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1、Section Using Language单词拼写1We _recycle_ (回收) waste materials such as used bottles and sheets of paper, so that they can be used again.2A _greedy_ (贪婪的) man is never content.He wants to have more of something such as food or money than is necessary.3Representatives of the two companies will meet tomo

2、rrow in an attempt to reach a _settlement_ (协议)4The _instant_ (瞬间) he got the news, Mr Wang hurried out of his house, and drove all the way to the hospital.5Because of these qualities, they were _optimistic_ (乐观的) that he would be successful.6Having _swallowed_ (吞下) the fruit, the girl in the story

3、became pregnant and later gave birth to a handsome boy.7Only after talking to two students did I discover that having strong _motivation_ (动机) is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.8He had the idea that he could use different shapes to _represent_ (代表) different objects.9She married an Ame

4、rican and became a US _citizen_ (公民)10Dont throw the waste everywhere.Please put it into the _dustbin_ (垃圾箱)选词填空take up,remind.of,catch sight of,speed up,suffer from,lose sight of,in no time,sweep up,slide into,be back on ones feet1Residents are encouraged to _sweep up_ and throw away leaves found o

5、n their property and in the gutter,especially during the windy season.2He had studied Japanese for a year and a half before he _took up_ English.3Why dont you dance? Its easy.You can learn _in no time_.4Ice shelves are able to prevent some glaciers from _sliding into_ the ocean.5Helen let out a shri

6、ll cry when she _caught sight of_ a snake.6This story _reminds_ me _of_ my childhood.7Most of the important cities of the world _suffered from_ traffic jam.8His divorce cost him a fortune and it took three years to _be back on his feet_.9Dad stepped on the gas and the car _sped up_ to 150 kph.10My g

7、randson watched the plane go higher and higher until he _lost sight of_ it.单句改错1Tim is so greedy with knowledge that he reads every book available.( withfor )2Filling with shame,the boy lowered his head,ready for the punishment from his dad.( FillingFilled )3In front of our house stand a tall tree with a history of 1,000 years,which is protected by the government now.( standstands )4Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment which they live.( whichwhere )5I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice instant I picked up the phone.( instantinstantly或在instant前加the )



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