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1、句子成分II: 表语/定语/状语/补,一、表语 系动词是表示人或事物状态、性质的动词, 如: be, get, sound, look, seem, feel等。系动词后 面的部分叫表语。作表语的典型词类是形容词, 也可以名词、数词、极少数副词(如here, there)、介词短语、不定式、分词、表语从句等。系动词与表语共同构成谓语, 说明主语的状态、性质等。,练习:请找出下列句子的表语并指出表语是由什么来充当的(名词、数词、形容词、介词, 不定式, 分词, 还是表语从句)。 1. My wallet is on the desk. ( _ ) 2. The book isnt mine. (

2、 _ ),mine,名词。,on the desk, 介词短语。,3. The leaves turn yellow in fall. ( _ ) 4. He has become a police officer. ( _ ),a police officer, 名词。,yellow ,形容词。,5. My suggestion is that we should start at once. ( _ ) 6. My suggestion is to leave at once. ( _ ),to leave at once, 不定式短语。,that we should start at o

3、nce. 表语从句。,7. His speech was boring. ( _ ) 8. The whole class got excited at the good news. ( _ ),excited, 过去分词。,boring, 现在分词。,二、定语 定语用来修饰名词或代词, 起限定作用。作定语的典型词类是形容词和形容词性物主代词, 也可以是数词、名词、介词短语、分词、定语从句等。定语一般位于被修饰词之前,但若修饰复合不定代词(如something)时, 或者是短语或定语从句作定语, 则总是放在所修饰名词的后边。,练习:请找出下列句子的定语并指出定语是由什么充当(形容词、形容词性代

4、词、数词、名词、介词短语、分词还是定语从句) 1. The beautiful sight attracts many tourists every year. ( _ ),beautiful, 形容词; many, 数词。,2. The wallet on the desk is mine. ( _ ) 3. The demanding boss wasnt satisfied with my work. ( _ ),demanding,现在分词; my,形容词性代词。,on the desk, 介词短语。,4. That building being repaired is our lib

5、rary. ( _ ) 5. He is one of the students that have been late. ( _ ),being repaired, 现在分词短语; our, 形 容词性代词。,one, 数词; that have been late, 定语从句,6. The excited boys burst into cheers. ( _ ) 7. A woman police officer was praised for her good work. ( _ ),woman, 名词; good, 形容词。,excited, 过去分词。,三、状语 状语用来修饰动词、

6、形容词、副词, 或整个句子。一般表示行为发生的时间、地点、目的、方式、程度等, 作状语的典型词类是副词, 也可以是介词短语、不定式、分词、状语从句等。,练习:请找出下列句子的状语并指出状语是由什么充当(副词、介词短语、不定式、分词、状语从句)。 1. He did his homework carefully at home. ( _ ),carefully,副词; at home, 介词词组。,to do some shopping不定式作目的状语; on Sunday介词短语表时间。,2. Her mother goes out to do some shopping on Sunday.

7、 ( _ ),3. When I grow up, I am going to be a teacher. ( _ ) 4. Feeling tired, he went to bed without supper. ( _ ),Feeling tired, 现在分词短语表原因; without supper, 介词短语表方式。,When I grow up, 时间状语从句。,5. He lost his job due to his lack of patience. ( _ ) 6. Brought up in the country, he finds it hard to adjust

8、 himself to city life. ( _ ),Brought up in the country, 过去分词短 语表原因。,due to his lack of patience介词短语表 原因。,四、补足语 补充说明主语的称为主语补足语; 补充说明宾语的称为宾语补足语。作补足语的典型词类是形容词, 也可以是名词、介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词和过去分词等。,练习:请找出下列句子的宾语补足语并指出它是由什么充当的(名词、形容词、介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词和过去分词)。 1. They elected John monitor. ( _ ) 2. He treated his m

9、istake as a joke. ( _ ),as a joke, 介词词组。,monitor名词,3. We heard her singing a song. ( _ ) 4. He told me to make my own decision. ( _ ),to make my own decision, 动词不定式,singing a song, 现在分词短语。,5. I think it wrong of him to decline my offer. ( _ ) 6. He watched an insect caught by a bird. ( _ ),caught by a bird, 过去分词短语。,wrong, 形容词。,如果把主动语态改成被动语态, 宾语补足语就成了主语补足语。例如: He was acknowledged to be the best player. 他被公认为是最佳选手。(不定式作主语补足语),【注意】,



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