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1、中国医疗保健设施建设的变革 现在与将来,1. 目前状况 1. Current situation 2. 发展的主要特征 2. Main characteristics of development 3. 设计思想的变革 3. Evolution of design philosophy 4. 未来10年的任务 4. The task of this coming decade 5. 城市医院案例分析 5. Case study on urban hospitals,1. 目前状况 Current situation,卫生资源不足 Shortage of health resource 医疗保健

2、费用上涨 Health expenditure are growing up rapidly 医疗卫生服务的公平性 The equity of health service,2. 发展的主要特征 Main characteristics,2.1 巨大的建设量 Big construction volume 2.2 超大型综合医疗体对比小诊所 Mega complex vs. small clinic 2.3 新型医疗设施的出现 Emerging of new type facility,301东区 鸟瞰 East Section of 301 Hospital Bird eyes view,社

3、区诊所 Community Clinic,复旦大学附属肿瘤医院,上海 鸟瞰 the Affiliated Tumor Hospital Bird eyes view of Fudan University, Shanghai,中山大学附属第二医院,广州 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Guangzhou,2.4 快速增长的老年保健建筑 Fast growing of elderly care building 2.5 对某些特殊领域的更多支持 More support on specific care 2.6 私有成分的出现 The emerging of pri

4、vate sector 2.7 以较快速度发展 Developing in a higher speed,北京二院 (老年病医院) No. 2 Hospital of Beijing (Geriatric Hospital),麻风病医院,湖南 Leprosarium, Hunan Province,北京回龙观医院 (精神病医院) Huilongguan Hospital, Beijing (Psychiatric Hospital),天津泰达国际心血管病医院 Teda International Cardiovascular Hospital, Tianjin,3. 设计思想的变革 Evolu

5、tion of design philosophy,3.1 符合先进的医疗保健功能 Cope with the practical need of advanced medical function 3.2 构筑良好的医疗环境 Create a better healing environment 3.3 建设一个安全与可靠的设施 Building a safe and reliable facility,3.4 采取可持续发展的技术措施 Adoption of sustainable measures and techniques 3.5 投资效益分析 Cost effectiveness

6、analysis,4. 未来10年的任务 The task of this coming decade,建设小康社会,构筑和谐社会是我国发展目标 To build a medium level wealthy society, to construct a harmony society is the target. 一个更加完善更加合理的医疗保健服务体系将起重要作用 A more rational and better health care system will play an important role.,第11个五年计划卫生发展纲要 The developing brief on

7、health sector for the 11th “Five Year Plan” 20072011年 year 2007 year 2011 一个覆盖全国的疾病防控体系以及应对公共突发事件的应急救援系统将建设完成 A national wide epidemic prevention network and emergency rescue system for various disasters will be completed.,在农村将建设包括县、乡、村的三级医疗保健服务体系 In rural area, a three level health care system (cou

8、ntry-township-village )will be constructed. 在城市,以社区医疗保健站为基层设施的城市医疗保健服务体系将加速发展 In urban area, as the base of urban health care system, the development of community health center will be accelerated. 中央将投入更多的资金用于支持卫生事业 More financial support will be provided for supporting health sector.,5.城市医院案例分析 Ca

9、se study on urban hospitals,北京大学第一医院,北京 No1 Affiliated Hospital, Beijing University, Beijing 总平面图 General layout,北京大学第一医院,北京 No1 Affiliated Hospital, Beijing University, Beijing 透视 Overview from outside,北京大学第一医院,北京 No1 Affiliated Hospital, Beijing University, Beijing 大堂 Main lobby,北京大学第一医院,北京 No1 Af

10、filiated Hospital, Beijing University, Beijing 屋顶花园 Roof Garden,北京大学第一医院,北京 No1 Affiliated Hospital, Beijing University, Beijing 病房内景 Ward,北京大学第一医院,北京 No1 Affiliated Hospital, Beijing University, Beijing 剖面 Section Plan,北京大学第一医院,北京 No1 Affiliated Hospital, Beijing University, Beijing 标准层平面 Typical F

11、loor Plan,粤北人民医院,广东省 Yuebei People Hospital, Guangdong Province 总平面图 General layout,粤北人民医院,广东省 Yuebei People Hospital, Guangdong Province 一层平面 First Floor Plan,粤北人民医院,广东省 Yuebei People Hospital, Guangdong Province 透视 Perspective,粤北人民医院,广东省 Yuebei People Hospital, Guangdong Province 大堂 Main lobby,粤北人

12、民医院,广东省 Yuebei People Hospital, Guangdong Province 屋顶太阳能板 Solar Panel on the Roof,粤北人民医院,广东省 Yuebei People Hospital, Guangdong Province 病房通道 Ward Corridor,Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The concept of Health, a

13、s defined by the World Health Organization 卫生健康是指包括肌体,精神和社会健康的一种整体的状态,而不仅仅是指没有疾病。 世界卫生组织关于卫生健康的概念,Health for all -The target set by the World Health Organization 人人享有健康 -世界卫生组织提出的目标,谢 谢! Thanks!,后面内容直接删除就行 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料仅供参考,实际情况实际分析,主要经营:课件设计,文档制作,网络软件设计、图文设计制作、发布广告等 秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意! 致力于数据挖掘,合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求,感谢您的观看和下载,The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the presentation and make it into a film to be used in a wider field,


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