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1、顺序法记词-2,01,02,高考词汇精讲,ampleancestor,adj.充足的,adj.古代的,n.祖先,anecdoteanniversary,n.轶事,n.天使,n.周年纪念日,annualapparent,adj.每年的,n.古董,adj.明显的,appealappetite,vi./n.恳求;吸引,n.附录,n.胃口,applaudappropriate,v.鼓掌,喝彩,n.方法,途径 vt.靠近,adj.适当的,approximatelyarbitrary,adv.大约,n.围裙,adj.武断的,专断的,arithmeticatmosphere,n.算术,adj.人造的,人工的


3、,n.纽带;契约,bonusbooth,n.奖金,n.轰隆声;繁荣期,高峰期,n.(某种用途的)亭或小隔间,I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式,1_ adj.明显的 2_ vi./n.恳求;吸引 3_ n.方法,途径 vt.靠近 4_ adj.适当的 5_ n.大气层;气氛 6_ vt.附上,贴上,7_ n.攻击 8_ vt./n.尝试,企图 9_ n./vt.平衡 10_ n.战斗 11_ v./n.责怪,apparent appeal approach appropriate atmosphere attach,attack attempt balancebattle blame,II. 写

4、出单词的正确含义,1ample adj. _ 2ancient adj. _ 3ancestor n_ 4anecdote n_ 5angel n_ 6anniversary n_ 7annual adj. _ 8antique n_ 9appendix n_ 10appetite n_,11applaud v_ 12approximately adv. _ 13apron n_ 14arbitrary adj. _ 15arithmetic n_ 16artificial adj. _ 17attain vt. _ 18obtain vt. _ 19available adj. _ 20av

5、erage adj. _,充足的 古代的 祖先 轶事 天使 周年纪念日 每年的 古董 附录 胃口,鼓掌,喝彩 大约 围裙 武断的,专断的 算术 人造的,人工的 获得;达到 获得 可得到的 平均的,II. 写出单词的正确含义,21awful adj. _ 22awkward adj. _ 23bachelor n_ 24bacon n_ 25bacterium n_ 26bare adj. _ 27basin n_ 28battery n_ 29bell n_ 30belly n_,31bond n_ 32bonus n_ 33boom n_ 34booth n_,可怕的,糟糕的 笨拙的 单身汉

6、;学士 咸猪肉;熏猪肉 细菌 赤裸的;无遮盖的 脸盆;盆地 电池 铃,大钟 肚子,纽带;契约 奖金 轰隆声;繁荣期,高峰期 (某种用途的)亭或小隔间,III. 单词活用,1. It is believed that it is the earliest and largest _(古代的)papermaking workshop site ever found in China. 2Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the _(祖先), who might return either to help or to d

7、o harm. 3I am planning my parents wedding _(周年纪念日) celebration.I have already invited you and your parents. 4There is so much rain on the island that its _ (每年的)rainfall reaches as much as sixty inches.,ancient,ancestors,anniversary,annual,III. 单词活用,5It took me _(大约)seven days to travel across the c

8、ontinent from west to east. 6Having _(平衡)the advantages and the disadvantages, he decided to live in another city.,approximately,balanced,IV. 介词填空,1. What she wore was not appropriate _ such a solemn occasion. 2_ average, over 8,000 persons come to visit Zhouzhuang a day. 3Everyone has their own app

9、roach _ dealing with them. 4Blamed _ the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.,for,On,to,for,V. 单句写作,1很明显,宇航员们已经适应了太空的环境。(It is apparent that)2我们呼吁政府采取措施避免抛弃这些希望学校。(appeal to sb to do sth)3拥有真诚和信任我们才能创建一个和谐的气氛。(a harmonious atmosphere) 4保护濒临灭绝的野生动物是十分重要的。(attach great i

10、mportance to),It is apparent that the astronauts have adapted themselves to the situation in space.,We appeal to the government to take measures to prevent Hope schools from being deserted.,It was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere.,Great importance should be attached to protecting wild animals from dying out.,


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