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1、冀教版英语七年级上册Unit6测试题 Class: No: Name: Mark: 一、根据汉语提示或英语释意或首字母提示完成句子。(5分) 1, Sun Wukong is the m_ king(猴王). 2, Is the movie theatre _ (not near ) from our school? 3, Go down this street and t_ right. 4, Excuse me , Im new here and Im _ (迷路). 5, The telephone is _(在旁边) the lamp. 二、按照下列要求转换词形 (5分)buy(同音词

2、) bike(同义词) man(复数) sheep(复数) break(形容词) 三、英汉互译(5分) traffic light 购物 department store 茶叶商店 on sale 四、单项选择题:(20分)( )1.- _does she go to work ?-She ofen walks to work .A.when B. What time C.What D.How( )2.-Where does a bird live ? -A bird_in a tree.A. lives B. living C. is live D. to live( )3.-We feel

3、 very _. -Lets go and eat some food. A. thirty B. hungry C.sad D. happy ( )4.-_? -Yes, I want to buy some erasers. A. What are you doing B.Where are you doing C. Whats the matter D.May I help you ( )5.- I like some milk . - Sorry , we dont have _. Would you like _ juice ? A. some , some B.any ,any C

4、. some, any D.any, some( )6.Whats _favorite movie ? -She likes “Titanc (泰坦尼克)”. A. she B. he C. his D. her( )7.- May I borrow your pen ? -_. A. No,youre welcome B.Yes, you cant C. Sure, Here you are D. Not at all.( )8.-_ is this coat ? - Forty yuan. A. How much B.How many C.What D.How ( )9. What doe

5、s Jennys father do? -Hes _. A. a doctor B.Jim Smith C.a tall man D.very old( )10. -Would you like some tea ? - _. A. Hello B.No,thanks C.No,please D.Yes,I like( )11. -_? - Im listening to the teacher. A.What are you B .How old are you C.What are you doing D.Where are you going( )12.Look at Danny. He

6、 _with a ball. A plays B playing C to play D is playing ( )13. _Jenny _animals? A. Is , like. B. Is , likes C. Does , like D. Does, likes.( )14.Excuse me! is the library? A. What B. How C. Where D. Which( )15. -_do you go to school? - _.My uncle drives me . A.What , By bus B.How , By car C.How , I w

7、alk D.What, On foot( )16.-Why do you go to the grocery store? - I want to buy some ice cream. A. Because B. Whose C. Which D. That( )17.Okay!Ill four ,please. A. have B. buying C.buys D. take( )18. Its 12:00, Its time _ lunch . A. to B. with C. in D. for ( )19.-_ Are these your shoes ? -Yes.A. What?

8、 B. Excuse me! C. Yes ? D. Why ?( )20.The monkey is eating. eat bananas. A. monkeys B. Monkeys C. Monkeies D. Monkey五、情景交际(20分)A : 补全对话.1. A : _ _?B: To the restaurant.A: _?B: Because Im very hungry . 2. A: Excuse me ! _ _?B: The library is near the office . 3. A: _ _?B: I walk to school. 4. A: Happ

9、y birthday to you !B: _. 5. 选择.A: _1_?B: Yes, please. I want to buy a radio.A: This one is very good.B: _2_? A: Its 80 yuan.B: 80 yuan ?_3_.Can I look at that one ?A: Sure . _4_.B: Its OK. How much is it ?A: 50 yuan . B: Its expensive for me too.A: And this one ? Only 30 yuan B: _5_.All right .Ill t

10、ake it.A: Let me have a look.B: Here you are.C: Its very expensive D: How much is it?E: Can I help you ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1.There are some (photo)on the wall.2.Danny (get)up at 6:00 every morning.3.They (eat)apples now.4.Lets (go) to the city.5.He (ride)his bicycle to work.七、句型转换(10分)

11、1.She walks to school.(同义句)She to school .2.We go to work by bike.(对划线部分提问) do you to work.3.He has breakfast at home .(改为一般疑问句) he breakfast at home?4.The elephant is dreaming.(用eating改写为选择疑问句) the elephant ?5.May I help you?(同义句) I help you ?八、下列句子都有一处错误,请你找出并更正(10分)1.Mother wants to go to shopping this afternoon. A B C D 2.Is your father old and young? A B C D 3.He is sixteen year old. A B C D



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