伊拉克极端武装逼近巴格达 传美军已准备打击

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1、11伊拉克极端武装逼近巴格达伊拉克极端武装逼近巴格达 传美军已准备打击传美军已准备打击外媒报道,伊拉克伊斯兰逊尼派圣战组织“伊拉克-黎凡特伊斯兰国” (ISIL )12 日无视政 府军空袭,持续朝首都巴格达挺进;北方的库德族部队则趁政府军弃守之际,占据库德族 的历史首都、产油大城基尔库克。目前伊什叶派总理马里基领导的政府仅控制巴格达与南 部地区,原本统一的伊拉克正面临崩解。面对岌岌可危的伊拉克局势,美国总统奥巴马 12 日表示,正在考虑采取包括军事行动 在内的所有选项,来帮助伊拉克政府平息叛乱。奥巴马表示,美国政府正在考虑采取包括 军事行动在内的所有选择,来帮助伊拉克政府打败极端武装组织。奥巴

2、马说,美国将确保 圣战组织在伊拉克没有立足之地。知情官员透露,白宫已经指示五角大楼和情报机构起草打击方案,准备在伊拉克发动 “有限军事行动” ,但奥巴马尚未考虑向伊拉克出动地面部队。与此同时,美国国务院 12 日宣布向伊拉克追加 1280 万美元援助,但强调不会派地面 部队干预局势,并拒绝评估美国对伊拉克战略到底是成功还是失败。 圣战组织“剑指”巴格达 一名伊拉克女性目击者 12 日表示,第二大城摩苏尔遭“伊拉克-黎凡特伊斯兰国”叛 军攻陷后,政府军、警遭斩首,头颅成排搁在路边。 “伊拉克-黎凡特伊斯兰国” 攻陷摩苏 尔、战略要地提克里特后,已准备攻击伊国首都巴格达。 该妇女逃到难民营后,向英

3、国广播公司表示,摩苏尔军警凡落入“伊拉克-黎凡特伊斯 兰国”武装分子手中,全被砍头,排在路边; 盛产石油的提克里特市落入“伊拉克-黎凡特伊斯兰国”手中不到 24 小时,该民兵部 队已把注意力转向首都巴格达,想达成推翻西方撑腰政府、建立跨伊拉克及叙利亚边境伊 斯兰大公国的目标。 “伊拉克-黎凡特伊斯兰国”向巴格达逼进,拥护政府的北伊拉克男性 12 日成群出现, 应召入伍,准备反击。 政府军已设法将速度奇快的“伊拉克-黎凡特伊斯兰国”民兵阻滞在巴格达以北 110 公 里的萨马拉市,另表示已开始轰炸叛军在摩苏尔市周遭的据点。虽然 50 万人逃离摩苏尔市, 但仍有 130 人民留下来。 同一时间,伊拉

4、克库德族人 12 日已夺取伊北产油城吉尔库克,政府军不战而逃。 美追加千万美元援助 美国国务院发言人普萨基 12 日表示,国际组织预计,目前有将近 100 万伊拉克人因安 巴尔省和摩苏尔市及其周边地区的暴力活动流离失所,美国将追加 1280 万美元援助,满足22伊境内流离失所的人们,以及冲突受害者的需求,包括食物、帐篷和医疗卫生用品等援助。她说,追加援助后,美国 2014 财年对伊援助规模已逾 1.36 亿美元。 对于美方是否准备派无人机干预伊局势的问题,普萨基不予置评。 安理会支持打击恐怖主义 联合国安理会本月轮值主席、俄罗斯常驻联合国代表丘尔金 12 日在纽约联合国总部说, 安理会理事国一

5、致支持伊拉克政府和人民打击恐怖主义。 安理会就伊拉克局势举行闭门磋商,通过视频联机听取了联合国秘书长伊拉克问题特 别代表兼联合国伊拉克援助团负责人姆拉德诺夫的最新情况通报。 丘尔金在磋商结束后对记者表示,安理会理事国对伊拉克局势持一致态度,对伊拉克 政府和人民打击恐怖主义的斗争表示一致支持。他强调,安理会强烈谴责一切恐怖主义活 动,不管其出于何种动机。 丘尔金又说,姆拉德诺夫相当确信的是,伊拉克首都巴格达得到了较好的保护,政府 仍然控制着局面,目前还不存在暴力冲突蔓延至巴格达的直接危险。他还说,伊拉克各政 治派别和宗教组织之间缺乏沟通,必须加紧努力启动此类对话。Foreign media re

6、ports, the Iraqi islamic sunni jihadist group “of the islamic state of Iraq - levant“ (ISIL) 12, ignored the armys air strikes continued toward the capital, Baghdad; Northern Kurdish forces while the army was abandoned, occupy the history of the Kurdish capital and oil city of kirkuk. The current Ir

7、aqi Shiite prime minister nouri al-maliki government control of Baghdad and the south, only originally unified Iraq is facing collapse.Face a precarious situation in Iraq, President barack Obama said 12, are considering all options, including military action, to help the Iraqi government to quell t

8、he insurgency. Obama said the U.S. government is considering all options, including military action, to help the Iraqi government defeat extremist militant groups. Obama says the United States will ensure jihadist groups have no place in Iraq.Informed, according to officials at the White House has d

9、irected the pentagon and intelligence agencies draft on, ready to launch a “limited military action“ in Iraq, but Mr Obama has yet to consider to deploy ground troops to Iraq.12, at the same time, the U.S. state department announced an extra $12.8 million in aid to Iraq, but stressed that the situat

10、ion would not send ground troops intervention, and refused to assess the U.S. strategy is success or failure in Iraq.Jihad “sword“ in BaghdadAn Iraqi woman, witnesses said on Wednesday the second largest city of mosul was the islamic state of Iraq - levant after rebels fighting in the army, the poli

11、ce was beheaded, 33skull rows on the side of the road. The islamic state of Iraq - levant after fighting in mosul, the strategic position of tikrit, ready to attack Iraq in Baghdad.After the woman fled to refugee camps, told the BBC, mosul, police who fall into the islamic state of Iraq - levant mil

12、itant hands, were beheaded, row on the side of the road;Oil-rich city of tikrit, fall into the hands “of the islamic state of Iraq - levant“ less than 24 hours, the militias have turn their attention to the capital, Baghdad to overthrow the west backed by the government, establishing across Iraq and

13、 islamic emirate of target near the Syrian border.The islamic state of Iraq - levant to into Baghdad, support the governments northern Iraq male 12 groups, inductee, ready to fight back.Of the army has managed to block the islamic state of Iraq - levant militias in the city of samarra, 110 km north

14、of Baghdad, the other says it has started bombing rebel positions around the city of mosul. Although 500000 people to flee the city of mosul, but there are still 130 people stay.At the same time, the Iraqi kurds 12 has captured the north city Jill cook, army without fighting.The increase of millions

15、 of dollars in aidThe U.S. state department spokesman, said sacchi 12, the international organization is expected, there are nearly 1 million iraqis from anbar province and city of mosul displaced by violence and its surrounding areas, America will be an extra 12.8 million dollars in aid, meet inter

16、nally displaced people in Iraq, and demand conflict victims, including food, tents and medical and health care products and other assistance.2014 fiscal year after additional assistance, she says, the United States has more than $136 million of aid.For the United States is ready to send unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) intervention in the situation in Iraq, general arrigo sacchi declined to comment.Security council to support the fight aga



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