2018高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 module3 foreign food课件 外研版选修8

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1、话题晨读妙笔生花 话 题: 饮 食(Food and drink) 【词汇积累】 1.canteen n 食堂 2.vegetable n. 蔬菜 3.regular adj. 有规律的 4.healthy adj. 健康的 5.fitness n. 健康 6.contain v. 包含;容纳 7.effect n. 影响 8.order v. 点菜,第一部分 选修 8 Module 3,9.taste n&v. 品尝 10.chew n&v. 咀嚼 11.absorb vt. 吸收 12.fresh adj. 新鲜的 13.delicious/tasty adj. 美味可口的 14.nutr

2、itious adj. 有营养的 15.diet n. 日常饮食 16.put on/lose weight 增加体重/减肥 17.fast food 速食;快餐 18.junk food 垃圾食品 19.be addicted to 对上瘾 20.eat up 吃光,第一部分 选修 8 Module 3,【佳句背诵】 1.The majority of people eat too much fat and not enough fibre,which does great harm to their health. 大多数人摄入的脂肪太多纤维不足,这对他们的健康很有害。 2.As long

3、 as you stop eating that much every day,you can lose some weight.只要你每天不吃那么多,你就可以减一些体重了。 3.Faced with this severe disease,it is of vital importance for us to take some everyday measures to stay healthy.面对这样严重的疾病,采取一些日常措施以保持健康十分重要。,第一部分 选修 8 Module 3,【试题展示】 假如你是高三学生李华,自从进入高三以后,你发现部分同学晚上学习到很晚,他们边学习边吃零食

4、或喝可乐,早上则急于上学而不吃早餐。请你根据这种现象,给英语周报写一封信反映情况,并谈谈自己的看法。,第一部分 选修 8 Module 3,【佳作欣赏】 Dear Editor, I am a high school student who will graduate next year.I have found that some of the students in our class study harder than before.They study late into the night,eating snacks and drinking CocaCola,which is ba

5、d for their health. In the morning,due to staying up late,some students have to go to school hurriedly without breakfast,which surely does harm to their health. In my opinion,though we are under the heavy pressure of study,we should try to eat properly and get as much rest as possible.Only in this w

6、ay can we keep fit and study well. Yours faithfully, Li Hua,第一部分 选修 8 Module 3,1_ vt. 应给予 2_ n. 味道,品味,爱好v. 尝,体会 3_ vi. 咀嚼 4_ vt. (正式)吃;喝 5_ n. 后果 6_ adj. 逐渐的;逐步的 7_ n. 趋势,趋向 8_ adj. 生的,owe,taste,chew,consume,consequence,gradual,trend,raw,9_ adj. 人造的;人工的 10_ adj. 香的;芳香的 11_ adj. 丰富的;充裕的 12_ adj. 成熟的

7、13_ adv. 总的说来;总而言之 14_ adj. 充足的;充裕的 15_ n. 图案 16_ adv. 在头顶上;在空中 17_ vt. 转化,转变 18_ n毒药v.下毒,使中毒_ adj.有毒的,artificial,fragrant,abundant,ripe,altogether,ample,pattern,overhead,transform,poison,poisonous,19_ n方式;方法_ n行为;礼貌 20_ n要求_ vt.要求;需要 21_ vt.谈到,说起_ adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 22_ n顾客_ n海关_ n关税 _ n风俗,习惯,ma

8、nner,manners,requirement,require,remark,remarkable,customer,Customs,customs,custom,2She often greets me in a friendly _,so I think she is a person with good _(manner) 3All the students are _ to take an exam after taking the course and anyone who fails to meet the _ will fail.(require) 4It took the _

9、 only a few minutes to get through the _After he arrives in America,he should follow their _(custom),poison,poisoned,poisonous,manner,manners,required,requirements,customer,Customs,customs,1_ 难怪 2_ 结束 3_ 看出,理解 4_ 与有共同点 5_ 总之;简而言之 6_ 放火烧 7_ 受欢迎 8_ 违反,违背,no wonder,end up,make out,have.in common,in sho

10、rt,set fire to,be popular with,go against,2She didnt recognize the man who hit her because she could only _ a dark shape moving towards her. 3Arguments happen when people _ each others views. 4_,if everyone cares about our earth,our efforts will make a difference. 5The twins are similar to each othe

11、r in appearance,but they _ in nature.,no wonder,make out,go against,In short,have nothing in common,couldnt have spoken,The first time they visited the Science Museum,It was only after I came back that,Do be careful,复习定语和定语从句 单句语法填空 1(2016浙江省衢州市五校期中联考)Where did you get to know her? It was on the far

12、m _ we worked. 2(2015陕西高考语法和词汇知识)As the smallest child of his family,Alex is always longing for the time _ he should be able to be independent.,where,when,3(2015浙江高考单项填空)Creating an atmosphere _ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge. 4(2015重庆高考单项填空)He wrote many childrens books,nearly hal

13、f of _ were published in the 1990s. 5(2016江苏启东中学月考)The house,_ door often stays open until late at night,works as a home for the guards,some of _ are from the countryside.,where,which,whose,whom,Owing,it,用owe的相关短语完成下面小片段 _ the failure of his business,Jack _ others.He worked hard and his parents gave him a lot of help.Finally,he paid off his debts.He _ this _ his hard work and his parents help. 因为生意失败,杰克欠了别人很多钱。他辛勤工作,父母也给了他很多帮助,最终他还清了债务。他把这一切归功于他的努力工作和父母的帮助。,Owing to,owed a lot of money to,owed,to,2 remark n评论;谈论 v评论;说起;谈到 佳句背诵 The readers remarked that the article was well writt


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