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1、学校代码: 学 号:专业学位论文指导教师姓名 申请学位类别 论文提交日期 授予学位单位安丘市城顶山森林公园规划研究专业领域:农村与区域发展论文答辩日期:授予学位日期:答辩委员会主席:论文评阅人:University Code: 10225Register Code :Dissertation for the Degree of MasterThe Evaluation of the Planning about Anqiu cityChengding mountain forest parkCandidate:Supervisor: AssociateSupervisor: associate

2、 professorAcademic Degree Applied for: Speciality:Rural andregional development Date of Oral Examination:University:Sun li hongluozhenggongAgricultural promotionDec.2012Northeast Forestry Uni vers ity摘要改革开放以来我国经济迅猛发展,各项社会事业渐趋完备,人们经济收入H益增 多,法定节假日、双休日也给人们提供了更多休闲度假机会。国家实行五一、十一黄金 周,每年齐个景点都是爆满状态,城市旅游、乡村游

3、、森林游、长假游、周边游日益丰 富多彩。森林公园也日渐走入人们的日常生活,成为人们回归自然,陶冶情操、促进身 心健康的理性去处。森林公园因其面积大、景象全、空气质量好、趣味性强而备受社会 各界的关注,而森林所独有的经济价值、美学价值、科研价值、生态价值,也吸引越來 越多的专家学者研究森林公园的发展。如何科学规划森林公园的开发建设,成为各地森林公园建设的前提。木文立足安 丘市城顶山森林公园实际,充分学习国内外相关理论的基础上,充分调查研究城顶山森 林公园建设现状,修止其不足,制定规划目标与发展战略,指导城顶山森林公园建设, 使规划满足森林旅游要求,使森林公园旅游发挥最大的经济效益、社会效益、生态

4、效 益。力求该规划研究对我省同类森林公园的开发建设发挥一定的借鉴作用。首先,介绍了国内外森林公园研究与建设现状,对森林公园相关概念、功能、与其 他旅游形式的异同进行提炼和总结,并提出指导森林公园规划的基木原则与发展战略。其次,对城顶山森林公园现状进行分析评价,找出其优势、劣势,分析其发展机遇 和威胁,确立城顶山森林公园的总体规划和专项规划。最后,提出规划实施的保障措施和建议。关键词城顶山;森林公园;规划研究AbstractPark is forest in with the rapid development of social economy, the quickening of the p

5、rocess of industrialization and urbanization, the people long for close to nature, return to n ature, thus edify and promote the health of body a nd mind of the birth of the historical background, with resting, protection, scientific research education and other functions. All over the world forest

6、park vigorous established, has developed an important ecological, social and economic ben efit. Research set high standards planning design is to improve the forest park construction grades of important premise, forest park at home and abroad in the planning principle guiding thought, planning, plan

7、ni ng stan dards and thorough research, provides a refe re nee for the experience.Anqiu city top mountain forest resources are rich, various cultural relics, Anqiu city municipal party committee and the city gover nment attaches great imports nee to the developme nt of mountain work, further improvi

8、 ng the ecological environ me nt and basic conditions, city planning and construction has a top mountain forest park of conditions. Through the mountain to city natural and humanistic history, the social environment, infrastructure, tourism and other basic conditions for investigation, the present s

9、ituation of objective evaluation analysis, aims to mining show window, for the next step is planning to provide advaneed ideas layout.Based on the forest park planning and construction related theory, refer to a large number of documents, draw lessons from domestic and international forest park plan

10、ning of successful experienee, based on local advantages, and put forward the city mo untai n forest park planning strategy conception, strategic goals and implementation of the strategy project and making detailed development and protection plan. Complete with protection as the foundation, in order

11、 to enlarge the forest vegetation, rich forest Iandscape, development forest tourism products, restore the human Iandscape features, speed up the construction of service facilities for key projects, set for sightseeing, leisure vacation, popular scienee education, such as fruit production multi-funo

12、tion in one of the harmonious relationship between human and nature of the mountain high standard ecological city forest park planning.Keywords Forest park; The forest resources; planning目录摘要II1绪论11.1研究的背景口的和意义11.1.1选题的背景11.1.2研究的目的11.1.3研究的意义21.2国内外研究现状21.2.1国外研究现状2122国内研究现状21.3研究的主要内容和方法31.3.1研究的主


14、塑造战略143.3.4服务设施塑造战略143.4本章小结144现状基本情况与SWOT分析144. 1自然条件144. 1. 1地理位置154. 1.2地质地形地貌154. 1.3气候水文154. 1.4 土壤植被154. 1.5生物种类154. 2人文历史条件154.2. 1名称由来164.2.2现存古迹164. 3基础设施条件164. 3. 1 交通174. 3. 2广电通讯174. 3. 3供水供电1744周边旅游资源1745景区现状条件174. 5. 1景观资源现状184. 5. 2基础设施现状184. 5. 3旅游市场现状194.6. SWOT 分析194. 6.1旅游市场分析与预测1

15、94.6.2旅游市场概况194. 7. 2旅游市场分析194. 7. 3旅游市场定位204. 8本章小结205规划目标与总体布局205.1规划口标215. 1. 1总体口标215.1.2具体口标225. 2.发展定位235.3总体布局235. 4本章小结24V.6专项规划研究246. 1景观设施规划256. 1. 1规划原则256. 1.2规划内容256. 2基础保障规划256. 3配套设施规划266.4景观及环境保护规划276. 5保障措施286. 5.1完善制度建设286. 5. 2拓展投资渠道及经营方式286. 5. 3建立监督机制296. 6 本章小结29结论30参考文献31致谢32个人简历331绪论研究背景.目的和意义1.1.1研究背景改革开放以来我国经济迅猛发展,各项社会事业渐趋完备,人们经济收入日益增 多,法定节假口、双休日也给人们提供了更多休闲度假机会。国家实行五一、十一黄金 周,每年各个景点都是爆满状态,城市旅游、乡村游


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