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1、湖北省襄阳市第二十五中学2020年高一英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. John, get up! Im afraid you wont have time to _ before going outA. get changed B. get changingC. get change D. get to change参考答案:A考查动词。句意:约翰,起床!我恐怕你在出发前没有时间换衣服了。 get changed 表示换衣服的意思,这里的get是一个连系动词,相当于be ,故选A项。2. When I came to myself, I found myself _ and _ a gro

2、up of people.Ato be at hospital; surrounded byBat hospital; surroundingCat hospital; surrounded byDat hospital; to be surrounded参考答案:C考查“find宾语宾补”结构。句意:当我苏醒过来时,我发现我自己在医院里,周围围着一群人。第一空用介词短语做宾补;第二空用过去分词表被动。3. The Coca-Cola Company _ wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand ex

3、tension. A. might have beenB. cant have beenC. must have beenD. can have been参考答案:A考查虚拟语气。意为“可口可乐公司本应聪明一点, 让老牌可乐照卖不误,同时将新口味可乐作为品牌延伸推向市场。”4. The first prize goes to_ makes the great contribution to the company. A.whomever B.whichever C.no matter who D.whoever参考答案:D略5. -Dont worry, Mum. The doctor sai

4、d it was only the flu.-_! Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious.A. What a relief B. CongratulationsC. How surprising D. Im so sorry参考答案:AA解析句意为:妈妈,别担心。医生说只是流感。我可以松口气了。我要告诉你爸爸你没事。A项意为“可以松口气了”,符合语境。B项意为“祝贺”;C项意为“多么令人惊讶啊”;D项意为“我很抱歉”。6. - It is a long time since I saw my sister. -_ her this weekend?A.Why

5、not to visit B. Why not visit C. Why not visiting D. Why dont visit 参考答案:B7. ( )be sent to work there when you are away? A. Who do you suggest who should B. Do you suggest who shouldC. Who do you suggest D. Do you suggest whom should参考答案:C略8. National Day is drawing near, and wed better go somewhere

6、 to relax ourselves. _? -I agree with you.A. How come B. Whats your opinion C. How can you do it D. What is it like? 参考答案:B9. _ the kid wanted to know was _ the candies had been hidden by his parents. A. That; what B. What; where C. What; that D. What; if 参考答案:B10. He was born in a musical family, b

7、ut he cannot play any _. A. equipment B. instrument C. invention D. instruction参考答案:B11. While watching Titanic, most people couldnt help crying when it came to the scene_ Jack saves the girls life but dies in icy water himself.A. which B. as C. why D. where参考答案:D略12. The diamond mine _ accidentally

8、 by a little boy when he was playing hide-and-seek.A. discovered B. was discovered C. has been discovered D. would discover参考答案:B13. . - Have you each got a computer in your office?- Of course. of our work by the computer.A. Two thirds, are done B. Two third, were doneC. Three quarters, is done D. T

9、hree fourth, was done参考答案:C略14. The reason _ he was late was _that his car had broken down on the way. A. why, because B. that, because C. that, for D. why, that参考答案:D15. He told me a piece of news, _ terrible.A. I think it is B. I think which is C. which I think it is D. which I think is参考答案:D16. B

10、efore I could speak to my little brother, he at the corner of the street.A. had disappeared B. disappearedC. had been disappeared D. was disappearing参考答案:A二、 书面表达17. 假定你是李华,周末计划带交换生Martin到当地儿童福利院(Welfare Center for Children)看望儿童。请你给Martin写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1. 周六上午八点校门口集合,骑共享单车(shared bikes)前往;2. 简单介绍在福利院的

11、活动内容;3. 建议准备一份小礼物。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_参考答案:Dear Martin,How are you doing? I am happy that you can visit the welfare center for children this weekend with me. Now, I am writing to tell you the plan in detail.It is this Saturday morning that well pay a visit to it. Lets meet at 8 am at t

12、he school gate, and then well go to our destination by riding shared bikes. In the center, well see how they children spend their time, whether they are happy and what help is needed from us. We are supposed to play with them for some time, telling stories and jokes. You are good at singing, so they

13、 will surely like your English songs. By the way, we can prepare some small gifts for the children. There is no doubt that they will have a wonderful time.Looking forward to seeing you.Yours,Li Hua【分析】这是一篇类似于通知的信件。写作时需要注意要点一定要全,语言可以简洁明了。文中列出了三点内容,第二点可以自主发挥。【详解】第一步:审题体裁:应用文时态:这是关于周末计划的,时态应为一般将来时为主。要点:1. 时间、地点、交通方式2. 介绍在福利院的活动内容(了解小朋友的日常,了解他们的需求,和他们玩耍,讲故事,唱英语歌等等,可自主发挥)3. 注


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