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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语解析之绽放你的艺术范儿!(一)-智课教育旗下智课教育托福考试在考察艺术类话题的时候经常出现的词汇是什么呢?怎样 才能在托福口语考试中取得好成绩呢?现在就跟着智课教育小编一起来 看看吧! 说起艺术,可能每个小伙伴都觉得一头雾水,很多人也许并不会鉴 赏。同样的,在托福口语考试中有时候也会出现这样的话题。不会鉴赏 没关系,但是如果在托福口语考试中出现了这类题目,我们应该怎样解 题呢?这类题目中经常使用的一些词汇是什么呢?现在就跟着智课教育小 编一起来看看这则托福口语备考资料吧! Listen to part of a talk in an Art Appre

2、ciation class. Professor (female) In order for art to communicate, to appeal to the emotions or the intellect, it has to combine various visual elements to express meaning or emotion. Its really the visual components of the work, things like color, texture, shape, lines and how these elements work t

3、ogether that tell us something about the work.Artists combine and manipulate these visual elements to express a message or to create a mood. Think about how a painter might use colors, for example. You all know from experience that different colors appeal in different ways to the senses and can conv

4、ey different meanings. An artist chooses certain colors to evoke a particular mood and make powerful statements. The color red, for example, is a strong color, and can conjure up strong emotions such as extreme joy or excitement or even anger. Blue, on the other hand, is considered a cool color. Blu

5、e colors tend to have a calming effect on viewers. Another visual element important to art is texture. By texture I mean surface quality or feel of the work, its smoothness or roughness or softness. Now, of course, in some types of art the texture is physical. It can be actually be touched by the fi

6、ngers.But in painting, for example, texture can be visual. The way an artist paints certain areas of the painting can create the illusion of texture, an objects smoothness or roughness or softness. A rough texture can evoke stronger emotions and strength while a smooth texture is more calming and le

7、ss emotional. As I said earlier, artists often combine elements to convey a message about the work. Take a painting that, say, uses a lot of strong colors like reds and oranges and uses brush stokes that are broad, wide sweeping brush strokes that suggest a rough texture. Well, these elements togeth

8、er can convey a wilder more chaotic emotion in the viewer than, more than say a painting with tiny, smooth brush strokes and soft or pale colors. Artists use these visual effects and the senses they arouse to give meaning to their work. 一.在文章中有很多精彩的词汇,你看到了吗? (1)关于艺术类的一些词汇 1. art appreciation:艺术欣赏Tho

9、ugh he was born in Hong Kong, Brown waited to start a gallery in his hometown until he felt the market was ripe and that buyers had gained a real appreciation for western art. 2. visual element:视觉元素 She is also keen to introduce a visual element with holograms connecting her to other performers arou

10、nd the world. 3. texture:n. 质地;纹理;结构 It is used in moisturizers to give them a wonderfully silky texture. 4. smoothness:n. 平滑;柔滑;平坦 Whats noticeable about the powertrain is the summary smoothness, even graciousness of the thrust and engine noise. 5. roughness:n. 粗糙(度);There was a roughness to it, “

11、she said, as she applied foundation with a brush. 6. softness:n. 温柔;柔和 It could even undermine the smartphone market, which showed some signs of softness over late summer. 7. illusion:n. 幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰 No one really has any illusions about winning the war. (2)在文章中的一些很重要的词汇 1. communicate:vt. 传达;感染;显

12、露 My birth mother has never communicated with me. 2. appeal:vi. 有吸引力 On the other hand, the idea appealed to him. 3. intellect:n. 智力,理解力;知识分子; Do the emotions develop in parallel with the intellect? 4. combine:vt. 使化合;使联合,使结合 The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibil

13、ity. 5. manipulate:vt. 巧妙地处理; What Celera offers users is a more sophisticated tool by which to manipulate and search.6. mood:n. 情绪,语气;心境;气氛 He is clearly in a good mood today. 7. convey:vt. 传达;运输;让与 In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy. 8. evoke:vt. 引起,唤起;博得 You get one pic

14、ture and one 5-7-5 ditty meant to evoke the vibe of the hotel. 9. conjure up:想起,使在脑海中显现;用魔法召唤 When he closed his eyes, he could conjure up in exact colour almost every event of his life. 二.那么在艺术类的考题中,还有哪些经常出现的词汇呢?1.abstract painting:抽象画 He recently held a private view for a collection of abstract pa

15、inting and sculpture from Mexico 2. art decor:艺术装饰 3.baton:n.指挥棒 The maestro raises his baton. 4.concerto:n. 协奏曲 It was in this room that Chopin gave the first performances of this concerto. 5.folk music:民俗音乐 But in Masshhad, there was no music of any kind, even Iranian traditional and folk music. 6

16、.impressionism:n. 印象派,印象主义 All of this adds up to a powerful racial impressionism that works against todays field of Republican candidates. 7.premiere:n. 初次的演出 Four astronauts visited for last weeks premiere of the movie Space Station. 8.renaissance:n. 新生;再生;复活Built in the 13th century, it was transformed into a Renaissance palace in the 17th century 以上就是智课教育小编要和大家分享的在托福口语考试中经常出现 的艺术类词汇,希望可以帮助大家备考。如果想了解更多托福考试资讯 ,欢迎登陆智课教育论坛,最后预祝每一位考生都能考出好成绩。



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