高考英语第二轮查漏补缺 (基础+提升)专题集训一 名词与冠词(含解析)

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高考英语第二轮查漏补缺 (基础+提升)专题集训一 名词与冠词(含解析)_第1页
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高考英语第二轮查漏补缺 (基础+提升)专题集训一 名词与冠词(含解析)_第2页
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《高考英语第二轮查漏补缺 (基础+提升)专题集训一 名词与冠词(含解析)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语第二轮查漏补缺 (基础+提升)专题集训一 名词与冠词(含解析)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题限时训练(一)名词与冠词(一)(限时:10分钟)1It is _ coincidence that _ day before his retirement, Mr Smith will have been teaching for 40 years.Aa; a Bthe; aCa; the Dthe; the2Of the two apples, which one do you prefer?_bigger one. Its_ most delicious one, I think.AThe;a BA;/CThe;the DA;the3. It was _ hard work, but

2、completing it gave me _ deep sense of satisfaction.Athe; / Bthe; aC/; a Da; the4There is no _ in persuading him to give up computer games.Adoubt BwonderCpoint Dvalue5. Mo Yan won _ Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012. As a writer, he is _ success.A/; a Bthe; /Cthe; a D/; /6The fact that she told a li

3、e had a great influence on her _.Aambition BstatusCreputation Dassessment7The giant pandas, who live near the centre of the deadly earthquake in _ Lushan recovered from _ shock of the quake.Athe; the Ba; theCthe; a D/; the8If you like, I can do some shopping for you.Thats very kind of you for your _

4、Aservice BofferCpoint Dsuggestion9Most athletes did not win a medal in_race, but they all agree it was_great event.Athe; a Ba; theCa; a Dthe; the10Carl is studying _ food science at college and hopes to open up _ meat processing factory of his own one day.A/; a B/; theCthe; a Dthe; the11Why didnt yo

5、u go for a walk? Itll give you a (n) _ for your lunch.Aappetite BauthorityCenergy Dmotivation12I dont think the competition is _ failure, because it has offered us _ valuable experience for the next competition.A/; / B/; aCa; / Da; a13Mo Yans winning of 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature shows the worl

6、ds _ of Chinas contemporary literature.Arecognition BintentionCconnection Dapplication14It cant be denied that the Diaoyu Islands are _ part of China and what some Japanese have done recently is actually _ offence against Chinese people.Aa; / Ba; theCthe; / D/; an15As _ birthplace of Huaxia civiliza

7、tion,Xian is _ city with a long history and abundant cultural relics.Athe; a Ba; aC/; a Dthe; /16To see a young couple loving each other is no _; but to see an old couple loving each other is the best sight of all.Awonder BdoubtCway Dproblem17In 1948, three American scientists invented _ transistor,

8、 which is _ small electronic device to control an electric current.Athe; a Ba; aCthe; the Da; the18In Scandinavian countries,it is common _ for the husband to stay at home to look after the baby.Ause BpracticeCsense Didea19They reached _ company out of _ breath only to be told they were fired.Aa; /

9、Bthe; theCa; the Dthe; /20When he left _school, he got a job as _secretary in a food company.Athe; a Bthe; theC/; a D/; the专题限时训练(一)1C考查冠词。句意:史密斯先生退休前一天将满40年教龄,这真是一种巧合。第一空泛指“一件巧合之事”,第二空特指“退休的前一天”。故选C项。2A考查冠词。“the 比较级”表示“两者中较的那一个”;most此处表示“非常”,而不是最高级。3C考查冠词。句意:这工作不好做,但完成它给我带来了深深的满足感。hard work为不可数名词,在

10、语境中非特指,不用冠词;a sense of satisfaction 为固定短语,意为“满足感”。故选C项。4C考查名词辨析。There is no point in (doing) sth表示“(做)某事没有意义”。故选C项。5C考查冠词。第一个空表特指;第二空 “success”用作可数名词,表示“成功的人”。6C考查名词辨析。句意:她说谎的事实严重地影响了她的声誉。ambition雄心;status身份, 地位;reputation名声,名誉;assessment 评价。根据句意可知C项正确。7D“人名、地名、国名”等专有名词前通常不用冠词;第二空用the特指地震带来的震惊。8B考查名

11、词辨析。句意:“如果你愿意,我可以为你买些东西。”“谢谢你的主动帮助。”service服务;offer主动帮助;point点;suggestion建议。9A考查冠词。第一空特指“参加过的比赛”;第二空指“一次大事件”。句意:大多数运动员没有在那次比赛中获奖,但他们都认为那是一次重大的赛事。10A考查冠词。food science是学科,前面不加冠词。factory是可数名词,所以加不定冠词表示泛指。11A考查名词辨析。appetite食欲;authority 权威,权力;energy精力,能量;motivation动机。语境表示“出去散步会使你中午有食欲”。故选A项。12C考查冠词。第一空泛指

12、类别,这里的抽象名词failure可具体化为可数名词,表示“一件失败的事情”;第二空“experience”作“经验”讲时,只用作不可数名词。13A考查名词辨析。recognition承认;intention目的,意图;connection联系;application申请。句意:莫言赢得了2012年诺贝尔文学奖,这说明全世界都对中国现代文学表示认可。14D考查冠词。第一空part of指“是的一部分”;第二空后的offence是抽象名词,此处具体化,指一件冒犯人的事情,为可数名词。句意:谁都无法否认钓鱼岛是中国的一部分。最近一些日本人所做的事情实际上冒犯了中国人。15A考查冠词。第一空birt

13、hplace后跟有of Huaxia civilization修饰,特指“华夏文明的发祥地”,所以用定冠词;第二空表示“一个的城市”,所以用不定冠词a。故选A项。16A考查名词辨析。no wonder不足为奇;no doubt无疑;no way没门儿;no problem没问题。句意:看见年轻的一对相亲相爱不足为奇,但是看见一对老人相亲相爱却是最美丽的风景。17A考查冠词。发明物的单数名词前用定冠词表示概念,由此可排除B、D。后面一空用不定冠词,表示“一种(小设备)”。句意:1948年,三位美国科学家发明了晶体管一种能控制电流的小型电子器件。18B考查名词辨析。use用途;practice做法;sense感觉;idea主意。句意:在斯堪的纳维亚的国家,丈夫待在家里带孩子是惯例。common practice惯例,习惯;而common sense指“常识”。19D考查冠词。句意:他们上气不接下气地赶到公司,不料却被告知他们被解雇了。第一空用the特指“他们工作的那家公司”;out of breath “上气不接下气”,是固定短语,breath前没有任何冠词。20C考查冠词用法。leave school为固定短语,表示“毕业”,school前不用冠词;第二空泛指“食品公司的一名秘书”。故选C项。


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