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1、重重問題隱涵的創造性可能世界咖啡館之跨組織深度對話與社會集體轉化李明芬教授 國立台灣師範大學社會教育系,Creative Possibilities in Inhibiting Problems: World Caf for Enacting Cross-Organizational Dialogue and Social Transformation,Li, MingFen, Ph.D. Department of Adult and Continuing Education National Taiwan Normal University,在問題中創造可能性,美國 Google 搜尋引擎

2、的創辦人,左邊是 Larry 右邊是 Sergey,資訊焦慮與網路資訊搜尋,網路病毒與網路安全防禦,重重問題中的創造性可能,無限機會的嚴峻挑戰,中國大陸毒奶粉事件,協商 談判,抗議 敵對,Whole Food MarketOrganic Food,Whole Food MarketOrganic Food,協商對話創造的機會,衝突對立衍生的障礙,意見 ( express opinion),劉揚,人際關係 (people relations),劉揚,聚會 (In party),劉揚,處理問題 (treating problem),劉揚,東西方的心智群效,Novelty-Change, Compl

3、exity-Richness, Diversity-multiplicity, Uniqueness-Designerliness,Divergence-Convergence, Inclusiveness-Uniqueness, Encompassing-Oneness, Orderly-Harmony, Conflicts Management-Boundary Resolving,社會問題與社會創新的全觀思惟 Holistic Perspectives on Social Problems & Social Creativity,Multiple Ways or the Winding

4、Path,Complexities Evolved from Tensions,問題解決與問題界定的惡性循環(Vicious cycle of problem defining and prolem solution)問題的慣性框架與問題的複製(Habitual problem framing vs problems reproduction)問題解決持續製造問題迷宮(Divergent Solutions complicating the problem maze)問題根源的迷失與問題的出入口(Lost in inability to trace causes of problems),複製

5、問題迷宮或探詢無限可能(Problem Maze or Unlimited Possibilities),Why are some weakened by problems, while others gain strength from obstacles?,The ones who grow have learned to transform a hopeless situation into a new flow activity that can be controlled, enjoy themselves and emerge stronger.Csiksentmihalyi,Or

6、ganizational CreativityGlobal Dialogue and Cross-Organizational Dialogue,Value-Oreinted Globalization,Edgar Morin: Absence of Values in Globalization2005 Post-Tsunami World-Solidarity Declaration: The globalization of the world economy has created a vacuum of values and great inequality in power and

7、 wealth.,Value-Oreinted Globalization,Karl Apel: The world problems must be dealt with from a common basis of values shared by “all.“Search for universal values and principles that could serve as the basis or collective efforts toward peace and development, as well as for peaceful and productive int

8、eraction among nations and societies.,Global Dialogue for a Sustainable Civilization,The Club of Budapest: Humankind urgently needs a global dialogue that is both comprehensive and intensive, focused on civilizing our global co-existence a deep dialogue on a new civilization that takes humanity as d

9、iverse yet indivisible. A Global Marshall Plan for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in 2000. The Creation of a Civil Parliament within the United Nations.,Third Pillar of Human Values,The first Global Citizen Forums International Conference held in December 2001, 125countries participated.

10、 The first pillar: “國際人權宣言” The second pillar: “聯合國憲章” The third pillar: “人類責任憲章” 和平、寬容、理解、承認、對話、互補、合作、多元等社會價值的認同。,From Global Problems to Human Purposes,Organizations must both resolve day-to-day problems and generate new results.If our primary role is to fix problems, individually or collectively,

11、 rather than create something new and meaningful, its hard to maintain a sense of purpose. Without a sense of purpose, its diffifult to harness the energy, passion, committement, and perseverance needed to thrive in challenging times.Peter Senge,Transforming Organizational Culture Through Deep Dialo

12、gue across Organizations,Progressive companies are exploring their role in creating new, more holistic, healthy, and humane work environments. Charles C Manz, Kim S Cameron, Karen P Manz & Robert D Marx (eds),現實問題的拉力組織的情緒性張力與組織的負向成長願景可能性的拉力組織的創造性張力與可能性的實現,組織問題的創新轉化 (Problems vs. Possibilities),Psych

13、ic-Entropy in Organizations Seeing Unending Problems in Possibilities (可能性中見無止盡的問題),Psychic-Negentropy Seeing Unlimited Possibilities in Problems(問題中見到無限的可能性),從問題的無力感到問題意識的心流,Completely involved, focused, concentrating with this either due to innate curiosity or as the result of training. Sense of e

14、cstasy of being outside everyday reality. Great inner clarity knowing what needs to be done and how well it is going.,感同身受與同甘共苦 Co-Sensing and Co-Suffering,To find purpose in suffering, one must interpret it as a possible challenge. What transforms the consequences of a traumatic event into a challe

15、nge that gives meaning to life is ones development of a “dissipative structure“The ability to break down an unusable whole into useable parts, to draw order from disorder.,Oneness of Problems and PossibilitiesOneness of the observed and the observerRelating Self to Observed Problems,組織創新的內在資本,成人教育未來

16、咖啡館 從政策推廣的困境到政策研擬的可能性,成人教育未來咖啡館,透過開放分享模式,帶領成人教育工作者找回成教熱情,喚起成教的共同願景。 成教工作者透過世界咖啡館分享,認識更多不同組織夥伴,交流彼此在實務推動的秘訣,共創成人教育的藍圖和策略行動。,成人教育未來咖啡館的願景,透過各社群或機構領導人的交流互動,激盪更多的集體智慧,促進跨組織的合作。 辦理成人咖啡館桌長培訓研習計畫,培養成人教育領導者深度匯談以及成人咖啡館的實作技能。透過桌長訓練計畫,達成人才交流目的。 9月份起將續辦中南區成教咖啡館,匯聚中南部成人教育工作者的經驗和智慧。,創造集體智慧的溝通領導者,成人教育未來咖啡館的行動,除世界上最美好的成人學習及2020成人教育的蛻變之議題外,再深化非正規學習之典範主題,尋找優秀的成教機構或社群的典型代表,作為其他團體的借鏡。 舉辦非正規教育課程認證成果發表會,專題演講及綜合論壇外,亦有優良課程暨教學成果發表會,展現非正規教育課程認證成果。,


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