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1、中学英语语法综合练习 佚名 来源:搜集整理 点击数:101 更新时间:2006-12-15 文章录入:Sunny 【字体: 字体颜色】1. Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one exam after another.A. is B. are C. am D. be1. A library with five thousand books _ to the nation as a gift.A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered2. When

2、and where to build the new factory _ yet.A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided3. The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were4. A needle and thread _ given to her, b

3、ut she couldnt sew the button on.A. were B. has C. was D. have5. Early to bed and early to rise _ a man healthy, wealthy and wise.A. makes B. make C. have D. let6. No teacher and no student _ to attend the meeting.A. have B. is C. are D. had gone7. Each pen and each paper _ in its place.A. are found

4、 B. is founded C. is found D. are looked for8. Four-fifths of the wheat in the room _ good.A. have been B. are C. were D. is9. In our country, every boy and every girl _ the right to obtain education.A. have B. has C. are to have D. are going to have10. The workers elected him _ head of the factory.

5、A. the B. a C. / d. one11. _ doctors and _ nurses should care for their patients.A. The; the B. /; / C. The; / D. /; the12. We always have _ rice for _ lunch.A. the; / B. /; a C. the; the D. /; /13. _ Einsteins did manage to send _ Einstein to a technical school.A. /; a B. An; an C. The; / D. /; /14

6、. The teacher entered the classroom, _ book in _ hand.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. /; /15. After graduation, Jack turned _.A. a writer B. the writer C. writer D. writers16. _ can conquer nature.A. The man B. A man C. The men D. Man17. Most animals have little connection with _ animals of _ diffe

7、rent kind unless they kill them for food. A. the; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; the18. The number of students in this school is larger than _.A. that B. that in them C. those in theirs D. that in theirs19. _ six years since I began studying English.A. They are B. It was C. It is D. It had been20. Seld

8、om have I heard _ beautiful music.A. so B. such C. those D. how21. _ visitors here can answer this question.A. any B. A few of C. Neither of D. None22. _ them are hard-working students. Some are very lazy.A. None of B. Neither of C. Not all of D. Any of23. _ of the rooms is about sixteen square metr

9、es.A. Every B. Both C. All D. Each24. There is _ hope of finishing the job in time, what should we do?A. a little B. little C. less D. few25. After his death, Mrs Smith had _ money at all.A. none B. any C. no D. not26. Have you any books on geography? Id like to borrow _.A. them B. it C. some D. any

10、27. Every few _ along the Great Wall there are some watch towers.A. hundreds metres B. hundred metresC. hundreds of metres D. hundred of metres28. _ of the students in our class are from the north.A. Two-ninth B. Two-ninth C. Two-ninths D. Two-ninths29. There were _ people in the room.A. two score o

11、f B. two scores of C. two score D. two scores31. - Is the flower beautiful? -Yes., at _, its _ the one you bought for me.A . last ; as bad as B . last ; no better thanC . least ; not better than D . least ; no worse than32. Only _ as an interpreter _ how important it was to practise speaking English

12、.A. when did I work, I realized B. when did I work, did I realizeC. when I work, did I realize D. when I worked, did I realize33. - What happened? -As if from _, the man appeared, which frightened me much. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere34. David is second to none in maths in our c

13、lass, but believe it or not, he _ passedthe last exam. A. easily B. hardly C. actually D. successfully35. -John, lets take a walk before we start our work. -Oh, I think, its _ for walking. A. much too hot B. too much heat C. very much tot D. very much heat36. Staying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in dormitory for a week. A. twice than B. twice as much as C. as much



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