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1、书信结尾英文篇一:英文信件常用结尾英文信件常用结尾结尾语采用三种方法:采用分词短语:句末用逗号,不用句号。例如:aWaiting for your good news,bLooking forward to your early reply,cHoping to hear from you soon,dHoping you are enjoying good health,eRegretting that I cant give you a more favorite reply,fRegretting the trouble Im causing you,gWishing you every

2、 success,hWishing you a pleasant journey,iWishing you a happy New Year,采用介词短语,例如:aWith best regards,bWith kind regards to your family,cWith best wishes to you and yours,dWith best wishes for your success and happiness,eWith best wishes for your success in your new field of work, fWith best regards a

3、nd wishing you all success,gWith warmest regards,hWith best regards to you and your family,iWith the seasons greetings,采用完整句子:aWe are waiting for your good news.bI hope to receive your early reply.cWe look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.dI thank you very much for your services, a

4、nd wish your continued success.结束语的一般写法如下:业务书信常用:Yours faithfully,Faithfully yours,Yours truly,Truly yours,Sincerely yours,公函常用:Yours respectfully,Respectfully yours,Yours sincerely,私人书信常用:Sincerely yours,Yours very sincerely,Yours affectionately,Yours ever,给亲戚朋友的信常用:Love,All my love,Yourloving son/

5、daughter/cousin , etc. Your affectionate nephew, lovingly, Lovingly yours,篇二:英语书信结束用语结束用语是写信人对收信人的一种谦称,故也叫“结尾谦称”,相当于我国书信中的“敬上”、“谨上”、“谨启”等。结束用语单独成行,一般低于正文末行一、二行,可写在信笺中间,也可从中间处向右写。开头词第一个字母要大写,末尾加逗点。结束用语应根据通信者之间不同的关系,适当地选用,并注意与称呼吻合一致。具体写法是:(1)写给机关、团体或不相识的人Yours faithfully, (您忠诚的)Yours truly, (您忠实的)Your

6、s very truly, (您浅沂档模?br(2)写给上级、长者或老师等Yours respectfully,(您恭顺的)Very respectfully yours, (您非常恭敬的)(3)写给一般朋友、熟人或同志Yours sincerely, (您真诚的)Yours very sincerely, (您非常真诚的)Yours cordially (您真挚的)Fraternally yours, (相当于汉语的“兄弟”)(4)写给亲属或挚友Yours, (您的)Yours ever, (永远是您的)Yours affectionatelym (您亲爱的)With love from,

7、(您亲爱的)Your loving son您的爱子(女、姐妹、母亲)以上(1)项为正式用语(Formal close),翻译时,可照原文直译,也可参照汉语习惯,译为“谨启”,“启”等。(2)项对上级、长者的用语中,要避免使用已过时的,像Your obedient servant(您恭顺的仆人),Your humble servant(您卑贱的仆人)等语。本项各句的翻译方法与(1)项一样,但汉语应改译为“敬上”,“谨上”等。(3)项为一般私人用语(Personal close)。在写法上欧美人有所不同。欧洲的一些国家习惯上用Yours sincerely, 而美国习惯上用sincerely yo

8、urs, 或Sincerely。(4)项为亲密用语(Intimate close)。在此项用语后,欧美人习惯于签上自己的教名。另外,一些有关英文书信的书籍,也有把结束用语分为结语和敬语两个部分的。结语为信正文下附的问候或祝福语,敬语就是我们上面读到的那种谦语。如:With best regard, (祝好)Hoping for an early reply, (望早赐复)With kind regard to your wife, (问尊夫人好)Please convey my best regard to your father, (请向令尊问好)但也有一些信件,结束用语一项也不用,只签上自

9、己的名字。这主要视写信人的意思而定。篇三:英文书信的开头语和结束语英文书信的开头语和结束语一:开始语1、 Thank you for your letter of September 1.2、 Many thanks for your kind letter which reached me yesterday.3、 You letter xxe to me this morning.4、 I was delighted to receive your letter .5、 I am in receipt of your letter .6、 Its a long time since I s

10、aw your last .7、 I have been missing you a lot since we met last time .8、 I am sorry for not writing to you sooner .9、 I am writing to you tell that often think of you. How are you recentlyThank you for your kind letter(谢谢你的友好来信。)I was so pleased to receive your letter(收到你的来信我十分高兴。)I have just recei

11、ved your kind letter(已接到你的友好来信。)I was pleased to hear from you(收到你的来信,我非常高兴。)I have just this moment received your letter and I am writing at once because(我此时收到你的来信,便立即写信,因为)Your letter ofwas duly received(你的来函已妥收。)Your letter came to(reached)me this morning(今晨收到你的来信。)Many thanks for your last kind

12、letter(接最近来信,感激之至。)I am sorry it has taken me a long time to reply to your last letter but(很抱歉,这么久才回你的上次来信,只是)What a surprise it was to get a letter from you(收到你的来信我感到很吃惊。)I was very sorry to hear(听到感到很不安。)You will be very glad to hear that(听到你会非常高兴。)From your letter I learned that(从你的信中知道)With grea

13、t delight I learned that(我得知非常高兴。)I often think of youHow have you been recently ?(我常想到你,你近来好吗?) Sorry for delaying this letter so long(这封信耽搁了很久了,真对不起。)I have the pleasure to tell you that(我高兴地告诉你)As I have not heard from you for long,I feel anxious(很久没收到你的信,我感到很担心。) I have learned with delight that

14、(我高兴地得知)Heartly congratulations on your graduation!(衷心地祝贺你毕业!)How are you getting on with your English study?(你英语学得怎么样了?)Your kind letter gives me much pleasure(你的来信给我带来了无比的快乐。)Your kind letter from Beijing arrived this morning (你从北京寄来的信件,今晨收到。) Give you a reply and remember me to your whole family (今复信,代我向你全家问好。)二、结束语1、 Good luck !2、 Best wishes !3、4、5、6、 Take care of yourself, will you Send my love to your Please write to me when you have time . Please write soon.7、 Lets keep in touch.8、


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