gm apqp 供应商质量管理培训教材-sqe必备

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《gm apqp 供应商质量管理培训教材-sqe必备》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《gm apqp 供应商质量管理培训教材-sqe必备(118页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Global APQP for SQEs,Phone on “vibrate” 手机请调成 振动,GM Global APQP for SQEs,听完整个课时才能得到这个课程的认证,Iris Zhang June, 2009,Global APQP for SQEs,The goal for a successful SQE is to provide: “Quality Rate On Time” for program launch and mass production 一个成功的 SQE 的目标是: 为项目启动和量产 “准时完成质量节拍”,SQE major responsibilit

2、y/SQE 主要职责,Global APQP for SQEs,GM Global APQP,AIAG APQP,ISO/TS 16949 7.1 产品实现计划,ISO/TS 16949:2002, AIAG APQP 和全球供应商质量手册的联系,背景,Global APQP for SQEs,Global APQP Team Goals & Results/Global APQP小组的目标&成果Identify Quality Indicators/确认质量指标Develop Quality Tasks(17total)开展质量任务 (共计17 ) Develop Global Suppli

3、er Quality Manuel, GM-1927/发展全球供应商手册 GM-1927,Reason: Global sourcing and “world Vehicles”原因: 全球采购和 “世界汽车”,GM APQP Global Process/GM APQP 全球程序,Global Supplier Quality Manual,Background/背景,Global APQP for SQEs,Common Global APQP Process for GM Worldwide GM全世界共同的全球 APQP 程序 GM -1927 replaced all regiona

4、l and divisional APQP reference manuals GM-1927 取代所有区域的和部门的 APQP 参考手册 GM-1927 harmonized and standardized the multiple regional and divisional APQP manuals GM-1927 协调和标准化了多区域和部门的 APQP 手册 Aligns with the 5 phase within the AIAG APQP manual and provides the detail required to implement and APQP plan 配

5、合AIAG APQP手册的5个阶段,并提供执行APQP计划所需的细节 Align with GMs 4 phase program timing and deliverables 配合GM 项目时间表的4 阶段,及可交付的资料,Global APQP,Global APQP for SQEs,GM-1927 全球供应商质量手册 是通用汽车共用的全球 Global APQP 手册,GM 发展和执行APQP计划的共用的指导方针 下载 :GMSupplyPower,Global APQP,Global APQP for SQEs,Ordering:/排序:Ordering information f

6、or all document and manuals listed or referenced throughout this manual (GM1927) is contained on page II所有文件的排序信息 和手册列出的或本手册全部参考文件 (GM 1927)均包含在 II页 Electrical Copies:/电子拷贝:This manual and all documents that are part of this manual (this includes any document with GM 1927 number) can be found throug

7、h the internet at the GM Supply Power website本手册及本手册涉及所有文件 (包括所有拥有GM 1927 号码的文件) 均可通过互联网在GMSupplyPower 网页上找到网址:, 按以下步骤操作: 登陆(Log in) 选择 Quality Power 选择 Library 选择 Supplier Quality 选择 APQP Manual & Documents,GM 1927 文件和表格,Global APQP for SQEs,Summary of points/要点总结:Global APQP 由 QS 9000 和 AIAG APQP

8、推动GM全球共用的Global APQP 程序- All GM Divisions and Regionas will use the same Process - 所有GM的公司和区域使用相同的程序- Common requirement for all suppliers- 对供应商相同的要求- Common forms and charts- 共用的表格和图表Common direction and one voice from all GM supplier quality engineers 来自于GM供应商质量工程师相同的指导方针和“同一个声音” Supports global S

9、Q communications structure支持全球供应商质量沟通的框架- Supplier program status will be shared between regions- 供应商项目状态被各个区域所共享- All information available on Gmsupplypower website at - 所有信息均可在GMSupplyPower网页上找到: - GQTS APQP module will Accelerate global communications- GQTS APQP 模块加速了全球的信息沟通,Primary,Global APQP,G

10、lobal APQP for SQEs,Customer Monitored/客户监督 SQE Work closely with supplier/与供应商合作 Supplier/供应商 work closely with GM SQE/与GM SQE合作密切,Supplier Monitored/供应商监督 SQE Paper/Electronic review of supplier/纸张/电子 形式审查供应商 Supplier/供应商 Keep GM aware/保证GM了解情况,Global APQP,Customer Monitoered APQP 客户监督APQP Supplie

11、r Monitored APQP 供应商监督APQP,Global APQP for SQEs,12 Part A,There is an inverse relationship- 不同关联如下,Customer Monitoring means more responsibility for the SQE 客户监督意味着SQE负更多的责任,Supplier monitoring means more responsibility for the supplier 供应商监督意味着供应商负更多的责任,Customer Monitored APQP VS Supplier Monitored

12、 APQP 客户监督和供应商监督 产品质量先期策划(APQP),Global APQP,Global APQP for SQEs,Global RASIC,Global APQP,Global APQP for SQEs,APQP 17 任务/ 交付文件 - 部品采购站略会议 -量具/ 模具/ 设备评估 - 技术评估 - 风险评估/ 采购定点 - GP-11 - 供应商项目评估 - PFMEA 战略 - 时间图/未完事项 - 控制计划 - 可行性和制造评估函件 - GP-12 - 流程图 - PPAP - DFMEA - 节拍生产(GP-9) - 设计评估 - 经验教训,Global APQP

13、,17项任务是成功的关键!,Global APQP for SQEs,VLET sets key event dates/VLET 整车项目组设立关键项目日期,7 Part A,Corporate Planning sets time frames/公司规划部设定时间框架,APQP Project Plan/APQP项目计划,Global APQP for SQEs,Start Here Task 4由此启动任务4,Supplier Activities 供应商行使的活动,Supplier Program Reviews/供应商项目评估,Global APQP for SQEs,Combina

14、tion of the Best Processes,Global APQP for SQEs,最佳流程集成,Global APQP for SQEs,Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meetings产品采购策略会议,The Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting is the responsibility of the Buyer /产品采购策略会议是采购员的责任所在Internal GM people only/仅限于GM内部人员The first time the SQE becomes “officially” involved

15、in the APQP process/SQE 第一次正式参与APQP 流程.Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting is the first task that is tracked by the APQP Project Plan /产品采购策略会议是APQP项目计划跟踪的第一项任务.,Global APQP for SQEs,Key points/关键点,Regular communications with Global CT members/与全球CT人员定时沟通. Understand CT sourcing plan, strategy and p

16、rovide quality inputs about China suppliers 理解CT采购计划, 策略和提供中国供应商的质量状况.(Weekly SMT meeting 每周SMT会议)(Pre-RFQ) Understand China supplier base for specific commodities and identify opportunities to support SFO China sourcing/ 了解具体产品的中国供应商的状况为SFO中国采购提供支持. SQE and SDE communication is important and necess

17、ary, especially for development of high priority suppliers in bid list/SQE 和SDE 的沟通是重要和必要的, 尤其是在bid list里列为高优先级开发的供应商. Need special focus for suppliers without exporting business, global OEM experiences 对于没有出口业务和全球OEM供货经验的供应商要特别关注. Communication with the CT and Purchasing/SD and usage of escalation process/利用升级流程与CT,采购/SD沟通.,


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