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1、 一般现在时专项练习一、写出所给词的第三人称单数形式sitswimhavestudyreadgomakerunwritecrydowatchwashplaysay二、用 do或 does的适当形式填空1. _ you ride a bike to school? Yes, I _.2. _ your sister like PE? No, she _.3. What_ the students have? They have some pens.4. How_ Linda go to school? She goes to school on foot.5. He _ not speak En

2、glish. He speaks Chinese.6. _ they watch TV on Sundays? Yes, they _.7. My father and mother _ not read newspapers on Saturday.三、用一般现在时填空1. What _ he _ (have)? He _(have) a toy plane.2. My mother _ not_ (like) English. She _(like) Chinese.3. _ you _ (go ) to school by bus? No, I _(go) to school by ca

3、r.4. Miss Wang _ (swim ) every day.5. I _(like) English. Tom _ _ _(not like) English.6. The moon _ (go) around the earth.7. When _ you _ (go) to school? I _(go) to school at five every day.8. What _ (do) he usually _ (do) after school?9. The girl _ (look) beautiful.四、句型转换1. I go to school by bus. (用

4、 He做主语变否定句)_2. Kim plays baseball very well. (变一般疑问句)_3. David doesnt like learning French.(变肯定句)_4. Alan doesnt watch TV on school nights.(变肯定句)_5. We have enough time to do it. (变否定句)_6. Snoopy has a car.(对划线部分提问)_7. Do you have a pencil? (把主语改成 she)_8. They play basketball in the park on Sunday m

5、orning.(对划线提问)123_ _I、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空:1The buses _ (use) a lot of oil.2Each of us _ (have) strong points and weak points.3My daughter _ (watch) TV every day. Sometimes she _ (see) a film on Sunday.4Li Wei _ (have) a daughter. She stays _ in a nursery.5Our family _ (be) a happy one.6Her mother _ (teac

6、h) English at a middle school.7Jack often _ (listen) to the radio.8He _ (say) that Prof. Li is _ tired.改句子1This is my pencil.(变一般疑问句)_ _ your pencil ?2. These red socks are Kates . (变一般疑问句)_ _ socks Kates ?3. I want to buy a big green bag . (变特殊疑问句) _ you want to buy ?4. Mary does not have any books

7、 . (变肯定句)Mary _books .5. The clothing shop is on sale . (变为否定)_.6. She likes the black bag very much . (变为否定句) _.7. I buy the pants for only 50 Yuan. (用 she改写句子)_ _ the pants for only 50 Yuan.8. Its an English dictionary . (对画线部分提问) _?9. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years old now . (对画线部分提问)_ _Lily and

8、 Lucy ?10. Her dog is 2 years and 5 months old . (变为否定句) Her dog _ _ 2 years and 5 months old .11. We live in Nanchang. (改为否定句) We _ _ _ in Nanchang .12. Its lunch time.(改为同义句) Its _ _ _.13. My sweater is black and white. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is _ sweater?14. She has long, black hair. (改为同义句) _ hair _ long

9、 and black.15. They are three blue desks. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they?用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. People usually _ (eat) dinner in the evening .2. His sister usually _(go) to school at 7:00 am .3. Lin Tao _ (like) his new sweater .4. Let me _ (have) a look .5. _ he _(like) English ?6. I want _ (go) to a movie .7. He _ (

10、not know)the teachers name .8. She likes _ (play) chess .选择题练习1. Who _ over there now?A. singing B. are sing C. is singing2. Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class.A. have B. having C. is having D. are having3. Listen! The baby _ in the next room.A. crying B. cried C. is cryingD. singD. c

11、ries 4. Look! The twins _ new sweaters.A. are wearingB. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing5. Dont talk here. Grandparents _.A. is sleepingB. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep6. Tom is a worker. He _ in a factory. His sisters _ in a hospital.A. work/ work B. works/ work C. work/ works7. Who _ English best in your class?A. speakB. speaks C. speaking8. Mrs Read _ the windows every day.A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans9. We _ music and often _ to music.A. like/ listen B. likes/ listens C. like/ are listening10. She _ up at six in the morning.A. get B. gets C. getting1



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