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1、扬州工 业职 业 技 术 学 院教 师 教 案206-2007学年 第 2学期课 程 大学英语 任课教师 刘亚栋 授课班级 61钻井技术 总 课时 60 大学英语课 程 授 课计 划 表2006 07 学年 第 二 学期 钻井技术 一年级用周次序号授课章节章 节 名 称 或 课 题备注 41Uit iestylRading :hildren? Yuve GotoBe idding Exercis2aing B: otal nvoved in “Cyber”Lifestl Gammar/ Exercises5Readn C:British ture/ Lii/rn /Execises 4Pese

2、ntaion/Seaking/Exercse5nit 2EnvineneadingA: Cleaig their in our ffi/ xercises6Lisening/ Reading B: Air Pllution, Grmmr/ Exeies77Redng : Beefisfom Groing Tres/Writing/ Exercise8Prsentatin/Speang/ Exercse89Ut 3MoyReing : MoneyMyths Ecises1Liseig/ Readin : IMoney a Mjor Cfictig/ Gmr Execses91Reading /

3、Writng/Exrcses1UnitAdersineading: dveriin/ Exercises113Lienig/ RadgB: he Parax of Advtisin/ Gar/ Execis14Readng:What vetising?/Writng/ ExerciTest IRevsion Test (Uni )1216Unit 5Entertainmtding A:ouPotato/ ExcisListeng/ eadigB: Wht look orin a i Grma/Exercise1318Readin C:Musian Me/ Wriing/ Exerciss制订人

4、 孙丽娟 教研组长 郭宝霞 大学英语课程 授 课计划 表2006207 学年 第二学期 钻井技术一年级用9Ut 6CaerWomeading A: Creer WomenExecies420Lseing/Rain B: areeroFamly? Gramma Exrcises21Reaing C: Job DreasCrate aemma/ Wtng/rses2Unt 7ealthReadn A: Will WeEver B Immrtal Exerciss23istenin/RaingB: Unproven Traen/Grmm/ Execses162Reading C: Teen moki

5、ng/ Wrting Exercis25Unit shiRedng A: Captal Punishmnt Is theOnlyTre Justic/ Exercises1726Liseig Readi B: Capita PunismentIsa Mut/ Grama ExersesRading C: eenIsNt ancus Writig/xerciss828Test IReviso Tst (Unt5 8)29General RevionUnt -83Fina Ex制订人 孙丽娟 教研组长 郭宝霞扬州工业职业技术学院 教 案序 号1周 次授课形式etue& Practic授课章节名称n

6、t 1: Readig A:Childen? Youvgot b kding /Exerces教 学 目 的1. Stdents canett min a or fn sespcific nfraton in the assage。 Stens areprepare to eal ithopic.教 学 重 点RadiA教 学难点Lanage oint使 用 教 具Taperecrder 课 外作 业Leant kesentenesad th mptapaage。课 后 体 会授 课 主 要 内 容Radng AStep 1 Greing and Ro allin 2 Step 2 Learn

7、ng New words or hrses: 10 3 Global Readin Rea thepssge a try todetifythe tpictence in ac pargraph。Paragrp :Many eol arewrking in unealthy ofices.Pargaph 2: Indoo air pollion iswrsethanrt lat as bad outdor aiputon.aragaph : The la of appropat vetlatna airfw is one a f inoor airpollution.Praph : There

8、 arepoenialsoes opoionous lutants i an ofice。ararah 5: Tee is ange plutants n a ofic thatcobine to poduce a mire in tir.Paraph 6: ay isuere to beonsiere heldna ew offiordcoratina eistng onPrah7:Thee are some imple ways for lerng teir.Paragrah 8: here ar oth osibl was for improvingplac irqulity授 课 主

9、要 内 容tep 4 Detailed ReadingLanguagPoints i t pasge: 5xlain h passge sntences b enees, pying aten o the anguagpoint in t。.iew: v to consider; o rar; o thikabut eg。Teubjeca bed invaou ays.2. turnaway (rm): toreue to lok t soeone or somin e。gSheune away orro at th sightof so much blood。turn sb / st. ow

10、:拒绝(好意,建议或提议的人)e.g. He ied tojoin h ary buwas rneddownbecause of por elh3。 schdle: . iab of higs toe doe alt wih.g e panne hiswor scheduor tefolowg onth.4。phenomeno: . a c or vent in ature (or soity) a t appeas or is epience by thsensespl。 phenenaeg.() Bakutcy i comonpeoenninan conomic ecesso。 () Unmariedmoeould nt e rgaded smp



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