科学家专用ppt模板;蓝脑计划项目blue brain有神秘神经元做底纹

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科学家专用ppt模板;蓝脑计划项目blue brain有神秘神经元做底纹_第1页
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科学家专用ppt模板;蓝脑计划项目blue brain有神秘神经元做底纹_第2页
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科学家专用ppt模板;蓝脑计划项目blue brain有神秘神经元做底纹_第3页
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《科学家专用ppt模板;蓝脑计划项目blue brain有神秘神经元做底纹》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《科学家专用ppt模板;蓝脑计划项目blue brain有神秘神经元做底纹(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Blue Brain,Presented by: NIKHILESH.J.R & KRISHNA RAJ.S,INTRODUCTION,Human brain - The most valuable creation of God. BLUE BRAIN - The name of the worlds first virtual brain. That means a machine that can function as human brain. Main aim is to upload human brain into machine. After the death of the

2、body, the virtual brain will act as the man.,Contn,IBM is now in research to create a Virtual Brain. The first phase of Blue Brain project started after 15 years of systematically dissecting a single neocortical column. The project has focused not only on building a model of NCC, but on developing a

3、 generic facility. The model of NCC consists of 10,000 3D digitalization of real neurons.,FUNCTIONING OF BRAIN,Sensory Input Receiving input such as sound ,image, etc through sensory cell . Interpretation Interpretation of the received input by the brain by defining states of neurons in the brain. M

4、otor Output Receiving of electric responses from the brain to perform any action .,Modeling The Blue Brain,1: Modeling the neurons:- Shape & Structure influences its electrical properties. Neuron morphology & Electrical behavior of the Juvenile Rat is used as the basis for the model.,2: Modeling con

5、nections:- Precise density & Volume of the Cell provides essential information for constructing cortical circuits. Blue Gene is used in intensive calculation to fix the synapse locations,3: Modeling the column:- The result of all these calculations is a recreation at the cellular level of the NCC. A

6、 model of NCC was completed at the end of 2006.,Model of NCC,Specific achievements of BBP-Phase 1,Modeling framework for automatic, on demand construction of neural circuits : from biological data. New simulation & calibration process : automatically analyses the biological accuracy & consistency of

7、 each revision of the model. Can serve as a key tool foe simulation based research.,Blue Gene : Super Computer,Blue Gene Computer architecture project designed to produce several super computers having speeds in PFLOPS range. 4 Blue Gene Projects Blue Gene/L Blue Gene/C Blue Gene/P Blue Gene/Q,Blue

8、Gene/L :,Developed through a partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Theoretical performance : 478 TFLOPS sustained 596 TFLOPS peak. It uses Lustre to access multiple file systems in the 600TB 1PB range.,Features:,Trading the speed of processors for low power consumption Duel

9、 processors per node with two working modes System on-chip design Large number of nodes 3D torus interconnect with auxiliary networks Lightweight OS per node for minimum system overhead,Architecture:,The uploading is possible by the use of small robots known as the nanobots These robots are small en

10、ough to travel through out our circulatory system Traveling into the spine and brain, they will be able to monitor the activity and structure of our central nervous system They will be able to provide an interface with computer while we still reside in our biological form,UPLOADING HUMAN BRAIN,Nanob

11、ots could also carefully scan the structure of our brain, providing a complete readout of the connection. This information, when entered into a computer, could then continue to function as us. Thus the data stored in the entire brain will be uploaded into the computer.,Contn,BRAIN SIMULATION,The ele

12、ctrical activity of each neuron is simulated via supercomputers A visual exploration of the circuit is an important part of the analysis As the electrical impulse travels through the column, neurons light up and change color as they become electrically active All calibrating & comparing fn.s of Blue

13、 Brain circuit : 2nd stage of Blue Brain process,INPUT Through the natural neurons,INPUT Through the silicon chip or artificial neurons,INTERPRETATION By a set of bits in the set of register,INTERPRETATION By different states of the neurons in the brain,NATURAL BRAIN VS SIMULATED BRAIN,OUTPUT Throug

14、h the natural neurons.,OUTPUT Through the silicon chip .,PROCESSING Through arithmetic and logical calculations.,PROCESSING Through arithmetic and logical calculation and artificial intelligence.,MEMORY Through permanent states of neurons,MEMORY Through Secondary memory,NEURON SOFTWARE,Simulation en

15、vironment for modeling individual and network of neurons. Developed by : Michael Hines, John W Moore & Ted Carnivale. Primary scripting language used to interact is hoc. Supports parallelization via the MPI protocol. Properties of neuron membrane channels are simulated using NMODL language.,Program

16、to create a nerve cell,/create two sections, the body of the neuron and a very long axon create soma, axon soma /length is set to 100 micrometers L = 100 /diameter is set to 100 micrometers diam = 100,/insert a mechanism simulating the standard squid HodgkinHuxley channels insert hh /insert a mechanism simulating the passive membrane properties insert pas axon L = 5000 diam = 10 insert hh insert pas /the axon shall be simulated using 10 compartments. By default


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