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1、Unit 7要点整理1. 你介意我打开窗户吗?(两种)Would/Do you mind my opening the window?= Would / Do you mind if I open the window?2. 点也不(介意)。Not at all.3. 不介意,你开吧(你做吧)。No, go ahead.4. 你最好不要开窗。天太冷了。You had better not open the window. Its too cold.5. 我可以问你一些问题吗?当然可以。你问吧。Could I ask you some questions? Certainly. Go ahead

2、.6. 打扫院子 clean the yard7. 洗餐具(两种)do the dishes = wash the dishes8. 制作海报 make posters9. 张贴海报 put up posters10. 浇花、浇植物 water the flowers and plants11. 喂养动物 feed the animal (feed-fed-fed)12. 从出來 get out of 从浴室里出來 get out of the bathroom 从黑暗的森林里出来get out of the dark forest13. 关小声/调大声音(电器)turn. down/turn

3、. up14. 打开/关闭(电器)turn. on/ turn .off15. 移动自行车move the bike16. 立亥lj,马上(五种) in a minute = right away = right now = at once = in no time17. 上学/上课迟到 be late for school/class=arrive late for school18. 排队等候 wait in line=stand in line19. 插队 cut in line二jump a queue20. 排到队伍里join the line21. 对某人某事生气 get mad/

4、annoyed with sb at sth22. 他们在开会。(两种)They are at a meeting. = They are having a meeting.23. 我们的任务是教会学生如何思考。Our task is to teach students how to think.24. 学校开放日 the school open day25. 给某人剪了一个难看的发型give sb a terrible haircut26. 理发(两种)give sb a haircut = cut one9s hair那个理发师给汤姆理了发。(两种)The barber gave Tom

5、a haircut. = The barber cut Toms hair.27. (请别人)理发 have one9s hair cut28. 营业员(三种)the store clerk = the shop assistant = the sales clerk29. 钢笔坏 了。(三种)The pen doesnt work. = There is something wrong with the pen. = Something is wrong with the pen.30. 最后(三种)at last = in the end = finally31 允许某人做/不做某事 al

6、low sb. to do /not to do sth. 我父母不允许我晩上外出。My parents don% allow me to go out at night.32. 某人不被允许某人做/不做某事 sb be allowed to do / sb be not allowed to do sth. 学生们不被允许戴耳环。Students are not allowed to wear eaiTings.33. 做某事是被允许的/做某事是不被允许的doing sth is allowed / doing sth is not allowed.公共场所吸烟是不被允许的。Smoking

7、in public is not allowed.34. 允许做某事 allow doing sth他们不允许吐痰。They dont allow spitting.35. 当众地;公开地;公然地in public36. 在公共场所 in public places37. 公众the public (作主语时,谓语动词用复数)38. 公众们反对将工厂建在他们城市附近。The public are against building the factory near their city.39. 公立学校私立学校public schoolprivate school40. 遵守、服从规则违反规则o

8、bey the rulesbreak the rule41. break 1)打破(break-broke-broken) Who broke the window?Bill did.谁打破了窗户?是比尔。2)休息 Class is over. Let5s have a break.下课了。让我休息一下 The students run in the hallways during the break.课间学生 们在走廊上跑來跑去。42. 破了,坏了 be broken我的风筝破了。你能给我做个新的吗? My kite is broken. Can you make me a new one?

9、43. 捡起某物 pick up sth (若是代词 it / them,要用 pick it / them up)地上冇垃圾。请把它捡起來。There is some litter on the floor. Please pick up it.44. 接某人 pick up sb明天卜午我将在银行附近接你。I will pick you up near the bank tomonow afternoon.45. 熄灭火/ 香烟 put out the fire / cigarette46. 如果你冇问题,你应该尽量找到问题的解决方法。If you have pToblems, you s

10、hould try to find the solutions to the problems.47. 如果你冇问题,你应该尽量解决问题。If you have problems, you should try to solve the problems.48. order 1)(动词 vt.)点餐,点菜 I ordered a hamburger.我点了一个汉堡。2)(名词n.)点餐,点菜May I have your order?你现在要点餐了吗?3)(动词vt.)命令order sb to do sth命令某人做某事4)(名词n.)命令、指令The officer gave the wo

11、rkers many ordersyesterday.昨天长官给工人们下了许多命令。5)(名词 n.)顺序 Please put the sentences in the right order.请把句子按正确的顺序排好。49. 扔垃圾 drop litter (drop-dropped-dropping)50. 控制声音 keep the voice down51. 用一种的声音 in a / an + adj. 4- voice52. 妈妈用疲惫的声音叫我努力学习。My mother told me to work hard in a tired voice.53. 这个小女孩总是用甜美的

12、嗓音唱歌。This little girl always sings in a sweet voice.54. 到处跟着某人follow sb around55. 一包烟 a bag of cigarettes56. 不要把烟头扔在地上。Don drop the cigarette end on the ground.57. 尽量、尽力(不)做某事try (not) to do sth58. 可能在将来我应该尽量不要这么有礼貌。Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.59. 做某事很激动 be excited to do s

13、th这个老太太看见她失踪的猫很激动。The old lady was excited to see her missing cat.60. 对某事很激动 be excited about sth对于我们学校在比赛中赢得了第一名的消息我们大家都很激动。We were all excited about the news that our school won the first in the match.61. 说英语的国家 an English-speaking country62. 家长的行为对孩子有重大的影响。Parents9 behaviors have an important inf

14、luence on children.63. 表现好/表现有礼貌behave well / politely64. 在亚洲(两种)in Asia = in Asian countries65. 在欧洲(两种)in Europe = in European countries66. 小心(不要)做某事(两种)take care (not) to do sth = be careful (not) to do sth 我们应该小心不要再公共场所大声咳嗽或打喷嚏。We should take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public67. 冇礼貌地给某

15、人建议(两种)polite give sb suggestions = give sb suggestions in a polite way6& 批评某人 criticize sb喜欢被批评 like to be criticized69. 向某人抱怨某事 complain to sb about sth70. 孩了们经常向家长们抱怨食堂的饭菜。Children often complain to their parents about the meals in the dining hall.71. 不耍总是抱怨这抱怨那。Dont always complain about this or about that.72. 写一封抱怨信(投诉信)给当地的报纸write a letter of complaint to the local newspaper73. 宇愿做A事情不愿做B事情would rather doA than do B74. 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿踢球。外面太热了。I would rather stay at home than play football. Its too hot outside.75. 发生在身上happens sb这场事故十年前发牛在他爸爸身上。This accident happened to



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