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1、高 二 英 语(第17讲)主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)教学内容与目的要求一、教学内容:二、教学要求:通过检测,进一步掌握这两单元的内容。复习要点一、易拼错的单词:narrative immune contract fierce disrupt category ambulance conscious circulate thermometer二、难掌握的单词与短语:live with free from on the contrary choke upside down witness panic三、语法:虚拟语气难点补遗1、live with:原义:与住在一起:The little girl

2、lived with her aunt. 转义为:忍受,接受某种局面:I dont enjoy the pain on my back, but I have to live with it.Youve lost all your money, now you must learn to live with the situation.2、free from 不受(损害等),远离(不好的事物)He wished to live a life entirely free from troubles.Officials should be free from corruption.Mum kept

3、 the TV set free from dirt by covering it with a blanket.3、choke 使窒息,掐死,哽住v.t. The smoke almost choked me.Her voice was choked with sobs.Tom choked his wife last night.v.i. He choked when he ate too quickly.The baby choked on the candy.4、in honor of 向表示敬意,为庆祝(纪念):There is a party tonight in honor of

4、 our new president.cf: I have just finished a long poem in memory of John Keats.in memory of 纪念,只用于已故人物或过去的事情。语法补遗 虚拟语气在一些句型中的使用1、If only 代替 I/We wish :If only you had let me know earlier. = I/We wish you had .If only we could be together.he would swim.I could have been with you .I had been with you

5、.*该句型中I/we之后一般用could,不要用would,only可与if分开:If he were only here now!If you would only try harder!2、过去式虚拟语气的一些补充说明:Its (high) time he learned to look after himself.Its about timeIts the right time注意上述句型后面不可用否定结构。Id rather he hadnt told me about it. 我宁愿他那时没有告诉我这件事。后面的过去完成时表示对已经发生过的事情相反的愿望。3、in case, les

6、t及for fear 作以免,万一解,后面从句用虚拟语气:Im taking an umbrella with me in case it should/might rain. (也可不用虚拟式,如: in case it rains.)They spoke in whispers lest they (should) be heard.他们耳语着唯恐被旁人听到。(lest之后多用虚拟形式,偶也有不用。)I bought the car at once for fear (that) he might change his mind.Shut the window for fear (that

7、) it may rain.(for fear之后一般常跟may, might)单元检测一、单项选择:1、Guards in large companies usually get _ by the hour.A. paying B. paid C. to pay D. pay2、Those T-shirts _ $20 each.A. are cost B. are worthy C. are worth D. have cost3、_ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films often.A. If it was no

8、t B. Were it not C. Should it not be D. Had it not been4、On the way to Shanghai, my car _.A. broke out B. broke in C. broke down D. broke away5、_ the interview tomorrow, he went to sleep at ease.A. Prepared for B. Preparing for C. Getting prepared D. Having prepared6、The young policeman got his leg

9、_ fighting with the robber. Choose the wrong answer:A. hurt B. injured C. wound D. broken7、Without computer life today _ quite different.A. is B. will be C. were D. would be8、If only I _ so much time playing!A. didnt waste B. hadnt wasted C. wouldnt waste D. shouldnt waste9、The smile on her face sug

10、gested that she _ the exam.A. passed B. should pass C. had passed D. could pass10、I dont think it is the right time that you _ there.A. will go B. went C. should go D. didnt go11、He is talking so much about Tokyo as if he _ there.A. had been B. were C. has been D. had been to12、Rather than _ a crowd

11、ed bus, he always prefers _ a bike.A. take, ride B. taking, riding C. to take, to ride D. take, to ride13、Close all the windows _ there should be a storm this afternoon.A. so that B. in case C. in order that D. for fear14、The foreign guest _ to the warm welcome with a smile.A. answered B. thanked C.

12、 responded D. replied15、Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to university.A. lacked B. lacking C. lacking in D. lack of16、Mum cant help _ the windows because shes busy cooking.A. to clean B. cleaning C. in cleaning D. with cleaning17、“Could I use your laptop? ”“_.”A. Yes, you could B. Ye

13、s, help yourself C. Yes, you may D. Yes, go on18、“You are so lucky.”“What do you mean _ that?”A. for B. with C. by D. in19、The plane takes off at 6.00 pm. So I have to be at the airport _ 5.00 pm at the latest.A. by B. after C. around D. till20、It said in the newspaper that an old lady _ a fish bone

14、 in a restaurant.A. choked with B. choked by C. choked on D. was choked on二、完形填空:I was eight years old when I got my first _1_ of football boots. This may not seem important now, but _2_ days, clothing was limited _3_ the war, and I knew my father had to go without a coat to give _4_ to me for my bi

15、rthday.The school _5_ I went to play football was in a park at the other end of the town, and _6_ my first game I walked across the park to the bus stop. Halfway home, when we were passing the town center, I happened to look _7_ and saw I was holding just one boot. I looked under the seat but there was _8_ sign of the other one. Of course, I was only eight and not used to _9_ boots together. On



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