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1、高中教育 | 精品借鉴 (一)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项。Hughie Erskine was in love. The girl he loved was Laura Merton, the daughter of a retired army officer. They were the best-looking couple in London, and had not a penny between them. Her father was very fond of Hughie, but would not hear of any engage

2、ment.“Come to me, my boy, when you have got ten thousand pounds of your own, and we will see about it, he used to say; and Hughie looked very miserable in those days.One morning he went to see a great friend of his, Alan Trevor, who was a painter. When he came into the studio he found Trevor putting

3、 the finishing touches to a wonderful life-size picture of a beggar-man. The beggar himself was standing on a platform in a corner of the room. He was a dried up old man with a lined face and a sad expression. Over his shoulder was thrown a rough brown coat, all torn and full of holes. His thick boo

4、ts were old and mended, and with one hand he leaned on a rough stick, while with the other he held out his ancient hat for money.“Poor old fellow! said Hughie. “How miserable he looks!At that moment a servant came in and told Trevor that a man wanted to speak to him. Trevor went out.The old beggar-m

5、an sat down to rest for a moment. He looked so miserable that Hughie pitied him, and felt in his pockets to see what money he had. All he could find was a pound and some pennies. “Poor old fellow, he thought to himself, “he wants it more than I do, but I shant have much money myself for a week or tw

6、o; and he walked across the room and slipped the pound into the beggars hand.The old man jumped, and a faint smile passed across his old lips. “Thank you, sir, he said, “thank you.That night Trevor told Hughie that the old “beggar was Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men in Europe, who had asked h

7、im a month before to paint him as a beggar. He also said that he had told the old man all about the lovely Laura and the ten thousand pounds.The next morning, as he was at breakfast, an old gentleman brought Hughie a letter from Baron Hausberg. On the envelope was written, “A wedding present to Hugh

8、ie Erskine and Laura Merton, from an old beggar, and inside was a cheque for ten thousand pounds.1. The girls father. A. liked Hughie because he was rich. B. disliked Hughie C. disliked Hughie because Hughie was poor D. liked Hughie but didnt allow Hughie to marry his daughter2. Hughie gave some mon

9、ey to the beggar because . A. he was very rich B. he was kind-hearted and showed mercy on the beggar C. the painter told him to do so D. the girls father told him to do so3. Which is true about Baron Hausberg? A. He was the girls father B. He was a painter C. He had a lot of wealth D. He was a begga

10、r4. It can be inferred from the passage that. A. Hughie Erskine married Laura Merton B. Hughie Erskine didnt marry Laura Merton C. Mr. Merton still didnt agree to the marriage D. Hughie married the girl because he was good-looking5. We can learn from the text that. A. One should be good-looking B. O

11、ne should be poor C. One should be rich D. One should be tender-hearted二阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项。My husband was in the Royal Navy, stationed at the Port of Wilmington while his ship was waiting to sail up the New York Harbor for the Bicentennial in 1976. While in Wilmington a friends mother

12、 met a bunch of the English sailors in a bar in downtown Wilmington. They invited us onto the ship; she invited them for a barbecue. We had a wonderful time. After they went to New York several of the sailors got off and spent time on the train going back and forth from Wilmington to visit their new

13、 found friends. Graham was one of them and after spending all the time we could together he left with his ship. We kept in touch and I flew to England to stay with his family at Christmas for two weeks and we were engaged, he came to visit the following Easter and I went back the next August. That v

14、isit he broke up with me and I flew back to the States in tears. A few years later he married in England, I married in the States and we lead separate lives for 25 years. I was married in 82, had a baby in 86 and was diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer 6 weeks after my daughter was born. I w

15、as 26 and was given a 5 % chance to live 5 years. After a few years my marriage ended and I sent a letter to Grahams mother because I had never forgotten him and was getting in touch with important people and taking care of things you do when you think you are dying. It took the letter awhile to catch up with his mother as she had moved several times over the years. She gave the letter to Graham and he called me. He was married with 2 sons; one was the same age +4 days as my daughter. Over the years we talked on the phone a few times and sent pictures



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