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1、第六讲 个人陈述和推荐信写作主讲人:个人陈述可能是留学申请中最不好写的 材料,但还是有章可循的 个人陈述的三个基本主题:A.我想要做什么?B.我为实现目标已经做了什么? C.我未来还要怎么努力? 一、个人陈述写作1. 写作对象时刻在心中个人陈述不是写给自己看的,而是给招生委员 会老师看的,在写作的时候要时刻提醒自己。申请者大多同时申请很多学校,但是个人陈述 一定要对症下药,对校来写。在写作初始,可 以写一个通用型草稿,然后一定要根据每个学 校每个专业的情况具体量身打造。 个人陈述写作注意事项 :2. 无章可循的“章” 个人陈述的写作无章可循,但是还是有一些共通 性的写作思路可供参考。A. 两种

2、主要的行文方式:时间顺序式和主题展 开式。B. 摒弃那些老套的激励个人发展的故事。C. 不要虚构事件。3.未来的研究计划 在个人陈述中,申请者应该展现出这样一个自 我形象:自己已经了解了未来的研究生学习应 该达到什么目标,对未来的研究项目已经有了 初步的计划。 在陈述中可以提及你已经在做这方面的相关文 献阅读,也对本领域的顶尖专家有了足够的了 解。避免使用“nice paper”,“interesting research” 等这种泛泛而谈的措辞。可以用上“perhaps”,“I hope to”,“possibilities include”等不确定的说法,这是很恰当的措辞 。3. 职业目标

3、和定位 在个人陈述中很有必要说明是什么样的职业目 标导致你申请该专业学习。例如:Why do you want to be a Chemist?What do you plan to do with your degree in Chemistry?How can University XXX help you attain these goals?5. 个人陈述的结构结构合理,脉络清晰,语言准确流畅,简洁明 快个人陈述的开头是灵活多样的,有的人用一则 趣闻轶事,有的人用一则名言警句,有的人用 一个问题,有的直接叙述,然后在文中展开, 最后在文章的末尾重申自己的观点。 要正确分段,英语中的段落

4、都是一个段落陈述 一个观点,不要随意的分段。6.多读其他人的个人陈述,也多找其他人读你的 动笔之前,多看成功者的个人陈述放笔之后,多找人来读你的个人陈述,并修改。找不同人来修改你的个人陈述,以英语为母语的 人修改词汇语法,选词造句和篇章;找本专业 教授从专业角度提出修改意见。7. 反思 从以下几点来检测自己的个人陈述:全文语气肯定并且充满自信,但是不会让 人觉得在自吹自擂。 文中列出了我的教育经历和研究经历。 对申请的专业,项目和教授有充分的了解 。 清楚地解释了为什么申请的这个专业或项 目是对我未来职业目标的最好准备。v推荐信的类型A. 表格式推荐信部分学校有固定的推荐信表格,只需要回 答表

5、格上的问题就可以了。表格中的常见问题: v How long have been known the applicant? v你认识申请人多长时间了? vWhat is the nature of your relationship with the applicant? v你与申请人是什么关系?二、推荐信写作vComment on the applicants potential for intellectual and professional growth. v请谈论一下改申请人的智力和职业发展潜力 vHow would you compare the applicants intell

6、ectual abilities, character, and personally relative to other students whom you have also recommended for admission to this school? v与其他你推荐的申请本校的学生相比,申请人 的智力水平,品质和性格如何? vDoes the applicant have any unique skills or talents which you have observed? 申请人是否具有与众不同的技能或资质?vIn your estimation, has the appli

7、cant given careful consideration to his/her commitment to graduate study as well as to a subsequent career?v你是否认为申请人对申请研究生教育以及进而从事 相关职业的选择是慎重的? vIn your observation, how has the applicant reacted under stress, academic or otherwise?v据你观察,申请人在处于学术压力等情况时表现如 何? vHow would you access the applicants soci

8、al skills and judgment of people?v你认为申请人的社会交往能力和观察人的能力如何 ?B. 信件式推荐信信件式推荐信是最常见的推荐信形式。一般来 说,需要包括以下内容要点: v推荐人与申请人的关系,以何种身份认识; v推荐人对申请人的学习情况的评价,包括学业 能力、在校表现等; v申请人的学术潜力、个人能力、独创性等表现 ; v申请人的个人特质,如进取心、独立性、果断 力等; v申请人的人品素质,如团队精神、社会奉献等 ; v申请人对所申请之课程的适用性及完成学业之 后的生涯展望。2. 信件式推荐信的具体内容v英语推荐信和普通的英语书信格式大同小异, 可大致分为称

9、呼语(Salutation)、正文(Body )、结尾(Conclusion)和签名(Signature) 四部分。 3. 写作要求和技巧 称呼语一般用Dear Sir/Madam 即可。如果推荐信写给 具体某一个人,则应该加上该人的称呼,如 Dear Dr. White, Dear Mr. Black 等等。 如果没 有明确的收件人,也可写作To Whom It May Concern。称呼语顶头,前面无空格。 正文推荐信的正文一般可以分为三段。第一段说明推荐人与申请人的关系, 包括在何 时何地认识,以及推荐人的资格,如:例1:“I have known Miss XX since 2008

10、, when she was accepted into our undergraduate program without taking the National University Entrance Examination on her exceptional academic strength.”v例2:“Having been Mr. XXs teacher while he was completing his undergraduate thesis defense in 2009, I was greatly impressed with his excellent diagr

11、ams, and with unified and coherent manner in which he articulated his thesis.”v例3:“I first met Mr. XX in 2008 when I was teaching Electrical Machines and Drives. He was at that time a student of the Mathematics department.”v 例4:“I first became acquainted with Miss XX when I was assigned a key resear

12、ch project. I decided to select some outstanding students to act as research assistants and my colleagues immediately recommended Miss XX to me.”v 例5:“During the course of my thirty years as a teacher I have come into contact with countless students. While some students stand out in the time that I

13、teach them, very few make a lasting impression. Mr. XX, one of my most gifted students, is someone who has made such an impression.”v第二段应该包括申请人的个人信息,说明其资 格与能力,以及写推荐信的目的。如有必要的 话,这部分也可以分几个小段落来详细描述。 如果推荐者是任课老师或者是指导教授,可以 写一些申请人在课堂上及科研上的表现,如完 成的研究计划、实验室研究、研究报告、考试 成绩、课堂态度、讨论课的参与等,并举出实 例。最后还可将申请人与班级的其他同学加以

14、 比较,如: v 例1:“When I had the pleasure of instructing him, he demonstrated his understanding of the theory at an advanced level. I found it quite enjoyable to talk with Mr. XX because of his provoking comments and inherent ability to grasp the crux of various problems. In his computer science studies,

15、 his talent was evident. His work was exceptional enough to be included in the subsequent course textbook and teaching software to help instruct other studies. His Mathematical strength was also notable, from his precise and accurate computations to his ability to do critical thinking. His superior

16、academic capabilities allowed him the opportunity to be teaching assistant of a materials course.”v 例2:“What impressed me most about Miss XX is her ability to work independently with little direct guidance, her calculated, methodical approach to any problem, and her ability to delve deeply into any subject that requires her attention. In the above-mentioned project, she was forced to work with little direct input from me


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