do the corrective work; (I) developing emergency response plan for accidents, establish critical

91、 inci dent response mechanisms, organizations plan drilling; (J) the organization security, elimination of production safety accidents i n a timely manner; (11) special equipment, major hazards and the safe management of hazardous chemicals and special operations personnel; (12) the unit maintenance

92、, technical innovation, equi pment maintenance and daily work such as defect elimination, strengthe n quality management of infrastructure proje cts; (13) the Organization w ill hold security meetings, monthly analysis. Find weaknesses in safety and to develop preventive measures; (14) the establish

93、ment of security system of rewards and punishments, serious security assessment, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff safety; (15) faithfully and promptly report security incidents. Adhere to the four no princi ples of accident prevention, avoid frequent or recurring; (16) the timely, accurate

94、 and complete reporting personal and equipment safety, unplanne d outage times of production indicators, reflecting safety critical issues in a timely manner; (17) to establish a scientific mecha nism of safety management and the use of advanced safety management methods, improve the level of safety

95、 management. Section III article tenth of rewards and punishments: safety responsibilities seriously, and made outstanding contributions to the coll ective or indivi dual, shoul d be given material and spiritual rewards. The 11th article: carbon company and the workshop, the workshop with various te

96、ams, signing safety responsibility between t he team and the staff, upon completion of safety indicators and appr opriate recognition and reward. 12th: the carbon inside the company, according to the Division of liability, punishment to the relevant department or unit heads and related per sonnel. 1

97、3th: the company incurs major personal injury a cci dent and major equipment failure, serious fire accidents, major environmental poll ution accident. Punishments made by Group Chairman for approval. 14th: after an acci dent, of carbon according to the mandate and responsibilities of the company, gi

98、ve n by the carbon company. Fourth Sche dul e article 15th: under this approach, revision of this unit the units .8 53、平行四边形性质定理2 平行四边形的对边相等54、推论夹在两条平行线间的平行线段相等55、平行四边形性质定理3 平行四边形的对角线互相平分56、平行四边形判定定理1 两组对角分别相等的四边形是平行四边形57、平行四边形判定定理2 两组对边分别相等的四边形是平行四边形58、平行四边形判定定理3 对角线互相平分的四边形是平行四边形59、平行四边形判定定理4 一组对边

99、平行相等的四边形是平行四边形60、矩形性质定理1 矩形的四个角都是直角61、矩形性质定理2 矩形的对角线相等62、矩形判定定理1 有三个角是直角的四边形是矩形63、矩形判定定理2 对角线相等的平行四边形是矩形64、菱形性质定理1 菱形的四条边都相等65、菱形性质定理2 菱形的对角线互相垂直,并且每一条对角线平分一组对角66、菱形面积 =对角线乘积的一半,即S=(a b) 2 67、菱形判定定理1 四边都相等的四边形是菱形68、菱形判定定理2 对角线互相垂直的平行四边形是菱形69、正方形性质定理1 正方形的四个角都是直角,四条边都相等70、正方形性质定理2 正方形的两条对角线相等,并且互相垂直平

100、分,每条对角线平分一组对角71、定理 1 关于中心对称的两个图形是全等的72、定理 2 关于中心对称的两个图形,对称点连线都经过对称中心,并且被对称中心平分73、逆定理如果两个图形的对应点连线都经过某一点,并且被这一点平分,那么这两个图形关于这一点对称74、等腰梯形性质定理等腰梯形在同一底上的两个角相等75、等腰梯形的两条对角线相等76、等腰梯形判定定理在同一底上的两个角相等的梯形是等腰梯形77、对角线相等的梯形是等腰梯形78、平行线等分线段定理如果一组平行线在一条直线上截得的线段相等,那么在其他直线上截得的线段也相等79、推论 1 经过梯形一腰的中点与底平行的直线,必平分另一腰80、推论 2

101、 经过三角形一边的中点与另一边平行的直线,必平分第三边81、三角形中位线定理三角形的中位线平行于第三边,并且等于它的一半82、梯形中位线定理梯形的中位线平行于两底,并且等于两底和的一半L=(a+b) 2 S=Lh 83、(1)比例的基本性质:如果a:b=c:d,那么 ad=bc 如果ad=bc ,那么 a:b=c:d 84、(2)合比性质:如果ab=c d,那么 (ab)b=(cd)d 85、(3)等比性质:如果ab=c d=m n(b+d+n 0), 那么 (a+c+m)(b+d+n)=ab 86、平行线分线段成比例定理三条平行线截两条直线,所得的对应线段成比例87、推论平行于三角形一边的直

102、线截其他两边(或两边的延长线),所得的对应线段成比例88、定理如果一条直线截三角形的两边(或两边的延长线)所得的对应线段成比例,那么这条直线平行于三角形的第三边89、平行于三角形的一边,并且和其他两边相交的直线,所截得的三角形的三边与原三角形三边对应成比例90、定理平行于三角形一边的直线和其他两边(或两边的延长线)相交,所构成的三角形与原三角形相似91、相似三角形判定定理1 两角对应相等,两三角形相似(ASA)92、直角三角形被斜边上的高分成的两个直角三角形和原三角形相似93、判定定理2 两边对应成比例且夹角相等,两三角形相似(SAS)94、判定定理3 三边对应成比例,两三角形相似(SSS)9

103、5、定理如果一个直角三角形的斜边和一条直角边与另一个直角三角形的斜边和一条直角边对应成比例,那么这两个直角三角形相似96、性质定理1 相似三角形对应高的比,对应中线的比与对应角平分线的比都等于相似比精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes managed by the authority; responsible for the regulated enterprise s

104、 new proje ct preparation, proactive coordination, responsible for new employee safety, technical training; (I) the construction, reconstruction and expansion engineering design, construction, commissioning proce ss management, supervision of construction and expansion project ready for production w

105、 ork; ensure t hat relevant state labor safety and industrial sanitation simultaneously with the principal part of the project design, construction, and commissioni ng procedure implementation; (J) development of production information management system, establishing and perfecting the company produ

106、ces information management network, post pr oduction operation management information in a timely manner, guiding the enterprise s to develop information exchange; (11) to contribute to the safety offered to praise or reward, to have those responsible for the accident, be criticized and punished; (

107、12) actively promote the safety quality standardization, clean production work, exploring new management methods and means of production safety, establishi ng the long-term mechanism of safe production; (13) according to the carbon company, combined wit h the companys actual, organized safety evalua

108、tion, critical incident management, technology monitoring, dam safety, reliability, management, flood control and other safety work, and check for implementation; (14) in its investigation on an accident of personal death and above; unit of organization that belong to major acci dents i nvestigation

109、; typical accide nt analysis system of the company, develop corrective actions. Supervision of four no princi ples implementation; complete acci dent statistics, a nalysis, and reporting; Eighth: Workshop safety responsibilities for related infrastructure proje cts in the area of safety supervision,

110、 g uidance, coordination, and assume the corresponding responsibility. (A) the implementation of national safety-related laws, regulations and i ndustry codes, standards, supervision of implementation; (B) in accorda nce with the regulations to the relevant departments for safety information, and to

111、 communicate and coor dinate with the relevant departments on relevant issues; (C) supervision of dam safety and flood prevention work and timely reporting to the carbon company relevant information; (D) urged to report carbon the rules of safety indicators, reflect the internal safety critical issu

112、es; (E) the production of safe and civilize d construction and infrastructure proje cts, such as checks, and urge rectification of identified problems, significant problems in time to report to the company; (F) the related security supervision, inspection, assessment, technology monitoring, reliabil

113、ity, management found in . (A) implementation of safety laws, regulations and safety regulations, requirements for parent compa ny. Make perfect production safety rules, regulations and procedures; (B) according to the request of the parent company, this annual safety targets and implementation; (C)

114、 establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety at all levels strengthe n safety assurance system and the functions of the security monitoring system; three-level safety net role into full play; four to realize safety production control; (D) establishment of safety education a

115、nd training system and dynamic assessment mechanism, enhance employee初一至初三数学知识点集合safety education, improving workers safety awareness; (E) establishment of technology monitoring network, reliability management, improve the safety level of the equipment; (F) implementation of the safety management sy

116、stem of constructi on, norms and stre ngthening the safety management of outsourcing; (G) implement annual security technology protection measures and anti-acci dent measures plans, and ensure the implementation of two measures program; (H) safety evaluation of production, infrastructure, develop co

117、rrective action pl ans t o check list, do the corrective work; (I) developing emergency response plan for accidents, establish critical inci dent response mechanisms, organizations plan drilling; (J) the organization security, elimination of production safety accidents i n a timely manner; (11) spec

118、ial equipment, major hazards and the safe management of hazardous chemicals a nd special operations personnel; (12) the unit maintenance, technical innovation, equi pment maintenance and daily work such as defect elimination, strengthe n quality management of infrastructure proje cts; (13) the Organ

119、ization w ill hold security meetings, monthly analysis. Find weaknesses in safety and to develop preventive measures; (14) the establishment of security system of rewards and punishments, serious security assessment, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff safety; (15) faithfully and promptly rep

120、ort security incidents. Adhere to the four no princi ples of accident prevention, avoid frequent or recurring; (16) the timely, accurate and complete reporting personal and equipment safety, unplanne d outage times of production indicators, reflecting safety critical issues in a timely manner; (17)

121、to establish a scientific mecha nism of safety management and the use of advanced safety management methods, improve the level of safety management. Section III article tenth of rewards and punishments: safety responsibilities seriously, and made outst anding contributions to the coll ective or indi

122、vi dual, shoul d be given material and spiritual rewards. The 11th article: carbon company and the workshop, the workshop with various teams, signing safety responsibility between t he team and the staff, upon completion of safety indicators and appr opriate recognition and reward. 12th: the carbon

123、inside the company, according to the Division of liability, punishment to the relevant department or unit heads and related per sonnel. 13th: the company incurs major personal injury a cci dent and major equipment failure, serious fire accidents, major environmental poll ution accident. Punishments

124、made by Group Chairman for approval. 14th: after an acci dent, of carbon according to the mandate and responsibilities of the company, give n by the carbon company. Fourth Sche dul e article 15th: under this approach, revision of this unit the units .9 97、性质定理2 相似三角形周长的比等于相似比98、性质定理3 相似三角形面积的比等于相似比的


126、且距离相等的一条直线109、定理不在同一直线上的三点确定一个圆。110、垂径定理垂直于弦的直径平分这条弦并且平分弦所对的两条弧111、推论 1 平分弦(不是直径)的直径垂直于弦,并且平分弦所对的两条弧弦的垂直平分线经过圆心,并且平分弦所对的两条弧平分弦所对的一条弧的直径,垂直平分弦,并且平分弦所对的另一条弧112、推论 2 圆的两条平行弦所夹的弧相等113、圆是以圆心为对称中心的中心对称图形114、定理在同圆或等圆中,相等的圆心角所对的弧相等,所对的弦相等,所对的弦的弦心距相等115、推论在同圆或等圆中,如果两个圆心角、两条弧、两条弦或两弦的弦心距中有一组量相等那么它们所对应的其余各组量都相等

127、116、定理一条弧所对的圆周角等于它所对的圆心角的一半117、推论 1 同弧或等弧所对的圆周角相等;同圆或等圆中,相等的圆周角所对的弧也相等118、推论 2 半圆(或直径)所对的圆周角是直角;90的圆周角所对的弦是直径119、推论 3 如果三角形一边上的中线等于这边的一半,那么这个三角形是直角三角形120、定理圆的内接四边形的对角互补,并且任何一个外角都等于它的内对角121、直线L 和 O 相交dr 直线 L 和 O 相切d=r 直线 L 和 O 相离dr 122、切线的判定定理经过半径的外端并且垂直于这条半径的直线是圆的切线123、切线的性质定理圆的切线垂直于经过切点的半径124、推论 1

128、经过圆心且垂直于切线的直线必经过切点125、推论 2 经过切点且垂直于切线的直线必经过圆心126、切线长定理从圆外一点引圆的两条切线,它们的切线长相等圆心和这一点的连线平分两条切线的夹角127、圆的外切四边形的两组对边的和相等128、弦切角定理弦切角等于它所夹的弧对的圆周角129、推论如果两个弦切角所夹的弧相等,那么这两个弦切角也相等130、相交弦定理圆内的两条相交弦,被交点分成的两条线段长的积相等131、推论如果弦与直径垂直相交,那么弦的一半是它分直径所成的两条线段的比例中项132、切割线定理从圆外一点引圆的切线和割线,切线长是这点到割线与圆交点的两条线段长的比例中项133、推论从圆外一点引

129、圆的两条割线,这一点到每条割线与圆的交点的两条线段长的积相等134、如果两个圆相切,那么切点一定在连心线上精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes managed by the authority; responsible for the regulated enterprises new proje ct preparation, proactive coordinati

130、 on, responsible for new employee safety, technical trai ning; (I) the construction, reconstructi on and ex pansion engineering design, construction, commissioni ng process management, supervision of construction and expansion project ready for production work; ensure that relevant state labor safet

131、y and industrial sanitation simultaneously with the principal part of the project desig n, constructi on, and commissioni ng procedure implementation; (J) development of production information management system, establishi ng and perfecting the compa ny produces information management network, post

132、production operation management information in a timely manne r, gui ding the enterprise s to develop i nformation exchange; (11) to contribute to the safety offered to praise or reward, to have those responsible for the acci dent, be criticized a nd punished; (12) actively promote the safety qualit

133、y standardization, clean production work, exploring ne w management methods and means of production safety, establishi ng the long-term mechanism of safe production; (13) according to the carbon company, combined with the companys actual , organized safety evaluation, critical inci dent management,

134、technol ogy monitoring, dam safety, reliability, ma nagement, flood contr ol and other safety work, and che ck for implementation; (14) in its investigation on an accident of personal death and above; unit of organizat ion that belong to major accidents investigation; typical accide nt analysis syst

135、em of the company, develop corrective actions. Supervision of four no principles implementation; complete accident statistics, analysis, and reporting; Eighth: Workshop safety responsibilities for related infrastructure proje cts in the area of safety supervision, guidance, coordination, a nd assume

136、 the corresponding responsibility. (A) the implementation of national safety-related laws, regulations and industry codes, standards, supe rvision of implementation; (B) in accordance with the regulations to the relevant departments for safety information, and to communicate and coordinate with the

137、relevant departments on relevant issues; (C) supervision of dam safety and flood prevention work and timely reporting to the carbon company relevant information; (D) urged to report carbon the rules of safety indicators, reflect the internal safety critical issues; (E) the production of safe and civ

138、ilized construction and infrastructure proje cts, such as checks, and urge rectification of identified problems, significant problems in time to report to the company; (F) the related security supervision, inspection, assessment, technology monitoring, reliability, management found in . (A) implemen

139、tation of safety laws, regulations and safety regulations, requirements for parent company. Make perfect production safety rules, regulations and procedures; (B) according to the request of the parent company, this annual safety targets and implementation; (C) establish and improve the responsibilit

140、y system for production safety at all levels strengthen safety assurance system and the functions of the security monitoring system; three-level safety net role into full play; four to realize safety production contr ol; (D) establishment of safety education and training system and dynamic assessmen

141、t mechanism, enhance employeessafety education, improving workers safety awareness; (E) establishment of technology monitoring network, reliability management, improve the safety level of the equipment; (F) implementation of the safety management system of constructi on, norms and stre ngthening the

142、 safety management of outsourcing; (G) implement annual security technology protection measures and anti-acci dent measures plans, and ensure the implementation of two measures program; (H) safety evaluation of production, infrastructure, develop corrective action pl ans t o check list, do the corre

143、ctive work; (I) developing emergency response plan for accidents, establish critical inci dent response mechanisms, organizations plan drilling; (J) the organization security, elimination of production safety accidents i n a timely manner; (11) special equipment, major hazards and the safe managemen

144、t of hazardous chemicals and special operations personnel; (12) the unit maintenance, technical innovation, equi pment maintenance and daily work such as defect elimination, strengthe n quality management of infrastructure proje cts; (13) the Organization w ill hold security meetings, monthly analys

145、is. Find weaknesses in safety and to develop preventive measures; (14) the establishment of security system of rewards and punishments, serious security assessment, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff safety; (15) faithfully and promptly report security incidents. Adhere to the four no princi

146、 ples of accident prevention, avoid frequent or recurring; (16) the timely, accurate and complete reporting personal and equipment safety, unplanne d outage times of production indicators, reflecting safety critical issues in a timely manner; (17) to establish a scientific mecha nism of safety manag

147、ement and the use of advanced safety management methods, improve the level of safety management. Section III article tenth of rewards and punishments: safety responsibilities seriously, and made outstanding contributions to the coll ective or indivi dual, shoul d be given material and spiritual rewa

148、rds. The 11th article: carbon company and the workshop, the workshop with various teams, signing safety responsibility between t he team and the staff, upon completion of safety indicators and appr opriate recognition and reward. 12th: the carbon inside the company, according to the Division of liab

149、ility, punishment to the relevant department or unit heads and related per sonnel. 13th: the company incurs major personal injury a cci dent and major equipment failure, serious fire accidents, major environmental poll ution accident. Punishments made by Group Chairman for approval. 14th: after an a

150、cci dent, of carbon according to the mandate and responsibilities of the company, give n by the carbon company. Fourth Sche dul e article 15th: under this approach, revision of this unit the units .10 135、两圆外离dR+r 两圆外切d=R+r两圆相交R-rdR+r(Rr) 两圆内切d=R-r(R r) 两圆内含d R-r(Rr) 136、定理相交两圆的连心线垂直平分两圆的公共弦137、定理把圆

151、分成n(n3): 依次连结各分点所得的多边形是这个圆的内接正n 边形经过各分点作圆的切线,以相邻切线的交点为顶点的多边形是这个圆的外切正n 边形138、定理任何正多边形都有一个外接圆和一个内切圆,这两个圆是同心圆139、正 n 边形的每个内角都等于(n-2) 180 n 140、定理正 n 边形的半径和边心距把正n 边形分成2n 个全等的直角三角形141、正 n 边形的面积Sn=pnrn2 p 表示正 n 边形的周长142、正三角形面积3a4 a表示边长143、如果在一个顶点周围有k 个正 n 边形的角, 由于这些角的和应为360,因此 k(n-2)180 n=360化为(n-2)(k-2)=4 144、弧长计算公式:L=n 兀 R 180 145、扇形面积公式:S 扇形 =n 兀 R2360=LR 2 146、内公切线长= d-(R-r) 外公切线长 = d-(R+r) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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