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1、Topic 1 Welcome to China(欢迎来到一、welcome to意思是欢迎到某地后面接地点,如国家、城市。其冋答通常为表示感谢的词语。eg: Welcome to Beijing!Thanks/Thank you.1. 表示M候的表达:1. Good morning!早上好! Good morning! 2. Hello/hi 你好! He llo/hi 你好!3. How do you do?你好! How do you do? 4. How are you?你好吗? Im f ine,thanks.我很好,谢谢你。5. Ni ce to meet/s ee you.见到你

2、很高兴。Nice t o meet/see y ou,too.见到你也很高兴。6. Good afternoon/ev ening!下午/晚上好! Good afternoon/e vening!卜 T/晚上好!7. Good night!晚安! Good night !晚安! 8. Good b ye/bye 再见! Goodbye/bye 再见!三、Are you .?意思是你是某某吗其肯定回答是YesJ am.否定回答No , Im not.eg: Are you Sallly?Yes, I am./ No, rm no t.四、Here you are.给你。把东西递给别人时用到这一短

3、语。其回答为Thanks/T hank you.五、T his is这是某某某。向第三者介绍自己的朋友或者亲人。Eg:M om,this is m y teacher.六、Be动词的用法。Be动词有三个:is, a m, are.Is通常与she, hejt及表示単数的词语连用。Am只与I连用。Are与you, w e, they及表示复 数的词语连用。Eg: l.She_from American.2. He a boy.3. It an eras er.4.1 twelve years old.5. You a student.6. Wefrie nds.China7. They in t

4、he sam e class. 8.Kangkang from . 9.Maria and J ane_frien ds.Topic2 Wh ere are you from?(你来自哪里)一、Where are you from?你來自哪里?用來提问国籍或者籍贯。其回答为I am from.ChinaEg:Where are yo u from? I am from.二、whats you r name?你叫什么名字?其回答为My name is或者直接说Im .Eg:whats your name?My name is Sally 或者Im Sally.2. Be什om來自。有三种形式:i

5、s from,am什om和are from.3. Who is she/he?她/他是谁?用來询问第三者的姓名。其回答为She/he is.Eg: 1 .Who is she?-She is S ally. 2. Who is he?-He is Kangkang .五、Who are t hey?他们是谁?其回答为They are .and .他们是某某和某某。Eg: Who are they?They are Maria and Ja ne.1. Whafs yo ur telephone number?你的电话号码是多少?冋答是Its +数字。或者直接 说数字。Eg: Whats you

6、r telep hone number?Its 1 0086.或者 10086 .2. Is he Li Mi ng?他是李明吗?其肯定回答Yes, he i s/ No, he is nt.当句子是由Is或Are Y引导的一般疑问句,其冋答的人称代词和Be动词要一致。前面是is,回答也要是 is。前面是he,后面也要是he .3. 缩写:isn,t=is not arent=are not whatzs=what is whos=wh o is where,s=where is lm=l amt hats=that i s youzre=you areTopic 3 What clas s

7、are you in ?(你在哪个班级?1. To pic 3 What c lass are you in?你在哪个班级?其 1口1 答为 Im in Cl ass Two, Grade Seven.其中C lass Two, Grade Seven卩1)个单词的首字母要大写。英语中习惯从小到 大。所以先说班级,再到年级。2. How o Id are you?你多大了?你儿岁了? How old为提问年龄的短语。其回答为Imtw elve years o Id.表示我12岁了有三种表达方法。1. Im twelve year s old. 2. Im twelve- y ear- old.

8、 3 . Tm twelve .最经常考的是第三种,eg:Im twel ve3. Whats thi s/thatin English?这个/那个用英语怎么说? in+具体某一种语言表示用某种英语怎么说。其回答是Its a/an+单数名词。E g: Whats th is in English?If s amap.a后面接以辅咅咅素开始的中.数名词,an后面接以元音音素开始的单数名词。如 a boo k, an orange .4. Whats this /that?这个/那个是什么?回答统一是It i s an/a単数名词。Eg: Whats t his/that?It is a desk

9、.This/th at意为这/那。对应的复数为these/thos e这些/那些.What are these/th ose?这 些/那些是什么?其回答统一为They are +S数名词。E g: What are these/those?-They are books.5. How do you speIN t?它是怎么拼的?冋答是把単词的字母一一读出來,再读単词。Eg: How do you spel I it?B-O-O-K,boo k.而Can you s pell it, pie ase?你能拼它吗?回答是Yes,然后把单词的字母读出来,再读单词。Eg: Can y ou spell

10、 it,please?Yes, B-O-O-K,book.6. Thank s/Thank you 谢谢你。其回答为 Thats Ok 或者 Youre welcome.7. Let让,后面接人称代词的宾格,另外接代词的原形eg:Let me help you让我帮助你。 Top icl I have a small nose(我有一个小小的鼻子)1. ha ve和has都表示有的意思。Has是have的第三人称单数形式。Has用在she,he,it 及表示单数概念的名词后面。Have用在.has之外的情景。如She/He/I t has. I/Y ou/We/They h ave.o动词的第

11、三人称单数是指当主语是第三人称时,动词要用第三人称单数形式。其变 化有以下四种:1.一般在词尾加s如K kelikes.2.以s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词加es如g uessguess es. 3.以字母o结尾的动词一般加es如do does.Eg:She likes En glish.二、助动词do和does. Does是do的第三人称第三形式。这里可以结合have和has来牢 记。下面是由do和does引导的一般疑问句及其各自的回答。1. Do yo u have?你有吗?其肯定回答Yes, I do.否定回答No, I don t.Eg:Doyou have a big nose?你有一

12、个大鼻子吗?Yes, I do/No, I don t.2. Do you have?你们有吗?这里you代表你们。其肯定回答Yes, we do.否定问答No, we don t.Eg: Do you have big eye s?Yes, we do. / No, we don t.3. Do they have?他们有吗?其肯定回答Yes, They d o.否定回答No, Th ey don t.Eg : Do they ha ve big eyes?他们有一双大眼睛吗?Yes, They do/No, Theydon t4. Does she/he have?她/他有吗?其肯定回答Y

13、es, she/he does.否定回答No, she/he doesn t.Eg: Does she have a smal 1 nose?她有一个小鼻子吗?Ye s, she/he do es/ No,she/he doesn, t.之前说过当主语是第三人称第三时,动词用单数。伸当句Y中有助动词及情态动词吋,动 词要用原形。所以Does she/he have?巾用的是h ave,而不是has.1. 英语中hair头发为不可数名词,不能说a hair或者hairs.而眼睛,耳朵,腿,手臂通常以复数形式;出现,如eyes, ears, legs arms.2. ChinaCome fro m

14、 =be from.来自。当主语是第三人称单数吋come要加s。如sh e comes from China.=she is from3. Same相同的,后面必须与the连用。而differe nt不同的,后面接4数名词复数。如 We are in the same school, but we are in di fferent grad es.Topic 2 Wh at does she look like?(她长什么样?)4. What d oes she look like?是提问外貌的句子。回答是说出其五官特征。Eg: Whatdoes she loo k like?She is

15、tall and she has short brown hair.二、look the same看起来一样,看起来不一样用dont look the same.表示否定可以用dont 或者doe snt,即在动词前而加dont或者does nt。两者的用法结合d o或者does牢记。We dont look the same.我们看起来不一样。She d oesnt like English.她不喜欢英语。三、What co lor提问物体颜色的短语。What color?是什么颜色?后面提问的物体是 单数的话,Be动词用is.如接复数用a re. What col or is it?它是什么颜色?其回答lfs+表示颜 色的词语。What color are t hey?他们是什么颜色? 其回答是They are +表示颜色的词语。Eg:What color is it?Its pink.What color are th ey?The y are pink.5. give 给。构成短语 Giv e sth to sb,sth 代表物品,sb 代表人。如 I give th e le


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