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1、46. As we know, the coming of radio in this century made ocean sailing much _.A. cheaper B. safer C. easier D. faster47. I hear there will be _ talk on English study tomorrow morning.-Do you mean _ speech our teacher asked us to listen to?A. a; the b. the; a C. the; the D. a; a48. Steve. We will tak

2、e an examination in physics next week.- Yes, but dont work too hard. _.A. It doesnt matter B. All the best C. Take it easy D. Try your luck49. Mary told me she would _computer study.-Really? Ill try my best to ask her to _such foolish ideas.A. pick up; give up B. put away; give up C.give up; put awa

3、y D. give up; pick up50. China daily is popular with students of English because it helps to improve _ English.A. our B. my C. ones D. their51. When the people all over the world are of one heart, _ becomes easy.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything52. It is thought that a new system _ t

4、he place of the old one in that company. But things are getting worse and worse.A. must have taken B. will take C. wont take D. had taken53. The young lady spoke so fast that I understood _ of her speech.A. a little B. little C. a bit D. lot54. The largest collection, _in England , was one of about

5、200 000 silver pennies.A. to be found B. has found C. being found D. ever found55. I can see the problem. But I hope to win and _.-Well put. _.A. so do I; So shall I B. so I shall; So shall IC. so I shall; So do I D. so do I; So I do56. Bruce _his leg when he _ in a football match yesterday afternoo

6、n.A. broke; played B. has broken; was playingC. broke; was playing D. was breaking; played57. We were very busy yesterday. Otherwise we _part in the discussion.A. would take B. did take C. had taken D. would have taken58. Look! What are those boys doing _ the table?-Well, they are playing cards.A. o

7、n b. around C. under D. beside59. The famous scientist was going out _ he found himself surrounded by lots of young people.A. when B.before C. while D. after60. A computer cannot remember who_; it simply does what _.A. will use it; it is told B. uses it; it has toldC. used it; it is told D. has used

8、 it; it told61. The little girl couldnt work the problem out. She wasnt _clever.A. that B. much C. many D. too62. As soon as the manager enterd his office, he began to _the telephone.A.look up B. look upon C. look through D look for63. _for his expert advice, he was able to help a great number of pe

9、ople with their personal affairs.A. Being known B. Having known C. Well known D. Knowing 64. Excuse me, Madame. Is this plane _take off soon?-Oh, yes. In five minutes.A. about to B. starting to C. beginning to D. to65. So far the young man hasnt had any success; _ he will keep trying.A. whenever B.

10、no matter C. wherever D. howeverBACCD DABDC CDBAC ADCAD66. Can I _, sir?-Yes, please. Two dinks.A. order you B. have your order C. obey your order D. order67. Against _advice from his friends, he insisted _alone at the rush hour.A. a; on traveling B. the; to travel C. the; on traveling D. at; to tra

11、vel68. The man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and that he _ free.A. had done; be set B. did; was C. had done; would be D. did; would be69. The telephone lines were brought down by the _ trees and branches.A. fall B. fallen C. fell D. falling70. Dont touch the _ wire. Its dangerous.A. alive B. live

12、s C. lived D. live71. They live on their small farm _ the family with corn.A. providing to B. provided C. providing D. provided to72. Its hard for us to make a choice, which means we have not decided _.A. to take a step B. to take which step C. which step to take D. to take what73. Its getting dark,

13、 Tim. Mum must be expecting me home.-Dont worry. Ill _ in my car.A. send you home B. send you to homeC. take you home D. drive you to home74. Standing on top of the mountain, we watched the sun _ the horizon.A. sink below B. sinking under C.sinking below D. sink under75. Leaves flying in the air, it

14、 _ the old good days I spent in the mountain village.A. suggests B. suggest me C. thinks D. thinks of76. Though his salary is _ , he always _ money, in debt.A. good; lends B. fine; borrows C. fine; lends D. good; borrows77. When I suggested that someone in the village _ his wine, he didnt believe.A. must have drunk B. should drink C. have drunk D. has drunk78. I dont know if he _ us; if



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