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1、错题再练1 _ really hard _ them to climb Mount Qomolangma .A This to B It ; for C This ;for D IT; to 2 Its very nice _ you to give me the chance.A of B For C to D at3 Please _ a coat with you when you go out.A bring B put C get D take 4 A strong wind will arrive in Harbin .It will _ much rain.A bring B t

2、ake C carry D get 5- Would you like to shopping wish me? -Sorry, I have a lot of clothes_.A to wash B washed C wash D to be washed 6 You can find it easily because the doors_.A colour blue B coloured blue C blue colour D coloured in blue 7 All the students in the classroom _ four different groups.A

3、is divided into B are divided into C divided into D be divided into 8 I _ him because he cheated me before .A believe B dont believe in C didnt believe D believe in 9 - Could you get to the party before 3 oclock ?-_ Ill still be at the meeting then.A I think so B Yes , I could . C Im afraid not D Im

4、 afraid so10 Im afraid _ Ive take you too much for your time.A believe B afraid C apologize D forgive 11 My sister and I often _ one bicycle to go to school when we are young.A share B shares C shared D to share12 Its very difficult to learn English well, but you cant _A put it up B take it up C giv

5、e it up.D look it up.13 Every child in china _ now.A takes good care of B takes well care of C is good taken care of D is taken good care of 14 He is a person that _ little about others.A care B cares C be careful D be careless.15 Be _ ,and you will do well in the English exam.A careful B polite C s

6、ure D friendly 16 - Could you give me a hand, please? - Sure ,what would you like me _A doing B does C do D to do 17 - Would you like _ with me?- Sorry , I have a lot homework to do.A to go swimming .B swim C swimming D to swimming.18 Nobody can tell _ in the future .A how our homework will be like

7、B what our homework will be like C how will our homework look D what will our homework be like 19 The twins were_ each other when their parents came into their bedroom.A angrying with B arguing with C agreeing with D agreeing to20 I tried to discuss it with her but only _ her angry.A successful in m

8、aking B succeeded in making C succeeded to make D is successful in makng错题再练1 This road is not _ for heavy trucks to pass though.A widely enough B enough wide C wide enough D enough widely 2 Your friend is _ to wait for you for two hours without getting angry .A so patient B too patient C patient en

9、ough D enough patient 3 - Harbin is really a beautiful city and therere many places of interest - So it is .Why not stay here for _ two days?A other B others C another 4 - We can go to Yangzhou Railway Station by bus . - Why not _ there for a change ?A try walking B try to walk C to try and walk D t

10、o try walking5 Never _ anything that is not yours .A dream away B dreams C Dream of D dream 6 How much did you _ the sweater? A take B cost C buy D spend on 7 -How much did you _ the mobile phone ?- One thousand yuan or so A take B spend C Cost D pay for 8 It _ me about a quarter to go to school on

11、foot every day. A pays B spends C costs D takes 9 The skirt _ her 100 dollars.A took B costed c cost D was cost 10 She wanted to _ her new husband at the party .A show B show off C show through D show up 11 Tracy cant play the match now .Please _ instead . A have Lily do it B have lily to do it C ma

12、ke Lily to do it D let Lily to do it12 My mother had her handbag _ A stolen B steal C stealing D to steal13- What happened to the thief later ? - The king had him _ the next day A hung B hanged C hang D Hanging 14 This programme _ not _ children A are; suitable for B is ;suit in C is ;suitable for D

13、 are ; suit in 15 We dont imagine that he is coming ,_ A do we B dont we C isnt he D is he 16 - How many students do we think are still the classroom now?- Im afraid there are few of them ,_ /A are there B arent I C arent there D am I 17 He _ swim across the river when he was then . A could B is able to C was able to D can 18 He couldnt _ an answer when I asked him why he was late. A come over B catch up with C come out D come up with 19 Our teacher recommended some good books _ us to read after class. A to B for C as D on 20 He recommended _( read ) the book before _ ( see ) the movie


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