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1、原文:使用方法煮饭方法基本的煮饭方法1. 使用附属的量米杯进行量米以量米杯(180ml )瓶口盛满1杯为标准进行量米。2. 淘米、增减水量将内锅置于水平处,根据烹煮项目的水位刻度进行增加水量,参阅P30 “高明的煮饭方法”将米摊平。米不需浸泡可立即煮饭。将米浸泡后煮出的饭会稍软。3. 将内锅放入本体中,关闭外盖,并连接上电源插头擦去内锅外侧沾附的水分和异物,放入内锅。务必安装内盖。如未放入内锅按“煮饭”键时,蜂鸣器鸣响,显示“H04 ”的错误提示。4. 用键选择烹煮项目WNTERICEREGUL朋 ii SUSHISOFTERM PORRIDGEHARDER!iH SWEETQUICK COO

2、KIHG BROWNMIXED4 *1 GMUBROM每按一次键,口位置上移。持续按键则可以快速移动。(返回“普通”时移动停止)“白米(普通、稍软、微硬)”、“糙米饭”、“糙米活性”一 经选择煮饭后,到下次再选择为止,将被自动记忆。白米快速:想要快速烹煮白米饭时选择白米快速。但有可能煮出的饭会稍硬。八5. 按 键煮饭灯亮灯,开始煮饭的提示音(蜂鸣器)鸣响。进入焖饭状态时,将显示至饭煮好的剩余时间。到惊養好的崩余时间MENUHS6. 煮饭结束的提示音(蜂鸣器)鸣响,自动进入保温后,请立即搅拌 米饭煮饭结束后自动进入保温,此时保温灯矽叱口亮灯, 以一小时为单位显示保温经过时间。煮饭结束后立即搅拌米

3、饭,使多余的水分蒸发,以防米饭板结或发粘将米饭保存在内锅中时,请务必使用保温功能。如不使用保温功能将米饭保存在内锅中,会导致米饭产生异味。参阅P27 “可口保温”、参阅P33 “标准保温、休眠保温”在保温中想知道当前时间时,请按“调整时间”键的。并请再次按“调整时间”键,返回到保温经过时间。否则下次煮饭将不显示保温经过时间,该切换能在保温中进行。若将保温一度取消后,再次进行保温时,显示会返回到M0 HOURSO煮饭结束时的报知音可以进行切换。参阅P32 “报知音的种类及切换方法”7. 使用结束后按RESET键,拔下电源插头煮饭所需的大约时间w 闽I I1TjCLKI*1 ULM14W4B対50

4、幷冲创圖MW* A *欝1小制一*小时怙井脾4)索劃1小时25分艸14剧35井钟Sx.5*1约业tdiD#神列冋赭竹惮_連女 妁 50 井!4 - J T F芮电压230V.羸遷20上.术潟18弋的场含*时间是从煮饭开始到进入保温状态的时间。并因电压、室温、季 节、水量等而异。什锦饭由于在米中加入了配料等,为了使其美味可口,煮饭时间 要比白米延长一些(预热时间大约需要 30分钟)。提示和注意请不要在煮饭中打开外盖.否則会影响煮饭效果连续煮饭时.请冷却本体和外矗至人体肌肤溫度太热会影响煮饭效果。X不鼻空畫否则会引起数厲因煮饭状态的不同.有时煮好的米饭底部可能会有浅黄色的焦饭 煮好的米饭中央部会略

5、有凹陷二这是因米受锅限制所煮之故。倦用方注煮饭方法续高明的煮饭方法谨用附属的米杯.平矗潇洗行米。什镉饭米电饭锅为10L規格、请在0硏4ff以内烹I: 为1.8US格.请在2杯玮仪内烹煮超出 址咖”耐滝曲渦或绅刚熙按煦皿血|的水位刻度。菓单选择MIXED配料加入配料的约占米的30%50% 为宜.加入配料过时会影响煮饭效 果杯米約150g) iW将配料切成 小块成在*上.不雯搅拌进行更董将调味料用汤汁或水聲*鼻后轉加入米中.堆减水后 从铝底谨行充分搅荐若将il味料直接加入米中.或没 有从碗讲行充分时时.有时会焦紋翊林饭效果麦片饭WHITE的水位刻度辑微多加些水.菜单無选择I SOFTER麦片的比例

6、.谓漳加到煮饭的20HU内S 过多时,会无法顺利煮饭.(例)案1杯的时.米为0.8杯、麦片为02杯。胚芽米水按昭WHITE的水位刻度。菜单键选择REGULAR或SOFTER 由于胚芽容揚脱落,所以请用手轻轻地淘洗米。糙米饭水量按照菜单键选择BROWN。襦米饭使用洗净井沥水30分钟以上的米。水量按照仅为糯米时按照糯米和粳米混合时 比SWEET的水位刻度。SWEET水位刻度稍微多加些水。菜单键选择SWEET o配料加好水后,放在米上。糯米红豆饭时先煮红豆.然后将红豆与豆汤分开,冷却至常 溫后使用煮饭时请诂豆汤代替水进行烹煮。米使用半糙米、糙米煮不好粥。水量按照|3死迥羽的水位刻度o菜单键选择 PO

7、RRIDGE -配料加入配料的量约占米量的30%50% 为宜请将配料切成小块放在米上.不 要搅拌进行烹煮。尽量少放不易煮熟的配料。另外円青菜 类请事先烫煮,务必等粥熹好后再加入。1发芽米米电饭锅为仁QL规格.请煮在05杯4 杯以内烹煮;为18L规格.请在2杯 8杯以内盘煮。仅烹煮发芽米、或与白米混合烹煮律水按照网血目的水位刻度。菜单键选择J SOFI EH o根据发芽米种类的不同.有时会造成溢出,或影 响烹煮效果*请朿要用定时预约煮饭,或将米浸电30分钟以上。 由于发芽米容易吸收水分有时会影响烹煮效果总译文:HOW TO USECook ing MethodBasic Cooki ng Met

8、hod1. Measure rice with the affiliated rice measuring cupTake a filled rice measuring cup(180ml) as standard when measure rice.2. Wash rice, add or remove the waterPut the inner pot in a horiz on tally surface, addi ng or removing water according to the water level mark of the cooking items. See P30

9、“ Masterly Cook ing Method ”Flatten the rice.There is need to soak the rice before cooking. The soaking rice will be a little soft.3. Put the inner pot into the body, covering with lid. Then plug.Wipe the water and foreign bodies then put the inner pot into the body.The lid must be covered.If you pr

10、ess the butt on of “ cook ing ” before putt ing the inner pot into the body, the buzzer will ring, showing the error of “H04” .Usi ng the butt on “ MENU ” to choose the cook ing itemWHTEnCESUSHI PORRIDGESWEETBROWNREGULAR“厂痘 1SOFTER h/ JHARDER QUICK , ; y z: kCOOKIHG J: MIXED q 厂J口 will move up when

11、you press.Move faster whe n press the butt on con ti nu ally. Once the “ WHITE RICE (REGULAR, SOFTER, HARDER) ” , “ BROWN ” , or “ GABA BROWN ” was chosen, it will be memorized automatically.WHITE RICE QUICK COOKING: press this button whe n you want to cook the rice in a short time.But, the rice wil

12、l be a little hard sometimes.5. The COOKING butt onWhen the COOKING button light up, the buzzer rin gs.Entering the stage of stew, it will show the remaining time before the rice is ready.對恆廉好的齋余时间MiNirns6. The buzzer will ring when the rice is ready. Once into the stage of automatic insulation, ple

13、ase stir the rice immediately.Once the rice is ready, the machine will be insulating automatically. At this time, the heat lamp button ;曲亘麵匝卫j亟Dwill light up.Take one hour as unit to show the insulation time.Once the rice is ready, please stir it immediately, letting the excess moisture evaporates a

14、nd preventting the rice become compact and sticky.When preserve the rice in the inner pot, never forget to use thein sulati on fun cti on.If not, the rice will produce odor.See P27“I nsulatio n Brings Delicious Rice ” , P33 “ sta ndardinsulation, dormant insulation”During the insulation, if you want to know the time, you can press the butt on of “ Adjusti ng Time ” 血或* . And press it aga in whe n you back to the insulation time. If not, the insulation time


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