鲁教版英语九年《unit 2 it must belong to carla》课件之三

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1、 a. The UFO is landing.b. _.c. _.land man UFO run alien chaseThe man is running fast.An alien is chasing the man.23They seeThe man saysThe woman says1. a man runningHe could be_ _He might be_ _2. something in the skyIt could be _It must be _3. a strange creatureIt must be _I must be _4.a woman with

2、a cameraShe could be _They must be _a helicopterrunning for exerciselate for worka UFOan alien dreamingfrom the TV newsmaking a movieThe man is running fast.He might be running for exercise.He might be running to catch the bus.He could be running to have an appointment with his girlfriend.The UFO is

3、 landing.There might be an alien in it.He might be making friends with the man.An alien is chasing the man.He could be running .A: Why do you think the man is running?B: He could be running for exercise.A: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus.1.这本法语字典肯定是属于他的。他是学习法语的。2. 这是谁的儿子?可

4、能是程先生的。他们彼此长得像。3. 我妈妈可能正在厨房做饭。4. Tony不可能在上体育课。他还在住院。5. 我太累了。因为我干了太多的家务。The French dictionary _ _ _ _. He studies French._son is this ? He _ _ Mr. Chengs. They _ _ each other.My mother _ _ _ in the kitchen.Tony _ _ _ classes. He is still in hospital.I was _ _ tired because I did _ _ housework.mustbelongtohimWhose may bemightbe cookingCant be havingtoo muchmuch toolook like


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