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1、必修4Module 4:语言知识运用与写作.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Have you ever traveled around by bike?This spring my older brother and I 1 the busy city and spent a long weekend 2 in the countryside.Our speed was only around 14 kph,but we didnt 3.We hadnt come to break any

2、 speed records,4.All we wanted was some 5 air and a break from schoolwork.We really 6 ourselves while cycling along traffic-free country 7.There was plenty of sunshine,but it was quite cold,8 in the mornings.The good news was that soon we 9 as we rode along.Our only 10 was when my brakes started mak

3、ing a terrible noise.But I didnt care as it gave us an 11 to visit a caf while a bike mechanic (机修工) had a look at it.Every few kilometers there was a 12 where we could talk with local people.One of the women was very 13 and showed us the way when we got lost.On Saturday night we were 14 at 2 a.m.by

4、 some young people.They kept singing loudly in the next room,which made us 15 all night.We felt very 16 when we got up the next morning.Soon we 17.We were more cheerful on the way when the sun came out.18,things like that happened only once.Anyway I still like traveling around by bikeits 19 and its

5、fun.If youre looking for a short break thats active and cheap,then cycling is a great 20!【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。作者讲述了自己和哥哥在周末骑自行车去乡下游玩的经历。1.A.leftB.visitedC.foundD.reached答案A解析由该空后的“spent a long weekend.in the countryside”可知,哥哥和“我”“离开(left)”繁忙的城市去了乡下。2.A.paintingB.studyingC.teachingD.cycling答案D解析下文的“cycling a

6、long traffic-free country paths”是提示。3.A.regretB.mindC.failD.realize答案B解析由该空后的“We hadnt come to break any speed records”可知,我们的车速只有14千米每小时,但是我们并不“介意(mind)”。4.A.at lastB.as wellC.after allD.at most答案C解析“毕竟(after all)”,我们不是来打破速度纪录的。5.A.freshB.thinC.coolD.dry答案A解析从城市来到乡下应该是想呼吸一下“新鲜的(fresh)”空气。6.A.hurtB.h

7、atedC.changedD.enjoyed答案D解析由该空后的“cycling along traffic-free country paths”可知,在没有汽车的乡间小路上,我们无忧无虑地骑着自行车,十分享受。enjoy oneself“过得愉快”。7.A.pathsB.fieldsC.hillsD.mountains答案A解析作者他们骑行在没有汽车的乡间小路(paths)上。8.A.probablyB.especiallyC.speciallyD.immediately答案B解析“特别(especially)”是早上非常冷。9.A.came backB.gave upC.warmed u

8、pD.calmed down答案C解析由上文的“it was quite cold”和“The good news”可知,我们骑了一会自行车就“暖和多了(warmed up)”。10.A.wishB.problemC.decisionD.memory答案B解析由该空后的“my brakes started making a terrible noise”可知,这里是说“问题(problem)”。11.A.orderB.opinionC.excuseD.explanation答案C解析由该空后的“visit a caf while a bike mechanic had a look at it

9、”可知,趁着机修工帮我们修自行车,我们就有“借口(excuse)”去咖啡馆坐一坐了。12.A.cityB.lakeC.schoolD.village答案D解析由上文的the countryside和该空后的“we could talk with local people”可知,这里是说每隔几千米就有一个“村庄(village)”。13.A.friendly B.honestC.stupidD.nervous答案A解析由该空后的“showed us the way when we got lost”可知,这位妇女非常“友好(friendly)”。14.A.savedB. paidC.wokenD

10、.greeted答案C解析由下文的“They kept singing loudly in the next room”可知,我们被隔壁的一些年轻人“吵醒(woken)”了。15.A.excitedB.sleeplessC.speechlessD.frightened答案B解析他们唱歌的声音让我们彻夜“未眠(sleepless)”。16.A.shyB.busyC.boredD.tired答案D解析一晚上没有休息好,所以早上起来后应该是感觉很“累(tired)”。17.A.set offB.called backC.settled downD.broke down答案A解析由该空后的“We we

11、re more cheerful on the way”可知,很快我们就“出发(set off)”了。18.A.StrangelyB.DoubtfullyC.LuckilyD.Naturally答案C解析由该空后的“things like that happened only once”可知,像那样的事情只发生了一次,所以非常“幸运(Luckily)”。19.A.trueB.simpleC.difficultD.dangerous答案B解析骑着自行车游玩“简单(simple)”又快乐。20.A.goalB.dreamC.resultD.choice答案D解析总览全文可知,作者认为骑自行车游玩是

12、一个很好的“选择(choice)”。.语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It was the first time that I had visited London three years ago.It was an 21. (enjoy) trip and I had many impressions.The city 22.(consist) of four parts is divided by the administration.I had always been dreaming of having

13、23. opportunity to see the splendid Tower Bridge and the original Big Ben clock.I visited these places,24. (go) on a tourist boat in the port of the River Thames and saw two coasts.First,I went to the Tower of London,25. is really a very interesting historical place.A long time ago,it was a prison.2

14、6. (late) it became a castle for the royal family,but before long they left this place.I was also delighted 27. (visit) the House of Parliament and Westminster Abbey.They are very old and beautiful with a lot of statues in 28. (they).Apart from that,you can also enjoy nature in London.There are many

15、 parks linking the roads and contributing 29. the beauty of the city.These parks are still being constructed by creative people in London to become 30. (place) without pollution where you can relax and escape the noise of the city.答案与解析【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。作者记叙了三年前自己第一次去英国伦敦旅游的经历。作者具体介绍了自己参观的几个著名的景点。21.enjoyable考查形容词。此处修饰名词trip,用形容词做前置定语。22.consisting考查非谓语动词。此处考查分词短语做后置定语。动词短语consist of没有被动形式,故做后置定语时使用现在分词形式。23.an考查冠词。此处表示泛指,指“一次机会”。24.went考


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