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1、1ModuleModule 4 4 MusicMusic BornBorn inin AmericaAmerica1 课文与语法填空阅读所学课文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Hip hop is an American cultural movement 1. consists of four main aspects:breakdance,graffiti art,DJ-ing and rapping.When the DJs at block parties in the 1970s noticed that people preferred the percus

2、sion breaks in the songs,they started 2. (repeat)them. DJ Herc started playing other kinds of music,3. (include)rock and disco music.Herc and other DJs made percussion breaks longer by 4. (use)two records on two turntables,side by side.Shouting DJs became known 5. MCs.So the style of music known as

3、rap was born. 6. the beginning,MCs often performed for hours.7. (late),they experimented with different vocal and rhythmic approaches. There 8. (be) two main reasons for the success of hip hop.Firstly,its cheap and easy.Secondly,people were bored 9. the pop music of the day. The first time that rap

4、artists recorded their music,10. (music)recorded the backing tracks in the studio and the rappers added their vocals later.Now they can do it at the same time. In the late 1980s,hip hop spread across the world;later a new music formtrip hop emerged,including jazz,hip hop and electronic music.2 课文与短文

5、改错根据课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。2One day the science teacher told us that some people believe that classical music,such as Mozart,relaxes your brain and helped you to concentrate.In a psychology experiment,the teacher wanted to find out if that will work for her students.

6、On my case,when Im trying to concentrate and get an essay writing or do some revision,I listen to music.Without them,it is too quiet I would fall asleep.But if Im listening to loud music or rap or rock,my handwriting starts getting very worse and my thoughts dont stay in order.My friend Jacki said “

7、No way!I cant study without any kind of musicI have to work in a silence or I cant think!”The teacher told us that she would try out the theory and play us some classical music after the next test and see if we get better test scores!3 话题知识与写作根据下面的素材,用本模块所学词汇和句式结构完成句子。1.能有负责任的父母 Allen 很幸运,他们总是利用一切机会

8、去培养他适应新生活的能力。_2.他们坚信,重要的不是你已经挣到了多少钱,而是你的孩子未来有多么成功。_3.他们把所有的时间和精力都用在他们的儿子的教育上。不是为他包办一切,他们更愿意鼓励他独立生活。_4.每当 Allen 生活中出现新的问题,他们总会找一个适合的方法来解决它。_5.他们教育孩子的方式给我留下了深刻印象。_【联句成篇】把以上句子联成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。_3答案精解精析答案精解精析1.课文与语法填空1.which/that 定语从句中缺少主语,所以要用关系代词 thatwhich。2.repeatingto repeat 考查固定搭配:start doing sth.=s

9、tart to do sth.开始做某事。3.including 考查介词。including prep.包括在内。4.using 考查固定搭配:by doing sth.通过做某事。5.as 考查固定搭配:be known as 作为而出名。6.At 考查固定搭配:at the beginning 起初;开始的时候。7.Later 此处表达:后来,他们。根据语境可知要用 later。8.are 考查 there be 句式,根据设空后的名词复数 two main reasons 可知此处要用复数形式。9.with 考查固定搭配。be bored with sth.厌倦讨厌某物。10.musi

10、cians 此处表达:音乐家们录制了。主语是可数名词,单独使用要用其复数形式。2 课文与短文改错1.第一句:helped 改为 helps 连词 and 连接两个并列的谓语动词,因此要用一般现在时。2.第二句:will 改为 would 根据主句谓语动词 wanted 以及时态一致的原则,可知此处要用过去将来时。3.第三句:On 改为 In 考查固定搭配。in ones case 意为:以我的情况为例。4.第三句:writing 改为 written 考查非谓语动词作宾补,宾语 an essay 与 write 之间是被动关系,要用过去分词形式,即 get sth. done。5.第四句:th

11、em 改为 it 根据上句中的 listen to music 可知此处表达:没有了音乐。所以要用指代同类且同物的代词 it。6.第四句:quiet 后加 and 此处:it is too quiet 和 I would fall asleep 是两个句子,根据句子意思它们要用并列连词 and 连接。7.第五句:worse 改为 bad 此处没有比较的含义,要用形容词原级。8.第六句:without 改为 with 此处要用表示肯定意思的介词 with。9.第六句:a 去掉 silence 是不可数名词,不能用冠词修饰,即 be in silence。10.最后一句:after 改为 befo

12、re 此处表达:在下一次考试之前,因此用 before。3 话题知识与写作1.Allen is blessed with his responsible parents,who take advantage of all the chances to develop his ability to adapt to the new life.42.They firmly believe that what matters is not how much money you have earned,but how successful your children will be in the future.3.They devote all their time and energy to the education of their son.They prefer to encourage him to live independently rather than do everything for him.4.Whenev


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