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1、项目整体结构 Overall Structure of the Proposed Project,高吉喜 Gao Ji-xi 中国环境科学研究院 China Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,长江流域自然保护与洪水控制 Nature Conservation and Flood Control in the Yangtze River Basin,2,项目目标 Project Objective,在整个长江上游地区启动综合生态系统管理Initiate a process leading to integrated ecosystems man

2、agement in the whole upper watershed of the Yangtze River 生态功能保护区选址和规划能力建设Build necessary capacities to assess the location of future EFCAs,3,项目目标 Project Objective,设计和实施监测生态功能变化的系统Design and implement a system to monitor ecosystem functions 示范具有多重全球效益的综合生态系统管理方法Demonstrate integrated ecosystem mana

3、gement aimed at multiple environmental benefits,4,项目组成 Project Components,为生态功能保护区的建立进行评估和规划Assessment and planning for the establishment of EFCAs with national and global benefits 建立起综合的监测和预警系统A general Ecological Monitoring and Early Warning System for EFCAs and protected areas 建立两个关键的生态功能保护示范区Two

4、 critical EFCAs demonstrations showing how they can work in practice,5,评估和规划 Assessment and Planning,水源涵养功能Assessment of water discharge functions 土壤保持功能Assessment of soil retention function 生多保护功能Assessment of biodiversity retention capacity 碳吸收和减排Assessment of carbon sequestration and avoidance of

5、 carbon emissions potential,6,评估和规划 Assessment and Planning,土地利用和生产力评估Assessment of land uses and productivity 生态威胁及其根源分析Ecological threats and root causes analyses 生态系统功能经济效益评估Economic valuation of the ecosystem functions,7,评估和规划 Assessment and Planning,生态系统功能综合评估Integrated assessment of ecosystem

6、functions 长江上游生态功能保护区建设建议Recommended EFCAs in the upper watershed 在国内和国际上广泛推广本项目的成果Wide national and international dissemination of results,8,监测和预警系统 Monitoring and Early Warning,在上游建成最基本的监测和预警系统 Establishment of a minimum set of MEWS capacities in the upper watershed 在两个示范区建立监测和预警系统 Establishment o

7、f capacities for MEWS at the two demonstration sites 项目第四年和第五年实施生态监测Ecological monitoring for years 4 and 5,9,生态功能保护示范 EFCA Demonstration,宝兴示范区高效的综合生态系统管理机构框架Institutional framework for IEM at Baoxing fully established and functioning 准备和通过一份参与式的综合生态系统管理和保护计划Preparation and formal acceptance of a pa

8、rticipatory IEM and conservation plan 加强综合生态系统管理和保护的法规框架建设Strengthened legal and regulatory frameworks supporting the IEM and conservation plan,10,生态功能保护示范 EFCA Demonstration,协调现有相关项目,确保国家利益和全球环境效益Mainstreaming of existing relevant programs to ensure multiple national and global benefits 加强保护区建设,建立廊

9、道Strengthening of protected areas and establishing corridors 开展可持续替代生计Alternative sustainable livelihoods around protected areas and in key demonstration areas,11,生态功能保护示范 EFCA Demonstration,大理石采石场的管理Management of marble quarries 生态系统功能和全球效益公众意识得到提高Improved public awareness of ecological functions a

10、nd global benefits 项目成果的宣传推广Dissemination of the Baoxing EFCA for replication,12,生态功能保护示范 EFCA Demonstration,老君山高效的综合生态系统管理机构框架Institutional framework for IEM at Laojunshan fully established and functioning 准备和通过一份参与式的综合生态系统管理和自然保护计划Preparation and formal acceptance of a participatory IEM and conser

11、vation plan 加强综合生态系统管理和保护的法规框架建设Strengthened legal and regulatory frameworks supporting the IEM and conservation plan,13,生态功能保护示范 EFCA Demonstration,协调现有相关项目,确保国家利益和全球效益Mainstreaming of global benefits into existing relevant programs 建立新的保护区,确保项目区具有全球意义的生物多样性得到有效保护New PA established to ensure protec

12、tion of additional biodiversity 减缓示范区生物多样性主要威胁Provision for reducing critical threats to biodiversity at the demo site,14,生态功能保护示范 EFCA Demonstration,开展节能和替代能源项目Establishment of an energy saving and alternative energy programs 提高生态系统功能及其价值的公众意识Increased public awareness of ecosystem functions and their values 老君山示范区项目成果的宣传推广Dissemination of the Laojunshan EFCA for replication,15,感谢各位! Thank You!,


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