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1、形容词、副词比较级与最高级讲解及练习一、形容词比较级:是用来表比较的,其表达的是“更”的含义,其前常用a lot, even, much, a little来修饰, a lot / even / much +比较级,表“更得多”;a little +比较级,表“有点更”。I.形容词比较级的构成:(1)比较级,有变化,一般词尾加-er;(tall-_; short-_; long-_)(2)词尾若有哑音e,直接加-r就可以;(nice-_; fine-_; late-_)(3)一般重读闭音节,词尾字母要双写,再加-er置身后;(fat-_; big-_)(4)辅音字母若加y,变y为-i加-er;

2、(heavy-_; early-_; happy-_)(5)部分词,双音节,将more置前莫忘记。(beautiful-_; outgoing-_)(6)少数形容词比较级的变化是不规则的:good / well-better; bad / ill-worse; many / much-more; little-less; far-farther / further; old-older / elder.这些词要单独进行记忆。写出下列形容词的比较级形式:funny-_; quiet-_; smart-_; tall-_; nice-_; big-_;calm-_; wide-_; late-_;

3、 thin-_; wild-_; high-_;fat-_; happy-_; heavy-_; old-_;expensive-_; interesting-_; outgoing-_;sII.形容词比较级的用法:(1) A +谓语动词 +形容词比较级 (+名词/代词) + (than + B).“A比B。” 蔡依林比林心如狂野。Cai Yilin _ _ _ Lin Xinru. 林心如比蔡依林沉静。Lin Xinru _ _ _ Cai Yilin.你的头发比她的长。Your hair _ _ _ hers. = You have _ hair _ she / her. 你还有比它更重的

4、吗?Do you have a _ one _ it? 这家医院比那家更远。This hospital is _ _ that one. 我感觉比昨天更糟糕。I feel _ _ yesterday.(2)“比较级+比较级”或“more and more +原级”“越来越” 父母越来越老了。Parents are _ and _. 他越来越胖了。He is _ and _. 天越来越黑了。It is _ and _. 我们的城市越来越美丽了。Our city is _ and _ _.这个沉静的孩子越来越外向了。The calm child is _ and _ _.(3)“the +比较级,

5、the +比较级”“越,越” 你读得越多,知道的就越多。_ _ you read, _ _ you know. 你吃得越多,就越胖。_ _ you eat, _ _ you will be. 你学习越刻苦,收获就越大。_ _ you study, _ _ you will get. 越老越智慧(wise)。_ _, _ _.(4)该项用法仍表两者之间的比较,但形式上不用比较级,只用原级,所以叫“原级比较”。“A +谓语 + as +原级 + as + B.”“A与B一样地。”(表两者在某一方面相同) 我认为休息与工作同样重要。I think work is _ _ _ rest. Tom跑得同

6、Jack一样快。Tom runs _ _ _ Jack. 她起得跟她妈妈一样早。She gets up _ _ _ her mother. 这份粥尝起来同那份汤一样可口。The porridge tastes _ _ _ the soup.“not as / so +原级 + as”“前者不如后者。”_ _ _ that one. 这场演唱会不如那场精彩。The_ is _ _ _ _ that one. 他昨晚睡得不如你晚。He _ go to bed _ _ _ you yesterday evening. 我吃的垃圾食品不如你吃的多。I _ eat _ _ junk food _ you

7、.表示“前者不如后者”也可用:“less +原级 + than” 试用上述结构改写-句: =The sweater is _ _ _ that one. =The_ is _ _ _ that one. =He went to bed _ _ you yesterday evening. =I eat _ junk food _ you.二、形容词最高级:是用来表三者或三者以上事物的比较的,表达“最”的含义,其前一般有the来修饰。I.形容词最高级的构成:(1)最高级,有变化,一般词尾加-est;(tall-_; short-_; long-_)(2)词尾若有哑音e,直接加-st就可以;(ni

8、ce-_; fine-_; late-_)(3)一般重读闭音节,词尾字母要双写,再加-est置身后;(fat-_; big-_)(4)辅音字母若加y,变y为-i加-est;(heavy-_; early-_; happy-_)(5)部分词,双音节,most置前莫忘记。(beautiful-_; outgoing-_)(6)少数形容词最高级的变化是不规则的:good / well-best; bad / ill-worst; many / much-most; little-least; far-farthest / furthest; old-oldest / eldest. 这些词要单独进行

9、记忆。写出下列形容词的最高级形式:funny-_; quiet-_; smart-_; tall-_nice-_; big-_; wide-_; late-_; thin-_; wild-_; high-_;fat-_; happy-_; heavy-_; old-_;expensive-_; athletic-_;interesting-_; outgoing-_;serious-_; fantastic-_.II.形容词最高级的用法:1. the + 最高级 + 名词 + of + 人/事物 某人或某事中最的 the + 最高级 + 名词 + in + 单位/场所 某单位或某地最的 我姐姐是最幽默(funny)的人。My sister is _ _ person. 这是全镇最好的服装店。This is _ _ clothing store _ the town. Bill是我们中最高的男孩。Bill is _ _ boy _ us. Jane在我们班朋友最多。Jane has _ _ friends _ our class. Tom是他们中最强健的男孩。Tom is _ _ _ boy _ them. 这是所有衣服中最贵的一件。This is _ _ _ one _ all clothes.2. the + 序数词 + 最高级 + 名词 第几(长、远


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