
Contents of Grade 9Unit one How do you study for a test?Unit two I used be afraid of the dark.Unit three Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Unit four What would you do?Unit five It must belong to Carla.Unit six I like music that I can dance to.Unit seven Where would you like to visit?Unit eight Ill help clean up the city parks.Unit nine When was it invented?Unit ten By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.隆回县万和实验学校九年级英语学案班级:组号:姓名 主 备 人:张素梅 审核人:课 题:Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Period 1学习目标1、知识目标:单词:flash card/vocabulary/aloud/pronunciation/短语:work with friends/make vocabulary list/ask the teacher for help/practice conversations/read aloud/speaking skills2、能力目标:通过自主学习,听力及口语的训练,谈论解决问题的方法。学 习 过 程学 习 内 容 学习笔记一.(预习)(明确学习目标,布置自主学习任务,设置自主预习检测)1 .仔 细 阅 读 laGrammar focus.找出重点单词,短语,和句子。(各学习小组长组织带读及过关。)2.结对练习1 C,并试用不同的by+doing编新对话。3.结对练习2 C,学习使用现在完成时态询问对方曾经做过的事。4.按要求写出下列词形变化。写出下列动词的动名词形式。Listen make study run写出下列动词的过去分词形式:Study learn decide planGo do am/is are(二)展 示(展示自学效果,展示学生疑难,合作探究释疑)。1.各学习小组选派代表展示新单词和短语的读音,然后进行单词短语预习检测。2.新句型展示:How do you study for a test?I study by making flash cards.各组轮流结对展示句型,并使用新的短语替换by making flash cards.3.通过听力训练巩固句型。Listen to the tape and finish lb.2a,2b,check the answer.4.再听磁带回答以下问题:(1 )o How did Pierre study?(2).How did Antonio study?(3)Did the girls read aloud to practice pronunciation?5.口 语 展 示(使用现在完成时态,询问对方曾经做过的事)Have you ever played soccer with your father?Yes,I have.(三)反馈。(总结知识学法,巩固拓展训练)1.总结以下知识要点。(由学生先行组内讨论,然后自行解惑)必要时候老师点评。(1)practise 的用法。(2)aloud/loud/loudly 的区别。(3)句型分析:Its too hard to understand the voices.(4)tooto (使用此结构造一个自己的句子)(5)What about doing s th?使用次句型造一个自己的句字。2.当堂评价方案。巩固拓展训练。(1)-My spoken English is poor,what shall I do?一 Thats easy.Practice_(speak)it as much as possible.(2)如果你学习有困难,你可以向老师寻求帮助。(学习反思):隆回县万和实验学校九年级英语学案班级:组号:姓名 主备人:张素梅 审核人:课 题:Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Period 2memorizing the words of pop songsspeak too quicklynot at all学1、知识目标:习单词:specific/memorize/grammar/differently/frustrating/quickly/add目短语:specific suggestions标the best way to learn more Englishend upways of learning Englishdo a survey about learning Englishkeep an English notebookfind watching movies frustrating.2、能力目标:通过快速阅读,能准确摘录信息。学以致用,能用英语做简单的问卷调查。5 Ei-学 习 内 容学习笔记(一).(预习)(明确学习目标,布置自主学习任务,设置自主预习检测)1.在 P4上划出新单词及短语。2.小组长带读单词和短语,并组织预习过关单词短语。3.编写完3b部分的对话。(-)展 示(展示自学效果,展示学生疑难,合作探究释疑)。1.各小组抽查(板示)短语的预习情况。2.分组交流合作,朗读3a,并互相解释疑难。3.分小组朗读3 a,展示语音及课文的理解情况。4.板示3 a部分摘录信息的答案。5,分角色扮演,(预习时根据3 a改编的对话)6.完成4 部分的问卷调查。(三)反馈。(总结知识学法,巩固拓展训练)总结以下语言点:(可由学生代表先讲解,老师适当进行点评。)1.She said that memorizing the words of DOD songs alsohelped a little.划线部分是什么结构,在句中做什么成分。追踪训练:Ils bad for your eyes to watch TV too much.f TV too much bad for your eyes.2.Hes been learning English for 6 years.划线部分使用了什么时态,并请使用此时态造一个自己的句子。3.Sometimes,however,he finds watching movies frustrating because thepeople speak too quickly.frustrating在此句中做什么成分,它 与 frustrated有什么区别。你还能列举多少象这样的形容词?4.She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.having conversations with friends 在句子中做什么成分?使 用 not.at a ll.造一个句子。5.We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese.使用 end up doing.造句。巩固拓展训练:完成基础训练第2 课时练习。(课后反思)隆回县万和实验学校初中部学案科目 英语 年 级 九 年 级 主备人 张素梅 审核人Unit One How do you study for a test?Period 3Section B(la2c)学习目标能力目标:学会讨论英语学习中的困难知识目标:I.掌握单词 pronounce spoken slowlymistake comma challenge.II.重点短语:how to use commain grammar_get much writing practicespoken English.III.重点句型:1。I cant pronounce some of the words.2.I cant understands spoken English.3.1 make mistakes in grammar.4.1 read very slowly.5.1 can?t get the pronunciation right.6.Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English?7.1 don4 have a partner to practice English with.学习过程(-)预习.(明确学习目标,布置自主学习,设置预习检测)I.浏览P5一遍,在书中划出知识目标中所列的单词与短语.(组长组织预习及初步过关)H.在文中标出难点句型,查阅资料,初步理解难点句子.III.结对预习la.A:What things are difficult for you?B:选 择 l a 中的句子进行回答.IV.列举出自己在英语学习中的实际困难 记录在1b空格中。(-)展示.(展示自学效果,展示学生疑难,合作探究释疑)1.语音展示.朗读新单词及重点短语.2.板示预习成果.默写重点单词及短语3.对话表演:谈论学习中的困难.?(仿照2 c 部分对话)4.Listening practice.Listen to 2a and check the learning challenges he talks about.Listen again and match the challenges in 2a with the solutions.(三)反馈(总结知识学法,巩固拓展训练)语言学习(重点难点释疑)及时巩固拓展.1.1 cant pronounce some of the words.pronounce pronunciation 的区另ij。他的发音不好:.2.1 cant understand spoken English.Spoken En g l i s h English-speaking美国是一个说英语的国家._我的英语口语不太好._3.1 make mistakes in grammar._Make mistakes make a mi st ake by mistake()I a mistake.Please dont be angry with me.A.make B.made C.will make D.had made4.1 read very slowly.sl ow slowly她慢慢的打开门.()Lets do it.We have only three minutes left.A.hardly B.slowly C.quickly5.I cant get the pronunciation right._get.right.get+宾语+宾语补足语 使.处于状态这份工作使大家非常疲惫._6.Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English?Why dont you do sth?=_你为什么不去游泳呢?_join/take part in/join in 的区别:7.I dont have a partner to practice English with.a partner to practice English with.此短语中不定式以及介词with的用法:我没有可以用来写字的钢笔.学习反思隆回县万和实验学校初中部学案科目 英语 年 级 九 年

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