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1、2017-2018学年度潮阳林百欣中学高二英语公开课教案授课内容:Book5 Unit5: First aid-Retelling授课班级:高二9班 授课人:陈彤彤I. Teaching aims1. Knowledge and ability: Enable students to increase their awareness of the importance of knowing about first aid; Enable Ss to think about the kind of first aid they would give in certain situation; E

2、nable Ss to use first aid knowledge that they have learned to help other people; To make Ss master the skill of note taking and catching information; Help Ss do the note-taking of the story and then retell the story according to the note.2. Process and Method: Guide students to review the definition

3、 of first aid; Ss perform on the platform, using first aid knowledge to do the first aid on others; Guide Ss to take the note of the story; Guide Ss to retell the story by themselves.3. Emotional Attitude and Values: To encourage Ss to be active in class and learn to cooperate with each other To imp

4、rove Ss ability to express their own opinions To embrace Ss independent thinking ability after listening to the materials II.Teaching important and difficult points Let the students pay attention to first aid knowledge; Train Ss ability to take notes effectively Guide Ss to learn to catch the key in

5、formation Improve Ss learning English abilities, including listening and speaking III. Teaching proceduresStep1. Lead in Definition of First aid First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.Step2. Role play1. Discussion: W

6、hat would you do in the following situation?2. Role play 1) Bleeding: Put a bandage on the wound and apply pressure to reduce the bleeding. 2) Choking: If the person can cough, dont do anything. If she cant cough and is turning blue in the face, hit her between the shoulder blades with the flat of t

7、he hand three or four times. 3) A sprained ankle: Have the victim sit down. Put an ice pack on the ankle to reduce the swelling . Put a firm bandage around the foot and ankle.Step3. RetellingI. Procedures of retelling a story: 1. 预测 (故事梗概、关键词) 2. 听大意(who;when;where; what ;how 时态) 3. 速记 (n. v. adj. c

8、onj.) 4. 串连及复述 Short forms:Seventeen-year-old 17Y John Janson J cant, bad, havent X first aid 1st aid rush outside out bleeding 血 bandage/tape 回 ambulance ambu. tea towel tea 布 because/since/for so/ therefore about linking words: one day/night/morning, at that moment and then, whats more but, though

9、, however so, because, since, therefore to ones surprise (joy, astonishment) well, what a/an adj/ how adj. it isII. Key information: 1. John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. sb do sthWhen/where/how/why. J stud. hear 叫 room 2. John use the tea towel and tape to treat the most severe

10、injuries to Annes hand. sb do sthWhen/where/how/why. J use trea. tea 布 As hand III. Retelling: 梗概:John 在学习的时候听到尖叫声,冲出去的时候发现邻居Anne 被人用刀刺伤 关键词: scream 尖叫 stab 刺 bleeding 流血 tape胶布 ambulance 救护车 1. Prediction. 2. Note-taking: sb do sthWhen/where/how/why. 3.RetellingOne day, John was studying in his hou

11、se when he heard screaming. John quickly ran outside with his father. They discovered that Anne was stabbed with a knife and the murder ran away. Anne was bleeding very heavily. It is Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slades life. He used the tea towels and tape to treat th

12、e most severe injuries to Annes hands. Finally the police and the ambulance came. Step4. Practice 梗概:Tom 斥责用鞋砸他新车的女孩,却发现她是为了帮助一个男孩。 关键词: hit 砸 bear foot 光脚 wheelchair 轮椅 send 送 hospital 医院 sb do sthWhen/where/how/why. sb do sthWhen/where/how/why.信息要点:这是一篇记叙文,顺序如下:1. Tom drove his new car to town and

13、 he was attracted by the scenery. 2. His car was hit by sth so he stopped the car to see what happened.3. A little girl hit his car so he was angry.4. The girl couldnt speak and she explained by making gestures.5. Tom followed the girl and saw a boy lying on the ground.6. Tom realized that the girl

14、was asking for help.7. Tom ran to lift the boy back to the wheelchair and sent him to hospital.Step5. Summary What we have learned today?1. What kind of first aid we should give in certain situations;2. Procedures of retelling a story3. How to take notes (n. v. adj.)4. The strategy of retelling a storyStep6. Homework1. Review the procedures of retelling a story. 2. Try to retell these two passages to your partner.



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