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1、 文学文学 高职高专实用英语高职高专实用英语Unit-7-EntertainmentUnit-7-EntertainmentThe types of films Science-fiction horror Suspense-thriller Documentary War films Action-adventure Romance-comedy Animated cartoon Disaster film Feature films Historic films科幻片 悬念片 纪录片 战争片 动作冒险片 爱情戏剧片 动画片 灾难片 故事片 故事片Warm-up questions: 1.

2、What kind of music do you like most?Popular music Classical music Country-western music Folk Beijing opera Jazz2. Are you familiar with Country-Western music and jazz?爵士爵士乐乐(Jazz),一种起源于非洲的音乐形式,一种起源于非洲的音乐形式,由由民歌民歌发展而来。爵士乐以多种形式呈现发展而来。爵士乐以多种形式呈现出繁荣景象,其乐曲风格极其耀眼出繁荣景象,其乐曲风格极其耀眼,节奏节奏一一般以鲜明般以鲜明,强烈为主强烈为主,从根源

3、布鲁斯、拉格泰从根源布鲁斯、拉格泰姆姆(Ragtime),经过新奥尔良爵士乐到,经过新奥尔良爵士乐到Dixieland狄西兰爵士乐、摇摆乐、主流爵狄西兰爵士乐、摇摆乐、主流爵士、比士、比波普波普、现代爵士到、现代爵士到自由爵士自由爵士及电子及电子爵士。爵士。爵士乐特点爵士乐特点爵士乐相较于其它音乐,其自身有很多独特之处: 1)即兴演奏或者是演唱)即兴演奏或者是演唱2)运用布鲁斯音阶)运用布鲁斯音阶3)爵士乐节奏的极其复杂性)爵士乐节奏的极其复杂性4)独有的爵士和弦)独有的爵士和弦5)独特的音色运用)独特的音色运用乡村音乐(乡村音乐(Country music)是一种当代)是一种当代的的流行音乐

4、流行音乐,起源于,起源于美国南部美国南部与阿帕拉契与阿帕拉契山区。乡村山区。乡村音乐音乐的根源可追溯至的根源可追溯至1920年代,年代,融合了传统融合了传统民谣民谣音乐、凯尔特音乐、音乐、凯尔特音乐、福音福音音乐音乐及古时音乐。乡村音乐的曲调,一般及古时音乐。乡村音乐的曲调,一般都很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。都很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。多为多为歌谣歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。体、二部曲式或三部曲式。在唱法上,起先多用民间本嗓演唱,形式多为独唱或小合唱,用吉他、班卓琴、口琴、小提琴伴奏。 乡村音乐的曲调,一般都很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。多为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。 在服

5、饰上也比较随意,即使是参加大赛及音乐厅重要场合演出,也不必穿演出服,牛仔裤、休闲装、皮草帽、旅游鞋都可以。 乡村音乐的两个最重要的组成部分是弦乐伴奏(通常是吉他或是电吉他,还常常加上一把夏威夷吉他和小提琴)及歌手的声音。乡村音乐抛开了在流行乐中用得很广的“电子”声(效果器)。最重要的是,歌手的嗓音是乡村音乐的标志(民间本嗓),乡村音乐的歌手几乎总有美国南部的口音,至少会有乡村地区的口音。 Jazz and Country-Western Among the many contributions Americans have made to the arts, one of the most s

6、ignificant contributions has been in the field of music. During her short history America has evolved several musical forms which really capture the nations spirit.Q: What are the great contributions Americans have made to arts?During her short history America has evolved several musical forms which

7、 really capture the nations spirit.whichspirit 是限定性定语从句修饰先行词forms, which 是引导词,在从句中作主语。capture 俘获,捕获,如: capture animals 捕获动物; capture the city 攻占城市; capture 90% of the market 占90%的市场份额; the capture of enemy territory 占领敌方领土; 译文:美国人对艺术的发展所做的贡献之一是在音乐领域所做的具有重大意义的贡献。美国的历史比较短,却发展形成了几种深入美国民心的音乐形式。 The firs

8、t of these is jazz. At the end of the 19th century, Negro bands were forming in the south of the U.S.A. and these musicians brought their skills on the piano, trumpet and drums, moving up to the north.moving up to the north 是现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随的动作或状态。两个动作同时发生,一个是主要的,另一个表示伴随。例如:The little girl comes into

9、the classroom, _ (dance) and _(sing). Dancing singing When and where did the Negro jazz band form?译文: 首先是爵士乐。19世纪末期,黑人乐队开始在美国南方出现,那些在钢琴,小号和鼓的演奏上有着高超技艺的音乐家,开始向美国北部迁移。 Emerging from the depths of the black mans soul which yearned for freedom, jazz is one of the freest of all musical forms because of i

10、ts numerous unprepared changes. The jazz musician lets his soul control the path of the journey the music will take. No two pieces are ever played alike and no one piece is ever played the same. For this reason it remains one of the most difficult types of music to perform and many a well-trained pr

11、ofessional musician cannot play jazz well unless he can “feel” rather than “read” the music.What is the special aspect of jazz in contrast to other music forms?many a(与单数名词连用,其谓语动词用单数)许(与单数名词连用,其谓语动词用单数)许多,大量,如:多,大量,如:Many a good student has been destroyed by chatting and playing games on internet.

12、类似类似many a 用法的还有用法的还有more than one。 unless 除非= if not, 表示将来可能发生或者可能真实的情况用unless,如果知道事情没有发生或者不真实则用ifnot。 如:If you were not always in such a hurry, your work would be better. 如果你不总是这么匆匆忙忙的,工作会做得更好。译文:爵士乐根源于黑人灵魂深处对自由的强烈渴望,是最为自由的音乐形式之一,演奏时可以对曲调进行大量的即兴的变化。爵士乐的演奏者凭着自己的心灵感觉来掌控音乐的演奏。没有两个音乐作品被演奏的完全相似,也没有同一个作

13、品两次演奏的完全一样,恰恰是这个原因使得爵士乐成为最难演奏的音乐种类之一,很多训练有素的专业音乐家也只有用心灵感觉来演奏而不是看着曲谱来演奏,才能把它演奏好。Jazz is not so much a “kind” of music as it is a “way” of playing music. Almost any music can become jazz if it is played with a jazz treatment. In jazz musical ideas are born and the musicians play together for hours wit

14、hout depending on written music. There is an element of fun in the performing of jazz brought by its spontaneity.not so much as 用于比较,不如这么,不像那样,如:It is not so much easy as you would think.不像你想的那么容易。In jazz musical ideas are born and the musicians play together for hours without depending on written m

15、usic.without 是介词,后接动名词或者名词,如: He left without saying goodbye.他不辞而别。depend on(upon)依赖,依靠,如:He was the sort of person you could depend on。他是那种你可以依靠的人。在非正式英语中也可以用 depend 代替 depend on。译文:爵士乐不像是一种音乐而更像是一种演奏音乐的方式。几乎每种音乐如果使用演奏爵士乐的方法来演奏都能成为爵士乐。在爵士乐的演奏过程中,一旦找到音乐演奏感觉,音乐家们可以连续演奏数小时而不用看乐谱。这种自发的演奏形式,正是爵士乐能带给人们乐趣

16、的原因。 Today jazz is widely performed and appreciated throughout the world. Starting from the music of a localized area, it has truly become international. 今天,在世界各个地方都有人演奏爵士乐,这种音乐也受到人们的喜爱和欣赏,它从一个地方性的音乐开始走向国际舞台。 On the other hand country-western music which finds its home in Nashville, Tennessee, gener

17、ates a different mood. This music has its own melancholic charm, which expresses certain cold and sentimental feelings, such as the American famous song “the Sound of Silence”. Its melodic lyricism stands in contrast to the strong and heavy rhythms of jazz. in contrast to 对照,对比,对照,对比,contrast 是名词。是名

18、词。如:如:There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of east and west.东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。by contrast,如:When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.看看他们的新系统,我们的系统就显得陈旧过时了。 The lyrics of all country-western songs speak of lost lovers, lost homes, broken

19、 hearts and faithful dogs. The lyrics are simple. Their message is direct and immediate. It remains perhaps one of the most popular music forms in America and the city Nashville is said to be the music capital of the world where its summer festival attracts large crowds. Country-western singers are

20、welcomed by their admiring fans. capital 首都,国都,如:the fashion capital of the world 世界时装之都;资本,资金,如:starting capital 启动资金,capital and labor 劳资双方;大写字母,The first letter should be capitalized 第一个字母应该大写。词组:capital-intensive 资本密集的;capital punishment 极刑。festival 节日,如:the Cannes Film Festival 戛纳电影节;a beer fes

21、tival 啤酒节;Spring Festival 春节;festive 喜庆的;如:The whole city is in festive mood 全城喜气洋洋。where its summer festival attracts large crowds 是定语从句修饰the music capital of the world。译文:其次是诞生在美国田纳西州纳什维尔的乡村音乐,它流露出不同的情感。这种音乐有它自己特别的魅力,表达出某种冷淡和伤感,给人一种忧郁的感觉,比如美国著名的歌曲寂静之声。乡村音乐悦耳的抒情旋律与爵士乐深沉、强劲的节奏形成了鲜明的对比。乡村音乐的歌词大多讲述的是失

22、恋者,无家可归者,伤心的人以及忠心的小狗,歌词简洁直白,通俗易懂,它至今仍是美国最流行的音乐形式之一。据说纳什维尔市也成为世界上著名的音乐之都,夏季的音乐盛会更是吸引了大量的听众。乡村音乐的歌手也倍受歌迷们的喜爱。Make your choices according to Text A 1.Which of the following is NOT the feature of the Jazz?A. Perform freely.B. Many unprepared changes.C. Heavy and strong rhythms.D. Cold and melancholic.D2

23、. What does the word “ well-trained ” mean?A. Skillful. B. Rich. C. Elegant. D. Well-known.A3. How can a professional musician play the jazz well?A. If he can read the music. B. If he can understand the message. C. If he can write the piece. D. If he can feel the music.D4. What kind of feelings does

24、 the country music want to express?A. Exciting and warm. B. Sad and sentimental. C. Calm and peaceful. D. Happy and hopeful.B5. Which of the following features is NOT included in the country songs lyrics?A. Talk about homeless. B. Long and complicated.C. Brief and immediate. D. Simple and direct.BRe

25、tell the text by answering the following questions1. What are the great contributions Americans have made to arts? During her short history America has evolved several musical forms which really capture the nations spirit.2. When and where did the Negro jazz bands form? At the end of 19th century, t

26、he jazz bands formed in the south of America.3. What is the special aspect of jazz in contrast to other music forms? Jazz is the freest musical forms, and has a lot of unprepared changes.4. How can a professional musician play jazz successfully? If the musicians can feel music rather than read the m

27、usic, he can play the jazz well.5Why does country music become one of the most popular music in America?6 Because country music expresses certain cold and sentimental feelings, the lyrics are simple and message is direct and immediate.When did the Negro bands form? At the end of 19th century.What ar

28、e the three musical instruments in the passage? Piano, trumpet, drum.Which word has the opposite meaning to “local” in paragraph 5? International.Please scan the text and answer the five questions within three minutesWhere did country music first appear?In Nashville.What do the lyrics of country mus

29、ic songs describe?Lost lover, lost home, broken hearts and faithful dogs.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given in brackets 1. If a business wants to sell its products (international) _, it should do some world market research. 如果企业想在国际市场上出售产品,它就应该做一些世如果企业想在国际市场上出售产品,它就应该做一些世界市场调

30、查。界市场调查。 2. The (music) _ is famous for his sentimental songs. 这位音乐家以演奏伤感歌曲而著名。这位音乐家以演奏伤感歌曲而著名。music 音乐;形容词音乐;形容词musical 音乐的;名词音乐的;名词musician音乐家;音乐人士音乐家;音乐人士。Internationally musician3 If it is a legal matter you need to seek (profession) _ advice.4 According to the notice, the (perform) _ will start

31、 at seven in the hall.5. I would (appreciation) _ it if you would turn the music down.professional performanceappreciateFill in the blanks with the proper form of the words and phrases given in the box contribute yearn emerge significant in contrast tomany a faithful because of depend on speak of1Mr

32、. Deng Xiaoping has made a great _to the Chinese reform and opening. contribution2 _ traveling, are you going anywhere exciting this year?3 In the past, the old parents always _ their sons to live the rest of their lives.4 The new drug has great _ for the treatment of the disease. 5 The people in Ir

33、aq _ for peace.Speaking of depended onsignificanceyearned6The _ of new technology will totally change the traditional producing methods.7 Jake failed in the final exam _ his carelessness. 8_ good man has been destroyed by drink.9 The company lost 7 million this year _ a profit of 6 million a year before.10 He remained _ to the ideas of the Party until his death.emergencebecause of Many a in contrast to faithful结束结束



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