交互英语-unit 1

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1、Unit 1Love and Care大连东软连东软 信息学院英语语系 大学英语语Teaching Contents New Term Requirements Learning Objectives Language Learning Strategy Reading 1 After You Read (课后练习I, II) Summary Assignments Use graphics to prepare to read Scan a text for specific information Understand types of writing Use graphic organi

2、zers to create and organize ideas Use the technique of repetition to translate Find the place where you do your best workLearning ObjectivesLanguage Learning Strategy Use graphics to prepare to read1) What does graphics mean? How can graphics help you read? 2) Ss work in pairs to find the answers to

3、 “Apply the Strategy”. Scan 1) What does Scan mean? How to scan? 2) Ss find the answers to “Apply the Strategy” by scanning Reading 1.Reading 1 Mother Teresa Warm-updiscuss the questions of “Before You Read” on Page 2Reading 1 Vocabulary Exercise2 on Page 2 resolve that-;resolve on/upon (doing) sth.

4、 e.g. The circumstances resolved him to go. 情况使他决定要去。2) to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty 解决 e.g. resolve all doubts 消除一切疑问 resolve a contradiction解决矛盾3)to make a formal decision, especially by voting (委员会等)议 决 e.g. The assembly resolved that- 大会决议- resolved a. 决心的,坚

5、决的 be resolved to do resolution n. 决定,坚决,决议rescue v.to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm e.g. rescue a child from drowning 译: 救死扶伤heal the wounded and rescue the dying n. come /go to sbs rescue 来(去)援救某人starve v.to suffer or die from hunger( 使) 饿;(使)饿死 e.g. They tried to st

6、arve the army into surrender.他们试图使军队因饥饿而投降。 e.g. starve to death be starved of/for (喻) 渴望,急需 e.g. The motherless children were starved of/were starving for affection.这些没有母亲的孩子们渴望亲情 。delight v. 1) to give someone great pleasure and satisfaction 使非常高兴 e.g. Her singing delighted everyone. 2) (被动语态) be

7、delighted to do /at sth. / that- e.g. I was delighted to hear the news of your success/delighted at the news.3) delight in 引以为乐;喜欢e.g. He delights in teasing his young sister.他以逗弄他的小妹妹为乐。 n. 高兴,嗜好 e.g. To his great delight, his novel was accepted for publication.他的小说被接受出版,使他极为高兴。 e.g. Dancing is her

8、 chief delight. unceasing a. cease v. (正式用语)停止;中止 e.g. The factory has ceased making bicycles. n. without cease 不断地,不停地 e.g. They worked on without cease.他们不停地工作下去。Reading 1 Skimmingskim the passage in 5mins and then answer the following questions: When and where was Mother Teresa born? What was the

9、 mission of Mother Teresa? What was Mother Teresas first establishment?Reading 1 Background InformationMother TeresaReading 1 Structure Part I: (Para 1-3) An introduction to Mother Teresa Part II: (Para 4-13): A brief account of Mother Teresas life and her achievements. Part III: (Para 14-15): Mothe

10、r Teresas poor health and her attitude toward death. finish exercise I on page 8. Reading 1 Read in DetailsReading 1 Language Points1. Those who visited the homes she established in the worst slums of Calcutta emerged overwhelmed by the love and cheerfulness that permeated the wards, bringing hope t

11、o the abandoned and dignity to the dying. (Para. 3) Paraphrase: People who visited the homes that Mother Teresa created in the poor areas of Calcutta experienced, and were deeply affected by, the love, laughter, care and respect brought to the deserted and those who were about to die. 2.Mother Teres

12、a, who sternly rejected the tinsel delights of this world, discovered that the world was determined to heap honors on her.(Para.13) Paraphrase: Mother Teresa did not want any earthly comforts at all, but was forced to accept awards from the authorities concerned in the world.3. Through the decades,

13、Mother Teresas hard work and unceasingdevotions gnarled her hands, lined her face and bent her back (she was only 4 ft.10 in. tall), creating the photographic icon that challenged the conscience of the world (Para.14) Paraphrase: For many years, Mother Teresa worked so hard for the poor that she loo

14、ked old before her time; hands rough, face wrinkled, back bent, and photographs of her in this state caused people all over the world to feel guilty that they didnt work for the poor as she did. conscience n. 良心,良知 e.g. have a clear/guilty conscience问心无/有愧 conscientious a. 负责的,尽责 的 After You ReadDis

15、cuss the following questions: Why, do you think, are there so many people who admire and respect Mother Teresa and even follow her? In what ways can people help the “ poorest of the poor” effectively?Summary Summarize the structure, organization and language points of Reading 1. Expressions for students to remember:stand out; grow into; be in sympathy with; without doubt; incline to; at the sight of;flow in; be devoted to; seek out; be determined to; in ones view; as for; be resolved to do;Assignments Review Reading 1 (Words, Expressions and Structures, Main Idea) Reciting work : Ex. II Fi


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