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1、江苏省镇江市扬中三跃中学高三英语摸底试卷含解析一、 选择题1. So popular _ that it attracts more than 100,000 kite fans to this cityAbecame kite flying Bkite flying becameChas kite flying become Dkite flying has become参考答案:C2. Well, you can buy $20 tickets or 30 $ tickets, _ you prefer Awhich Bwhichever Cwhatever Dwhat 参考答案:B考查状

2、语从句。本题连词引导状语从句而不是定语从句,表示前面提到的两种票价的选择,用whichever引导状语从句。3. Are the two glasses believed_ by Tom?A. broken B. to be broken C. to break D. to have been broken参考答案:D4. - Its burning hot today, isnt it? - Yes. _ yesterday.A. So was it B.So it was C.So it is D.So is it参考答案:A5. _ the cold, thin air and low

3、oxygen levels also can cause mountain sickness.A. On behalf of B. In terms of C. Apart from D. Except for参考答案:C【考查方向】考查介词短语的用法。句意:除了冷空气,稀薄的空气和低氧水平也能引起高山反应。On behalf of代表; In terms of依来讲。apart from且不说.(实际上是包括的),except for要不是,除之外(从整体中排除)而the cold,thin air 也是会cause mountain sickness的,所以不能排除,只能用“且不说”apa

4、rt from,用besides也可以,是一个递进关系,表示“而且.”。故选C。6. He treated us as _ individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues.A. autonomous B. fragileC. content D. ambiguous参考答案:A【分析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他把我们看作是自主的个体,必须学会在重要问题上下定决心的个体。【详解】autonomous自治的; 有自主权的,自发的;fragile易碎的,虚弱的;content满意的,满足的;a

5、mbiguous模棱两可,含糊的,不明确的。根据后一句“必须学会在重要问题上下定决心的个体”可知,是一个自主的人,才可以做到,故选A。7. -Thank you for your CD-ROM. Ill return it as soon as I can. -_. Ive got another one to spare. A. No problem B. No hurry C. With pleasure D. Nothing much 参考答案:B8. However occupied you are with study, try to _ at least 15 minutes ea

6、ch day to have some exercise.A. set out B. set about C. set off D. set aside参考答案:D略9. I cant remember when turning point occurred exactly, but it might be _ summer morning when I was in New York.A不填;a Ba; a Cthe; a Da; the参考答案:C10. _ the wise leadership of the Party, we have achieved great success d

7、uring the past two decades. A. Owing to B. On account C. Because D. Thanks for参考答案:A11. The money will be used _ the school with new computer equipmentAto provideBprovidingCprovidedDto be provided参考答案:A试题解析:本题考查非谓语动词中的不定式的用法。在非谓语动词中,用不定式to do 表示目的,译为“为了” ;B providing 现在分词表示主动进行;C provided 过去分词表示被动完成

8、;D to be provided 不定式的一般式的被动表示将来的被动,均与题意不符。故选A。12. 21st Century, _ weekly newspaper, provides us with _ variety of fresh articles about campus studies and life.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; / D. the; /参考答案:A略13. 一Do you know why Chris decided to leave the company?一He held out for higher wages,which were

9、_ in the end.Aput away Bbroken down Cbroken away Dturned down参考答案:D略14. He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he it differently.A. could express B. would expressC. could have expressed D. must have expressed参考答案:C15. The boy went out _something to eat.A. to search B. in search of C. in

10、search for D. in the search of 参考答案:B16. Johnson would have faced the music but he _ doing things like thatA had stoppedB stoppedC was stoppingD has stopped参考答案:B17. Mary felt sad over the loss of photos she had shot in Australia, _ that was a memory she especially treasured.A. as B. which C. when D

11、. where 参考答案:A二、 新的题型18. Mochi (年糕) is a traditional food popular in Chinese and Japanese cooking, made from _41_ (special) treated rice. It is often presented in the form of a round cake, and is traditionally exchanged at the New Year.Mochi is made by _42_ (put) sticky rice into water overnight, co

12、oking it and pounding it into a sticky paste. The paste is made into shapes ranging from simple to complex rounds, some of _43_ are stuffed with sweet fillings. Mochi is often decorated with _44_ (flower) or fruits, especially when it is exchanged as _45_ gift at celebrations like birthdays and the

13、New Year.Traditionally, wooden mortars (臼) and pestles (杵) _46_ (use) to pound mochi rice. Fresh mochi is usually cooked and served warm _47_ a variety of sauces. Steaming and boiling are both popular preparations in Japan, along with cooking. Fresh mochi is soft but it_48_ (hard) quickly. Prepacked

14、 mochi blocks, flattened and cut into square pieces or shaped into rounds, are available at grocery stores. Mochi can go bad easily, so its _49_ (good) to cook soon than to keep it in your fridge.Hard mochi pieces can be cooked, deep-fried, boiled, and more. Cooked mochi is very sticky, so be careful not _50_ (choke) on it.参考答案:41



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