北京语言大学21春《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业二满分答案_39

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1、北京语言大学21春英汉 汉英翻译在线作业二满分答案1. The most widely discussed psychological topic in the Second Language Acquisition is tThe most widely discussed psychological topic in the Second Language Acquisition is the role _ plays in L2 acquisition.A. interactionB. memoryC. attentionD. code-switching参考答案:C2. The del

2、egation didnt go to New York by Flight 212. 代表团不是乘212航班去纽约的。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B3. 他是否会来开会令人怀疑。 It is doubtful whether he is coming to attend the meeting.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B4. A: Have you read either novel of his written recently? B: _.A.No. Neither will IB.No. Nor will IC.Yes, Ive read them allD.Yes, I

3、have参考答案:A5. The prisoners will work for up to 90 days _ the gang.A.toB.atC.onD.of参考答案:C6. She would have to _ her own living when she grows up.A.supportB.produceC.earnD.supply参考答案:C7. Scientists will have to _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.A.come outB.come up forC.come intoD.come

4、 up with参考答案:D8. The returns in the short _ may be small, but over a number of years the investment will be well repaid.A.intervalB.rangeC.spanD.term参考答案:D9. This is our _. So you can do what you need to do here.A.substanceB.scheduleC.noticeD.noun参考答案:B10. Alexander smells vodka. 亚历山大闻了闻伏特加酒。( )A、错误

5、B、正确参考答案:A11. The _ sections need retelling Aone third Bfirst three Cfirst one Done threeThe _ sections need retellingAone thirdBfirst threeCfirst one Done threeB表示前三个用the first three,因为sections是复数,所以不用C。12. The Great Wall is really a man-made wonderThe Great Wall is really a man-made wonder万里长城真是人造

6、奇迹。13. We _ that it will take another four months to finish this plan.A.grantB.estimateC.councilD.check参考答案:B14. The city of London, _ repeatedly in 1940 and 1941, lost many of its famous churches. A) bombedThe city of London, _ repeatedly in 1940 and 1941, lost many of its famous churches.A) bombed

7、B) to bombC) bombingD) having bombedA此题含义为:伦敦在1949年及1941年连续发生爆炸事件,失去了许多著名的教堂。此句中London和bomb之间的关系为被动,用过去分词作状语。15. A: Was it in 2003 _ Yang Liwei succeeded _ being launched into space? B: Quite right.A.when, onB.that, onC.when, inD.that, in参考答案:D16. He drove very fast to _ that red car.A.scatterB.over

8、takeC.siteD.sponsor参考答案:B17. 我们现在正在积极地做准备工作。 We are making busy preparations for that visit.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B18. Since he often travels on business, he can _ himself to sleeping in any place he can find.A.makeB.accustomC.forceD.let参考答案:B19. Who is the patient being _ on?A.paintedB.operatedC.tiedD.fe

9、tched参考答案:B20. There is too much noise outside. I can not _ my attention on my work.A.connectB.flatC.fillD.concentrate参考答案:D21. This kind of medicine has the power to _ poison.A.splashB.resistC.adoptD.occupy参考答案:B22. Since 1978, many new _ have been developed in our university to meet the increasing

10、 demands of the students.A.disciplinesB.entrancesC.checksD.flames参考答案:A23. 剧院里很多女演员学会打毛衣,大都是我教她们的。( )A、Many actresses in the theatre could knit, and most of them learned from me.B、Many other actresses in the theatre learned to knit as well, mostly from me.C、Many actresses in the theatre learned and

11、were able to knit, and most of them learned from me.D、Many other actresses in the theatre learn to knit as well, and it was I who taught them.参考答案:B24. A luxuriant tan speaks health and glamour. 丰润的棕色皮肤是健康和魅力的象征。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A25. It wasnt so much that I disliked her _ that I just wasnt interested

12、 in the whole business.A.ratherB.soC.thanD.as参考答案:D26. 我上床好几个小时了,还是没睡着. I had been lying on bed for hours, but I still could not fall asleep.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A27. 在理论方面,( )曾针对当时赵景深的“宁顺而不信”的提法,提出了“宁信而不顺”的主张。A、鲁迅B、梁实秋C、瞿秋白D、严复参考答案:A28. Its the present situation in poor areas that _ much higher spending

13、 on education and training.A.answers forB.provides forC.calls forD.comes for参考答案:C29. _, he never takes anything from his neighbors.AAs he is poorBPoor as he isCAs poor_, he never takes anything from his neighbors.AAs he is poorBPoor as he isCAs poor he isDAs is he poor正确答案:B解析:尽管他很穷,但他从来不从邻居那拿任何东西。

14、as引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管”,从句需倒装。30. Carelessness made him fall in his job _.A.interviewB.intentionC.stomachD.stocking参考答案:A31. In the West , it is regarded polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to expreIn the West , it is regarded polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express ( )A. greedinessB. appreciationC. determinationD. misunderstanding参考答案:B32. A.selectionsB.collect



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