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1、120242024 年辽宁高考扣题卷(一)年辽宁高考扣题卷(一)英语试卷参考答案英语试卷参考答案听力:15 BCBAC610 CBAAA1115 CBCAC1620 BACBA阅读理解:21-23 AAB24-27 DBBA28-31 CDBA32-35 BCAD七选五:36-40 EGBCD完形填空:41-45 DBACB46-50 CDABA51-55 DCBAD语法填空:56.beginning57.largest58.on59.the60.Symbolically61.where62.visitors63.to show64.religious65.is celebrated应用文:P

2、ossible version:How to Spend Time ProperlyTime is more precious than any possessions.It is equal to everyone.How you spend thatvaluable time determines the quality of your life.There are three rules for effective time management.Firstly,dont try to work full-timeand take a full load.Be reasonable ab

3、out how much work you can do.Secondly,make a list of allthe things that you need to get done in a given time.Put the tasks in order ofimportance and delete any unimportant items.Thirdly,avoid lack of focus.Personal phone callsand emails can easily disturb your workday progress.Lets make good use of

4、time to make our life colorful and meaningful.读后续写:Possible version:The boy went home and thought about it long and hard.He was in dilemma and couldntfind way out.He asked his father what he should do.His father said,“Look,son,you have tomake up your own mind on this.However,I think it is a very imp

5、ortant decision for you.”Finally,after sitting with it for a week,the boy turned in the same paper,making no changes at all.Hestated,“You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.”Many years later,the same school teacher brought 30 kids to camp on a horse ranch ownedby Monty Roberts.Recognizing Monty,th

6、e teacher felt ashamed.When he was leaving,he said,“Look,Monty,I can tell you this now.When I was your teacher,I was something of a dreamstealer.During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams.Fortunately you had enough courage anddetermination not to give up on yours.”He continued,“I will encourage

7、 my students not to letanyone steal their dreams and to follow their heart,no matter what happens.”2听力原文:Text 1W:Im afraid Ill miss the concert if it doesnt stop raining right now.M:Can I give you a lift?Text 2M:You look tired.Where have you been?W:I planned to see the doctor,but I needed to meet my

8、 parents at the railway station.Text 3W:How do you like the house,dear?M:I find it not big enough.The bedroom is OK,but the kitchen and the bathroom are too small.Text 4M:Its a cold and wet day.Did you get wet coming to school?W:No,I didnt.But I hate this kind of weather.The wind seems like it blows

9、 right through you.Iwas shivering with cold while waiting for the bus.Its freezing!Text 5W:Id like to go to the movies this weekend.How can I find a good movie?M:Just check the Reader.Here.If you find one worthwhile,let me know.I might go along.W:Oh!Theres a complete listing of whats playingText 6M:

10、Wow,youre all dressed up.Where are you going?W:My friend invited me to his house for dinner.I just need one more thing and Ill be all set.M:Whats that?You look good to me.W:I want to buy some flowers to take.Its the first time Ive been to his house.M:Thats a nice idea.W:Yes.My mother always taught m

11、e never to go to a persons house empty-handed,at least notfor the first time.Text 7M:Mary,have you set the table for your friends?W:Yes,dad.I have prepared four places.M:You may prepare just three places.Michaels mother telephoned.She said that Michael had atemperature.So he was not able to come.W:W

12、hat bad news!Did Michaels mother sound worried?M:Yes,of course.W:I hope everything goes well.Ill ring up Michael later.M:And she said that your mother and I could use their tickets to see a film named Cast Away afterthe dinner since they are not able to go.W:I am sure that my mother will be surprise

13、d and happy.Text 8W:So how was your trip to San Francisco,John?M:Oh,pretty good,mostly.W:Mostly?What do you mean?M:Well,it started off OK.Then I looked around a small town.And the food there was terrible.W:Really?M:Yeah.One day I decided to rent a car.I wanted to get out of the city and look around.

14、3W:Were you on your own?M:Uh-huh.So first I drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and stopped to take some photos.Unfortunately,while I was driving I had a slight accident.W:What happened?M:I ran off the road and hit a tree.W:Oh,no.Were you hurt?M:No.But I had to leave the car and take a taxi all the

15、way back to the hotel.It cost me a lot.W:Oh,no.What a vacation!Text 9M:Did you hear what happened at lunchtime?W:No,tell me.M:Mick and Tommy managed to cause trouble again.W:Those two!They are always causing troubles!What was it this time?M:They decided to go to Larrys Cafe for lunch.W:But theyre no

16、t allowed to go there!M:Thats right.As soon as the manager saw them,he asked them to leave.W:Did they leave?M:Of course not.Mick started shouting.He said he didnt want to eat there and that the food wasterrible.W:Oh,no!M:And Tommy started smoking and then dropped his cigarette in someones food.W:What did the manager do?M:Phone the school.The principal went straight there,but Tommy and Mick had left before shegot there.She asked the manager to describe the boys.She knew who they were straight awa


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