企业办税员岗位知识与技能 教学课件 作者 吴彦秋第七章个人所得税年度申报表

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企业办税员岗位知识与技能 教学课件  作者 吴彦秋第七章个人所得税年度申报表_第1页
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《企业办税员岗位知识与技能 教学课件 作者 吴彦秋第七章个人所得税年度申报表》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《企业办税员岗位知识与技能 教学课件 作者 吴彦秋第七章个人所得税年度申报表(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、个人所得税年度申报表INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX ANNUAL RETURN纳税月份:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日填表日期: 年 月 日Taxable month:From date month year Date of filling date month year to date month year金额单位:人民币元Monetary unit:RMB Yuan纳税人编码:Tax payers file number:根据中华人民共和国个人所得税法第七条和第九条的规定,制定本表。纳税人应在年度终了后三十日内将税款缴入国库,并向当地税务机关报送本表。This return is

2、 designed in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 and Article 9 of INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA.The tax payers should turn the tax over to the State Treasury,and file the return with the local tax authorities within thirty days after the end of the taxable year.纳

3、税人姓名Tax payers name国籍Nationality抵华日期Date arrived in China在中国境内住址Address in China省、市、县、街道及号数(包括公寓号码)Street name and number(including number of apartment.) 公寓Apartment 街道Street 县/市County/City 省Province在中国境内通讯地址(如非上述住址)Mailing address in China(if not the same as above)邮编Post code电话Tel. number职业Professi

4、on服务单位Employer服务地点Working location中国境内所得已纳税额Amount of income tax paid in China境外所得应纳税额Tax on income from sources outside China所得项目Categories of income应纳税项目取得收入起始日期收得收入终止日期Incomeperiod所得期间Income period取得收入日期应纳税所得额Taxable income已纳所得税额Income tax paid自缴或扣缴self-reporting orwithholding所得项目Categories of in

5、come应纳税项目收入额Receipts减费用额Deductions应纳税所得额Taxable income税率Tax rate速算扣除数Quick calculation deduction应纳所得税额Income tax境外已缴税额Foreign tax paid授权代理人Authorizedagent(如果你已委托代理人,请填写下列资料)为代理一切税务事宜,现授权 (地址) 为本人代理申报人,任何与本申报表有关的来往文件都可寄与此人。授权人签字: (Fill out the following if you have appointed an agent)For purposes of

6、handling the tax affairs,I hereby authorize (address) to act on behalf of myself. All documents concerned with this return may be posted to the agent.Signature: 声明:Declaration:我声明:此纳税申报表是根据中华人民共和国个人所得税法的规定填报的,我确信它是真实的,可靠的,完整的。声明人签字: I declare that this return has been completed according to INDIVIDU

7、AL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA. I believe that all statements contained in this return are true,correct,and complete.Signature: 代理申报人(签字): 纳税人(签字或盖章):Agent(Signature): Tax payer(Signature or seal):以下由税务机关填写(For official use)收到日期:接收人:审核日期:主管税务机关盖章主管税务官员签字境外税额的扣除计算扣除限额审核记录实际扣除额上年抵免

8、的或结转的税额应补缴的税额国家税务总局监制. Made under supervision of State Administration of Taxation.使用说明一、本表适用于在中国境内有住所,或者无住所而在境内居住满一年的个人,从中国境外取得的所得年度申报。二、负有纳税义务的个人不能按规定期限报送本表时,应当在规定的报送期限内提出申请,经当地税务机关批准,可以适当延长期限。三、未按规定期限向税务机关报送本表的,依照税收征管法第六十二条的规定,予以处罚。四、填写本表要用中文,也可用中、外两种文字填写。五、所得为外国货币的,应按国家外汇管理机关公布的外汇牌价折合成人民币计算缴纳税款,并


10、填入一行,并在“所得期间”栏内分别注明。9境外所得应纳税额各栏填写如下:(1)所得项目:按照税法第二条规定的所得项目分别填写。(2)收入额:填写在年度内境外取得的全部收入额。(3)减除费用额:按照税法第六条的规定应减除的费用额填入本栏。不减除费用的,不填写。(4)境外已缴税额:填写在境外所得项目已缴纳的税额。10声明人:填写纳税人本人姓名。如纳税人不在时,也可填写代理申报人姓名。Instructions1This return is to be filled out for purpose of annual income tax reporting by the individuals wh

11、o have domicile in China,or though without domicile but have resided for one year or more in China with respect to income from sources outside China.2In case of inability to file the return within the prescribed time limit,application shoud be submitted to the local tax authorities within the prescr

12、ibed time limit and the filing time may be appropriately extended upon the tax authoritiesapproval.3In case of failure to submit the return within the prescribed time limit,punishment shall be inflicted in accordance with the provisions of Article 62 of THE LAW OF PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA CONCERNIN

13、G ADMINISTRATION OF TAX COLLECTION.4The return should be filled out in Chinese language or both Chinese and foreign languages.5Income in foreign currency should be converted into Renminbi(RMB)at the exchange rate quoted by the state exchange control authorities for tax purpose and a supporting document should be provided demonstrating the conversion.6Instructions for filling out items:aTaxable year:Calendar year in which the income is deriv


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