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1、Qufu Normal University,classroom teacher :AAAA,New Horizon College English Reading and Writing,keynote speaker :主讲人,Qufu Normal University,Joseph Gauld David Stone Martin Ning Mi Ning: first name, given name Mi: last name, surname, family name,How to address me?,Professionals like doctors, lawyers,

2、teachers and bosses are often called by last names. Titles that precede the last name include Mr, Mrs, Miss and Ms which is used when a womans marital status is not sure to you. Please address me as “Miss Mi”,In some formal or respect-required situations, Sir is used independently when a mans name i

3、s not known to you and Madam is used when a womans name is unknown.,Mr + 姓、Mrs + 姓或Miss + 姓 有的学校,学生对女老师,特别是年轻的女老师,不分是否已婚,统统称Miss + 姓。 过去还有sir先生、madam夫人、或miss小姐的称呼,如今这种称呼在公立学校已经基本听不到了。我们学英语,当然应当按照英国的称呼习惯称呼老师。,Qufu Normal University,How to give you grades?,Formative Assessment (30),Attendance (4),Unit

4、 Test (2x6=12),Assignments (8 ),Grade=30+70,Classroom Performance (6),Qufu Normal University,Requirements to the students,Adequate attendance to the class Active participation in the classroom activities Effective cooperation to do with the designed tasks,Unit 1 Section A Love Without Limitations,Qu

5、fu Normal University,弭 宁,Qufu Normal University,Main Tasks,1. New words 2. Text 1) Structure analysis 2) Language points 3. Exercise 4. Writing skill (composition),Qufu Normal University,New words,With the help of the nurses, the delivery of the baby was unexpectedly easy.,在护士的帮助下,分娩意想不到地顺利。,Qufu No

6、rmal University,2. C, U the act of bringing sth. to a particular place 递交;送货 请货到付款。 Please pay for goods on delivery (when you receive them). Is there a postal/mail delivery on Saturdays? 星期六送邮件吗? Allow 28 days for delivery。 请留出28天送货时间。 V.? deliver,Qufu Normal University,wreck n.1. C usually singula

7、r.sb. who is tired or unhealthy (informal)疲惫的人;健康状况差的人 The failure in the entrance exam reduced him to a wreck. 入学考试失败使他精神崩溃了。 Hes been a complete wreck since his illness. 他病了一场以后元气大伤。,Qufu Normal University,2. C a car, plane, etc. which has been badly damaged, esp. in an accident (事故中)遭受严重损坏的(汽车或飞机

8、等) All around were the wrecks of previous crashes. 四周全是以前撞毁的汽车的残骸。,Qufu Normal University,disguise n.C, U sth. that is worn to hide who one really is, or the act of wearing this 伪装物;伪装;假扮 Shes adopted so many disguises that her own mother wouldnt recognize her. 她穿戴了那么多伪装品,连她自己的母亲也认不出来了。 in disguise

9、假装,伪装 The star travelled in disguise. 这位明星化了装去旅游。,Qufu Normal University,vt.change sb.s appearance so that people cannot recognize them 伪装;假扮 The policeman entered the building disguised as a medical worker. 那名警察装扮成医务人员进入了那栋房子。 他们假扮渔民,坐船逃走了。 They disguised themselves as fishermen and escaped in a bo

10、at.,Qufu Normal University,penetrate v.enter sth. or pass through it 穿透;渗入 The noise of the explosion penetrated the thickest walls. 爆炸声穿透了最厚的墙壁。,Qufu Normal University,vt.see into or through sth. 看穿 It took him quite a while to penetrate the coded message. 他看了好一会儿才看明白了这封密码电报。 V. to be understood or

11、 realized 洞察、发现、揭示。 Science can penetrate many of natures mysteries. 科学能揭示自然界的许多奥秘。,Qufu Normal University,quiver vi.tremble or shake 颤抖 Her lips quivered, and tears rolled/ran down her cheeks. 她的嘴唇颤抖着,眼泪从脸颊上滚了下来。 The child was quivering in her arms. 孩子在她的怀抱里颤抖着。,Qufu Normal University,long vi.want

12、sth. very much 渴望 long for sth./ long to do sh. He longed for the winter to be over. 他希望冬天结束。 她希望立刻将自己的苦恼全都倾诉出来。 She longed to pour out all her troubles right away.,Qufu Normal University,pledge vt. promise to do sth. 保证,承诺 总统承诺要找到和平解决种族歧视问题的办法。 The President pledged to find a peaceful solution to t

13、he problem of racial discrimination. The government has pledged $250,000 to help the victims of the crash. 该政府承诺拿出25万美元来救助飞机失事的受害者。,Qufu Normal University,n.C a promise or agreement 承诺;协定 On impulse the parents made a pledge to take their children to rehearsals. 冲动之下,父母答应带孩子去彩排。 我们得到了各种组织给予帮助的承诺。 We

14、 have received pledges of help from various organizations.,Qufu Normal University,terror n.U intense fear 恐惧,恐怖 I have a terror of snakes. 我害怕蛇。 I will never forget the look of sheer terror on her face. 我忘不了她脸上那极度恐惧的表情。,Qufu Normal University,have a terror of sth.,“害怕”的其他表达方式: be afraid of /that ; b

15、e scared of sth; fear; be in fear of; be fearful; have a dread of; dreadful; dread; frighten; frightful,Qufu Normal University,drain vt.1. make sb. feel very tired 使筋疲力尽;使疲劳;使(精力、金钱等)耗尽 These children drain my energy. My mothers hospital expenses were slowly draining my income. 我母亲的住院开销把我的收入渐渐耗光了。 H

16、e has played for two hours without a break and felt physically drained. 他一口气连续玩了两个小时,感到精疲力竭了。 令人精疲力竭的一段经历 an exhausting and draining experience,Qufu Normal University,2. let water or liquid flow away from sth. 使排走;使流出 Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines(矿井). 矿工们修了隧道以排干矿井里的水。 brain drain 人才流失,Qufu Normal University,exhaust vt.make sb. extremely tired 使精疲力竭 Caring for young children can exhaust you physically



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