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1、教学指导手册(参与编写者:全体参加2015月8月20日宝鸡教委组织的教材培训参班教师)目 录第一部分Unit 1 Back To school 第一单元教学纲要 第一单元单元整合和听说读写目标Unit 2 Our Classroom 第二单元教学纲要 第二单元单元整合和听说读写目标Unit 3 Daily Life第三单元教学纲要 第三单元单元整合和听说读写目标Unit 4 People Around You第四单元教学纲要 第四单元单元整合和听说读写目标Unit 5 After Class第五单元教学纲要 第五单元单元整合和听说读写目标第二部分 备课和教案参考 (以第一单元第一、二课时为例)

2、1. 备课概要2. 教案实例探讨3. 作业实例探讨4. 导读单实例探讨5. 单元测验实例探讨6. (期中测试复习练习卷和期中测试卷, 时间关系待完成。)第一部分Unit 1 Back to schoolI. 教学纲要教学内容重点和难点补充知识难点处理语言输出备注U1 Back to schoolGetting Started 1 nationality BritainBritishFranceFrenchCanadaCanadianGermanyGermanJapanJapaneseRussiaRussianbe from/come fromIm _years old.Nice to meet

3、/see you. ChinaChineseItalyItalianbe from/come frome.g. Im from China. Im Chinese.I come from the USA. Im American对国家和国籍的了解和朗读。能够简单介绍自己能够熟练见面打招呼用语。Getting Started 2 spell age Whats your name?Whats your English name?How do you spell your name?Are you a student?Yes, I am.No, Im not.Where are you from?

4、What nationality are you?How old are you?spelling n.spell v.eg. Can you spell your name?Yes. It spells S-A-N-D-Y.age n. eg. Whats your age?能够运用所学内容,与朋友交流,对对方有进一步的了解。Getting Started 3, 4, 5He/She/It_It spells T-O-M.Who is it?Its Li Ning.What nationality is he?能够将Getting Started 1和Getting Started 2进行整

5、合,并同桌或小组交流。Dialogue 1same adj.eg. We are in the same class. We are classmates. neighbor(u)r n.Its time for sth.能够用简短的对话交朋友并且问候朋友。Dialogue 2greetabsent be absent from Im sorry/glad/excited/pleased to hear that.greeting n.greet v. eg. greet each otherabsent adj.eg. be absent from class/ work/ school注意

6、问候渗透。能够问候朋友并且表达自己的情感。Item 1September be back at schoolmiddle schoolproud subject history geography biology likebestdo well (in)believe Is everything going well with you?How I miss you!proud a.eg. Shes proud of herself. Shes proud of her school.do well in/be good ateg. Sue does well in geography, and

7、 she is good at maths, too.believe v.eg. I believe I can act out the dialogue.初步了解书信的结构。1. 能够熟练进行自我介绍,也可以通过书信以及e-mail交笔友。2. 能够介绍我的新学校。Item 2introduce introduce A to Binternational gentleman language school news on TVon/in the teamhead teacherthe girl with glassesthe boy in redoverseas welcome have a

8、 good timeintroduce v.eg. Can you introduce yourself to me? overseas adj.welcome n.eg. Lets give them a warm welcome. v.eg. The teacher came to welcome us.将to be 从第一人称改写为第三人称单数形式。能够用第三人称单数形式介绍他人(姓名,国家,国籍,特征)。Item 3a student of an international schoolbe good atcomputer engineer作为介绍注意有其开头和结尾,而且要首尾呼应。能

9、够介绍自己的家庭情况(家庭成员及其他)。Culture corner at the age of sixprimary schoolhigh schoolsecondary schoolthe Spring Festivala new school yearcomparewithmonitor class teacherheadmaster fixed classroomteaching buildingschool gateschoolyard fence dormitoryYoung Pioneermiddle school了解中西方的学校生活。本部分要求学生能看懂,教师能用中文解释。Gr

10、ammar: pronouns: subjective case, objective case, possessive adjectives & possessive nounsII. 单元整合及分课时口语和书面要求:共6课时。单元课题Unit 1 Back to School课时授课内容课时课题听说目标读写目标第一课时GS 1+D 1Meeting New Friends1. 能介绍自己,如自己的姓名、年龄。了解国家和国籍 (叙述)2. 能交新朋友 (对话)能正确书写和默写本课所学的单词和打招呼语和除China、Chinese、the USA, American外,其余有关国家和国籍的单词

11、本课只做认知要求。能做书面翻译题。能书面补充对话。第二课时GS 2/3+D 2Make friends能询问同学的姓名国籍等信息(对话),并用获得的信息将同学介绍给大家(叙述)。能就所获信息介绍同桌、教师. .第三课时Item 1+culture cornerMy new school (friends and school subjects & activities)1. 能跟录音模仿Item 1,正确朗读并表演。2. 能仿照Item 1 说说你自己的新学校。能在口头表达的基础上,写自己的新学校。(书信格式,不做要求)第四课时GS 4/5+Item 2Introduction 1. 能跟录音

12、模仿Item 2,做到能用正确的语音语调朗读并表演。2. 能口头介绍朋友 (姓名,国家,国籍,特征)能完成练习册中的练习第五课时Item 3+DIY 2Jimmys / My family能朗读Item 31. 能完成Item 3 的阅读理解2. 能书面介绍你的家庭成员。第六课时Grammar、Summary(Message Box、Game Zone)Revision能就所给信息做口头介绍完成单元测试Unit 2 Our ClassroomI. 教学纲要教学内容重点和难点补充知识难点处理语言输出备注U1 Back to schoolGetting Started 1 stationery n

13、.UWhats this? Its a teachers desk.Whats that? Its a chair.What are these? They are desks.What are those? They are chairs.能听懂并且能够用GS1的对话进行交流。Getting Started 2 pencil ballpoint penCD/DVD playertextbook dictionary copier printer Is this a TV set?No, it isnt. Its a computer.photocopier n.能听懂并且能够用GS2的对话进行交流。Getting Started 3能听懂并且可以自己介绍自己的学习用具。Getting Started 4eraser Whats this/that?What are these/those?能熟练掌握以下结构:A: Whats this / that? B:Its a pencil / ruler / (an) eraser / school-bag / ballpoint pen. A:What are these / those? B:They are pencils / schoolbags / ballpoint pens.Getting Started 5



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