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1、,名词性从句,The Noun Clause,名词性从句,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,连接词:that, whether, if, as if 连接代词:who(m), what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever, 连接副词:when, where, how, why, because,主语从句例子:,It is strange that you should like him. Why he did that wasnt quite clear. How this happened is not clear. Where she has

2、gone is not known yet. When they will start is not known yet. Which team will win the match is still unknown. Who will go makes no difference.,What we need is more time. Whether she will come or not is still a question. That she was able to come made us veryhappy.,2. _we cant get seems better than _

3、we have.A. What ,what B. What, thatC. That, that D. That, what,_ you dont like him is none of my business.A. What B. Who C.That D. Whether,C,A,that 不充当任何成分,what 充当宾语,主语从句,3. _ well go camping tomorrow dependson the weather.A. If B. Whether C. That D.Where,B,4._ has helped to save the drowning girl i

4、s worth praising.A. Who B. The one C. Anyone D.Whoever,D,whoever = anyone who 凡者,5._ wants to do computer students should sign _on this paper.A.Who, his name B. The one who,her nameC.Those who,their nameD.Whoever, their names,D,6._is a fact that English is being acceptedas an international language.

5、A.There B.This C.That D.It,D,it 作形式主语,7.It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey.A. while B.that C.if D.for,that,8._ seems strange to us is _ the troublesome boy is getting along wellwith all his teachers.A. It, that B.What, how C.It, how D. What, that,D,what 作主语, 充当成分,9. It was only when I

6、reread his poems recently _I began to appreciate their beauty.A. until B. that C. then D. so,10.It was about 600 years ago_the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.A. that B. until C. before D. when,B,A,宾语从句,I wonder whether (if) daughters are valued as much as sons in the countryside.

7、Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for? We can learn what we did not know. I find it necessary that we practise spoken -English every day. (make, find, see, hear) I am sure that he will succeed.(sure, happy, glad, certain,),1. I remember_this used to be a quite village.A. when B. how C. where D

8、. what,2. -Do you know _Mr Blacks address is?-He may live at No.18 or No.19 of Bridge Street. Im not sure_A. what,which B. where,whichC. where,what D. what,where,A,A,3. A computer can only do_you have instructed it to do.(2001)A. how B. after C. what D. when,4. It is generally considered unwise to g

9、ive a child_he or she wants.A. however B. whateverC. whichever D. whenever,C,B,5. These wild flowers are so special that I would do_I can to save them.A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever,6. -My foot hurts terribly,doctor.-Well,I wonder _it has been like this.A. since when B. since thenC. how D

10、. when,A,A,7. -Do you remember_he came?-Yes ,I do .he came by car.A. where B. how C. that D. if,8. Please tell me_you would like to have your coffee-black or white.A. what B. whereC. when D. how,B,D,9.Those children are wild. I feel sorry for _ has to be their babysitter.A. whoever B.who C.whomever

11、D.someone,A,The question is who can complete the difficult task. He looks as if he was going to cry. The question is whether the film is worthseeing.,表语从句,1. -I drove to ZhuHai for the air show last week.-Is that _you had a few days off?A. why B. when C. what D. where,2. _she couldnt understand was_

12、fewer andFewer showed their interest in her lessons.A. what,why B. That,whatC. what,because D. why,that,A,A,3. The reason_their failure you know is _they didnt get fully prepared for the experiment ?A. why,that B. that,why C. for,that D. why,become,4.Go and get your coat. Its _you left it.A. there B

13、. whereC. there where D. where there,C,B,5. That is _I was born and grew up ?A. there B. in which C. where D. the place,6. -I rang you at about ten,but there was no reply.-Oh,that was probably _I was seeing the doctor.A. when B. whyC. what D. that,C,A,7. Air is to us_water is to fish.A. that B. what

14、C. where D. how,B,A is to B what C is to D A之于B犹如C 之于D,同位语从句,She asked the reason why there was a delay. The news that our team has won the match is true. His delay is due to the fact that the carwent wrong halfway. Word came that I was wanted at the office.,引导同位语从句的名词主要有 fact, news, promise, idea, truth, hope,question,belief, suggestion, thought, order, problem, fear, doubt ,etc. 连接词用that(不能省)不用 which, 还用how, when, where, why, whether(不用if) etc.,在表语从句、同位语从句和主语从句放句首时 关联词只能用whether不能用if,



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