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1、小学英语教师课堂用语规范化探讨,浙江教育学院 夏国建 2009年6月,小学英语教师课堂用语规范化探讨,1.当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题 2.英语课堂用语在教学实践中的具体用法举例 2.1 辅助型课堂用语 2.2 环节型课堂用语 2.3 内容型课堂用语 2.4 形式型课堂用语 2.5 功能型课堂用语 3.使用规范化的课堂用语应注意的几个方面,当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,1.1 课堂用语不规范,语病较多 1.1.1 语序、词序不正确 Could you tell me what do you like most? Can you guess what does i

2、t mean? Do you know when will he come back? Could you write the words on the left top corner? Please rub off the words at the bottom on the left. When did you buy this black new pen? (opshacom: opinion, shape, age, color, origin, material),当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,1.1.2 用词、搭配不当 Id like some of the stu

3、dents to come to the front. Do you know the general mind /main meaning of the article? If you cant see, come a bit nearer. Lets listen to the tape of the dialogue. Your thought isnt really right, please think it again . Could you say a few sentences?,当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,Why do you late? Please re

4、ad it follow me lowly . Can you make a sentence about “how long”? Lets continue the text. When shall we discuss? Pay attention the difference. This assignment will take us two hours to finish it. The last page of the book was lost.,当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,1.1.3 习惯性、口误错误 How to spell the word “Christm

5、as”? How to pronounce the word “b-r-e-a-d”? How to say it in your own words? I dont know very clearly. The letter “a” in this word pronounces Please repeat the word after me again. You should work more harder. Where are you come from? I dont know the answer too.,当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,1.2 课堂用语不系统,说话

6、随意性大 1.2.1半中文半英文 Read after me 啊! Because 什么? Open your books at page 36,做第一题填空题。 张明,你记不记得Whats the difference between be made of and be made from? By the way, 我要强调一下 我并不 sure, anyway我们可以。,当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,1.2.2 中文式的英文 Together answer. Give you five minutes to read the dialogue. Sit well. Begi

7、n to divide into groups to discuss it。 Please give the main idea/meaning of each paragraph. I ask you to make preparations for it before class. I very like your answer.,当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,Welcome you to our class. We should study it more carefully than before. Dont make any noise in class, or yo

8、u may trouble the others. It doesnt matter very much. Ill give you some homework to do, everyone of you must do it well, Ok? You ought to know the new table of work and rest by heart first . Time is limited. Lets stop here temporarily.,当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,Do you know my meaning? Let me call your

9、names. I think I cant. Please remember this word forever. Your English foundation/base is poor. Who knows the meaning behind the words? So it is.(原来如此) About the key sentences, I ask you to study not only the meaning of the words, but also them in the line. (read between the lines of the sentences),

10、当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,1.3 课堂用语不活泼,说话单调,当前小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题,1.4 课堂用语不通俗,说话费解,英语课堂用语在教学实践中的具体用法举例,2.1辅助型(Auxiliary)课堂用语 2.1.1 问候语(Greetings) Good morning/Morning, class/everyone/ everybody/boys and girls/children. How are you (doing) today, John? - Im (doing) great/fine/very well/OK. - So so/Not b

11、ad. Hows it going, Mike? -Pretty good. Whats up, Tom? You look so happy. Did you have a good weekend, Jenny? Did you enjoy your holiday, Kate?,英语课堂用语在教学实践中的具体用法举例,Did you have a good sleep/sleep well last night? Are you feeling a little better today, William? Oh, Lisa, youve got a new dress. Do you

12、like it? Chris, your new jacket/T-shirt looks nice/great. Susan, you look wonderful today. 2.1.2 告别语(Farewell) See you next time/next week. I will see you on Monday. Goodbye, everybody. (You) Have a good weekend/day/night/week. Talk to you later./Catch you later. See you around./Take care./So long.,

13、英语课堂用语在教学实践中的具体用法举例,2.1.3 考勤(Checking Attendance) Monitor, is everyone here? Is anyone absent/away/late? Does anybody know where Joe is? Has anyone seen him today? Does anyone know why he is absent today? Oh, Jenny, you are late again. Weve already started class/We started class five minutes ago. Wh

14、ere have you been? OK, Tony, please come earlier next time/try not to be late again. Now, hurry to you seat. You didnt hear the bell go off, did you?,英语课堂用语在教学实践中的具体用法举例,Jack, you were absent for three lessons last week. What was wrong/the matter with you? Did you catch a cold? /Were you ill? Thats

15、too bad. Im sorry to hear that. I hope youll be feeling better soon, Mark. Are you a new student/new comer? Could you tell me your name, please? Youve got a beautiful name. I really like it. Where do you come from? Welcome to our class.,英语课堂用语在教学实践中的具体用法举例,2.1.4 自我介绍(Self-introduction) Now, let me i

16、ntroduce myself. Ill just tell you a bit about myself. My name is . Its spelt You can call me. Ive been teaching in this school for five years. Im your new English teacher. Ill be teaching you English this term/semester. Ive got four lessons with you each week. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have.,英语课堂用语在教学实践中的具体用法举例,2.1.5 课前准备和组织(Getting Prepared and Organized Before



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