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1、And she isA. a ;antriendly girl. B.a:a D. an;an12.I live in a flat close Xili Lake.A.fromB.toD. onAnna gties swimming A. and14.Masons favourite are English and maths.A.hobbies TomA.is notB.subjects from Canada. He is from the US.B.not is is your new bike?C.mountainsD. riversD.is noIt is black and re

2、al.A . How muchB. How old is youi pet dog? Its ten months old.A. How long 18. are you late? Because I got up late. Sorry.C. What colourD. What dayC.How oldD. How youngA.WhyB. What19.He is in A.Class two, Grade sevenC. WhenB. close 3, grade 7D.WhichC.Three Class, Seven Grade 20. do you go to school?

3、By school bus.D.Class Two, Grade SevenC. WhyD. WhichWII %2 I301Vanilla is my best friend.She is a lovely girl with two big, beautifu1 eyes.But she always hides them 21a pair of black glasses.One day ,hwe er,I 22 ended tour friendship.I remember that day clearly .We were 23 in the classroma.The teach

4、er was giving us our results of a Chinese exam.I had done badly. I feli so 24 that I wou1dn i talk to anyone.At I unchtiiiIe,I even stayed in the classrt out at tone. 5uddenly ,I heard a 2fi .lt was Vani ltd. “ Yt u flu k veil unhappy,”she said.“What s wrong?” I loked at her for a while, but said 26

5、 .I knew Vanilla had got i gtod mark (Vin the exam.I thought she was 27 me.I sat silently.but Vanilla didn t go away,she 28 asking me questions: “ 1s it because of the examDo you want me to tell you the right 29 / ” 1 looked away from her.When I looked up again.Vanilla had gone.And so had my exam pa

6、per! I didn t know 30 to do. I looked for my papereveiywhere, but cou ldnt find it.In the afteiaa oon,VaniJ la came up to my desk and 31 me my exam paper back.I looked at it and got a bin 32 .Vani11a had written the right answers next to ei eiy one of my mistakes.How 33 she w as!Mj face turned red.I

7、 wanted to hug her,bii t I only held hei hands and said, “ Thank you.” That afternoon, 34 Vanilla and I were on the way home, I felt quite happy and thanked her again.We are 3fi best friends. 2I . A.behindB.belowC.amongD.near22.A. s1owlyB.quick1yC.nearJ yD.happi1y23. A.singingB.si tti u gC.dancingD.

8、playiia g24. A.happyB.sadC.fun nyD.ex cited25.A.voiceB.soundC.noiseD.cry26.A.ex erythingB. somethingC.anything27.A.knocking atB.shouiing atC.laughing atD.poiniing ai28.A.forgotB.keptC.prac ticedD.remembered29. A.tru sser sB.exitna sC.i esiiltsD.nt tes30. A.thatB.w hoC.w hichD.what3I .A.gaveB.turnedC

9、.carriedD. moved32.A.pa inB. interestC.surpi iseD. fun33. A.kindB.hraeC.healthyD.carel ess34.A.whetherB.whenC.atterD.un l ess35.A.stillB.yetC.alsoD.ever“AIts two weeks before Christ irias in England and Mrs Smith is very busy. She buys a lot of Christmas cards to send to her friends and to her husba

10、nds friends. She puts them on the table in the room. Then, when her husband comes home from work, she says to him, “These aie the Christmas cards for your friends. Could you please wriie the cards ancl I cok supper?”Mr Smith doesnt say anything and walks into his study room, after a while, he comes

11、with a btx full tf Christmas cards. He puts them n the table and says, “They are from last year. I forgot did ) t send them.”36.What does Mrs Smith buy before Christmas/A.Many presents. C. Lots of Christmas ciiids.37.Why does Mtr Smith buy Chi retinue cards?A.She wants to give them to her husband. C

12、. She wants to give them to her friends. 3fi. What does Mrs Smith want her husband to do?A.She v. ants hint to buy some more cards.C. She wants hint to ctiok S* Fer.B.She likes them very much. D. She wants to sell lheni.B It is a very common thing for a person to have a good friend.My good friend is

13、 Diana.She is a rich and proud girl.She often thinks that she is too good tor anyoiie,so nobody wants to be her fi iend. One lay aftei scho l ,l was waiting fr Diana when Vi ten came up tta me.She gave me a hi sciiit.I accepted it.Welalked and iked ,and from then on, l began to spend more time with

14、Vivien than with Diana.I felt a J i tile uneasy.After a few days,I went to see Diana for some snacks when Vixien came and sat with me.She offeied me a sandwich.She also offered one to Diau a,hu l Diana refused it.She walked away.I was angry with Diana for being so rude and thoughtless. “ Net er na i

15、 n d,”Vivien said,“I m used to ii.”Atter school ,I iried to catch up wiih Diana.While walking home.I tried to correct her atti tude,but she would not listen to we.She said,“Go and join your dear Vivien.I know you make new friends and forget the old ones.” For the next few weeks, we did not talk to each other.Then,one day,Diana came to Vivien and me,saying, “ I inreally sorry about what I did.I in a spoiled (HQ ) girl,but I also need good friends just like you.Would


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