2019年高中英语 module 2 highlights of my senior year section ⅱ introduction & reading — language points教案(含解析)外研版选修7

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1、Section Introduction & Reading Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.highlight n最重要的部分;最精彩的部分2.forever adv. 永远3.rent v. (短期)租用.拓展词汇1.mediator n调解员;斡旋者mediate v调节;调停petitive adj.好强的;好竞争的compete v竞争;比赛competition n竞争competitor n竞争者3.elect v选举;推选election n选举4.settle v解决settlement n协议;和解5.suit v合适;适合

2、suitable adj.适合的,适宜的6.enormous adj.巨大的,庞大的enormously adv.极其地;非常地1.rent v(短期)租用词块for rent招租rent charge 租费rent .from . 向租借rent .to . 把租给collect the rents 收租比较hire多用于对人的雇用rent表示“租出去”和“租借”两种含义2.enormous adj.巨大的,庞大的同义huge adj. 巨大的;庞大的;极大的immense adj. 巨大的;广大的massive adj. 巨大的;大量的;大规模的vast adj. 巨大的;广阔的词块an

3、enormous house 巨大的房子二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块pare .with . 把与比较2look back at 回顾,回忆3share . with . 与分享4work as 充当;担任 5work on 从事6have fun 玩得开心7have problems with 在方面有问题1.in a few days time几天之后2years from now 从现在往后几年3go on a trip 参加旅行4become a journalist 成为一名记者5at the start of the school year 在这一学年开始的时候6go t

4、o college 上大学7get good grades on my final exams 期末考试我考了好成绩三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Meanwhile, I find myself looking back at my senior year .同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光“find宾语宾补”结构,现在分词短语在此处充当宾补。I suddenly found myself running down the street.我不知不觉突然在街上跑了起来。2.Its wellknown that Americans are competitive, and I d

5、id enjoy it whenever I won our races!众所周知,美国人争强好胜,每当我赢得了比赛,我都会为此欣喜万分!do/does/did用在动词之前,起强调作用,常译为“的确,真的”。She did tell me that she would join us in the work.她真的告诉过我她要参加我们的工作。3.Its a great pity that its probably the last time this will happen.真遗憾,这样美妙的夜晚很可能不会再有了。Its a great pity that“很遗憾”。it 是形式主语,that

6、从句是真正的主语。Its a great pity that Lily cannot come to the party.真遗憾,莉莉不能来参加这个聚会了。1(教材P16)Meanwhile, I find myself looking back at my senior year, and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened.同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好往事。look back at 回顾,回忆(look back on/to) When I looked back at

7、those days I realized I was desperately unhappy.当我回想起那些日子时,我觉得自己痛苦极了。She looks down upon people who havent much knowledge.她看不起没有知识的人。Before the meeting he looked through the reports.开会前,他把报告看了一遍。And I do look forward to receiving your reply letter as soon as possible.(2017浙江高考写作)并且我热切盼望早日收到你的回信。2(教材

8、P16)Something else Ive greatly enjoyed is working as a peer mediator, someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students.另外一件我非常乐意做的事情是做同龄人的调解员,就是帮助学生们解决同学之间的问题。settle v. 解决,处理;安排好;定居 settle down舒适地坐或躺,过安定的生活, (使)安静/安顿settle down to (doing) sth. 安心去做某事settle sb.in/into

9、sth. 帮助某人迁入新居/安顿下来settle on sth. 决定做某事settle insettle into sth. 适应,习惯(新情况,环境)You cant expect that all the problems can be settled in a very short time.你不能指望着所有的问题会在很短的时间内被解决。You had better settle down and set about revising.你最好安定下来并开始复习。How are the kids settling into their new school?孩子们在新学校习惯吗?辨析比较

10、settle, solvesettlesolve“解决”,其对象通常是某种争端“解决”,侧重的是给出一个答案settlesolve选用上述单词填空It is time that you settled your dispute with him.How it came about is still a mystery to solve.3(教材P17). we had great fun racing each other down the ski slopes.我们比赛着冲下雪坡,玩得非常开心。have fun 玩得开心 have fun doing sth./with sth.开心地做某事

11、make fun of sb. 开某人的玩笑,嘲弄某人for/in fun 开玩笑地,为了好玩What fun! 真有趣!It is fun to do sth. 做某事很开心/好玩They often have fun flying kites in the open air.他们经常开心地在户外放风筝。People enjoy making fun of the clothes I wear, though they seem all right to me.人们爱拿我穿的衣服开玩笑,虽然我的衣服对我似乎很合适。My mother entered the local flower show

12、 just for fun and got a first.我母亲仅仅因好玩而参加了本地的花卉展,结果得了第一名。名师点津fun 为不可数名词,无复数形式,不与不定冠词连用,但可用great, much, a lot of 修饰。4(教材P17). Ill never forget being elected to the student council.我也永远忘不了当选为学生会成员的经历。elect v. 选举;推选 (1)elect sb.to .把某人选进elect sb.(as/to be)职位 选某人当(2)election n. 选举,推选We elected our monit

13、or by a show of hands.我们举手选举了班长。I was elected as/to be a member of the campus security committee.我被选为校园安全委员会的一员。Details of the election (elect) will be posted outside the town hall.选举的详情将贴在市政厅外。名师点津当有关职位只有一名时,表示职务的名词前不加冠词,而且as通常被省略,除此之外的as大多不可省略。5(教材P17)I found a dress that suited me perfectly, and

14、had my hair specially done on the day of the prom.我找到一件非常适合我的晚礼服,毕业舞会那天还专门去做了头发。suit v. 合适;适合 n一套服装;套装(1)suit sth.to sth./sb. 使适合某物/某人be suited for/to sth./sb. 适合某物/某人suit sb.(fine) (很)合某人的意;对某人 (很)合适(2)suitable adj. 适合的be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事be suitable for 适合We found him work more suited to his abilities.我们给他找到了更适合他的能力的工作。He can suit his conversation to whoever hes with.无论跟谁说话,他都能说到一块儿。The simplicity of the book makes it suitable for children.这本书简单易懂,适合儿童。辨析比较suit, fit, matchsuit指“适



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