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1、(2021年)四川省眉山市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.I only work_ weekdays, not _ weekends()A.on; on B.at; at C.on; at D.at; on2.This is the best novel_I have ever read()A.which B.where C.that D.what3.It is a fact _ most deaths from lung cancer are caused by smoking()A.that B.how C.what D.whic

2、h4.Johns never been to New York()A.And hasnt TomB.Nor he didntC.Neither has TomD.Tom hasnt neither5.She is old enough to dress _()A.yourself B.himself C.herself D.myself6.He is()to know the result of the exam he had yesterdayA.anxious B.puzzled C.pleasant D.worried7.It is vital that enough money _ t

3、o fund the project()A.be collectedB.must be collectedC.is collectedD.can be collected8.Readthebookcarefully_youwillfindlotsofinformationrelatedtoourresearch()A.if B.or C.so D.and9.But for the favorable weather, we _ in such a good harvest()A.cant getB.couldnt getC.couldnt have gotD.could have got10.

4、In order to improve your communication skills, we will show you how to learnabout your customers than you know now()A.many B.much C.most D.more二、完型填空(10题)11.68.()A.improves B.progresses C.changes D.goes12.()A.taught B.consumed C.sought D.searched13.43.()A.gather B.spread C.carry D.bring14.59()A.sile

5、ntly B.impatiently C.gladly D.worriedly15.61()A.as B.until C.when D.while16.14()A.opinion B.idea C.view D.thought17._()A.protected B.undisturbed C.unexpected D.deserted18.20.()A.most B.worst C.least D.best19.63.()A.on B.for C.with D.to20.In order to work here the foreigner needs a work permit, which

6、 must be applied 61 by his prospective employer. The problem here is that the Department of the Employment has the right to 62 or refuse these permits, and there is little that can be 63 about it. It would be extremely unwise 64 a foreign visitor to work without a permit, since anyone doing so is 65

7、 to immediate deportation. There are some 66 to this rule, most notably people from the Common Market countries, who are 67 to work without permits, and who are often given 68 residence permits of up to five years. Some 69 people, such as doctors, foreign journalists, 70 and others, can work without

8、 permits.The problem with the Act is not just that some of its rules are unfair but 71 it is administered, and the people who administer it.An immigration official has the power to stop a visitor 72 these shores coming into the country. If this happens the visitor has the 73 to appeal 74 the Immigra

9、tion Appeal Tribunal. While the appeals are being considered, the visitor has no 75 but to wait sometimes for quite a long time.Critics of the law say that immigration officials treat the 76 visitors badly, and appear to accept or 77 them for no 78 reason. Which side of the political 79 you are on,

10、there seems to be an urgent need for a good look at the Act, for it causes frequent argument, and in the eyes of many, real 80()A.for B.off C.to D.in三、翻译(3题)21.()直到20世纪初,美国妇女才取得了投票权。A. Not until the early 1900s they allowed women to vote in the United States.B. Not until the early 1900s when women w

11、ere allowed to vote in the United States.C. Not until the early 1900s women were allowed to vote in the United States.D. Not until the early 1900s were women allowed to vote in the United States22.Packaging is an important form of advertising. A package can sometimes motivate someone to buy a produc

12、t23.The young, on the one hand, often think of the old conservative. On the other hand, the old always consider the young inexperienced四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _ by the judge()五、单选题(0题)25.The design was so _ that you could not find any fault in it()A.delicat

13、e B.elaborate C.fancy D.complicated六、单选题(0题)26.Id like to see()him in my office he arrivesA.for the moment B.the moment C.in a moment D.at any moment参考答案1.C我只在工作日上班,周末不上班。考点词语搭配【精析】Con weekdays:在工作日;at weekends:在周末。故选C2.C这是我所读过的最好的小说。考点定语从句【精析】C分析句子结构可知,空处引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词novel。在定语从句中,当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时,定语

14、从句中的关系代词常用that,而不用which。根据先行词前的the best可知,选C3.AA句意:由肺癌导致的大部分死亡是由抽烟引起的,这是一个事实。名词性从句题。分析句子结构可知,主句结构完整,所以空格后的句子应是一个作名词fact的同位语的从句,且从句不缺成分,只能用that,故本题选A4.C【翻译】约翰从来没有去过纽约。汤姆也没有去过。 考点倒装句 C如果前面所述情况也适用于后者,后面的句子常用so(肯定句), neither/nor(否定句)引起倒装句。故选C。5.C6.A他很着急想知道昨天考试的结果。考点固定用法【精析】Abe anxious to do是固定搭配,意为着急做某事

15、。故选A7.A句意:筹集足够的钱来建立这个项目是非常重要的。本句是特殊的虚拟语气句型,后面要用should+动词原形,should可以省略,而且本句要用被动语态8.D句意:仔细阅读这本书,你会发现里面有很多与我们研究相关的信息。固定用法。本题考查“祈使句+and+含有将来时的句子”这一句型,相当于一个条件状语从句9.C要不是这么好的天气,我们不可能取得这么好的收成。考点虚拟语气【精析】C分析句子结构可知,本句包含一个but for(要不是)引起的含蓄条件句,表示与过去事实相反的假设,所以应用过去完成时。结合句意可排除D项。故选C10.D为了提高你的交际技巧,我将给你展示如何比现在更了解你的客户。考点比较级结构【精析】D本句句末的than一词可知,空白处应为形容词或副词的比较级,在四个选项中,只有选项D是比较级,故D为正确答案



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