(EEC)四年级英语上册教案 Lesson8 Be Careful(1)

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1、Lesson 8 Be Careful! (Part 1) 教学内容:本课的教学内容为 EEC 英语教材第四册 Lesson 8 Be Careful!。本课的教学内容围绕“烤面饼”这一功能项目展开,其中呈现的几种日常生活中的食品,均出现了可数名词的复数形式和不可数名词的变化。因此,本课的教学是让学生掌握四个单词:pancake、flour、sugar、need;二个句式:“Lets ”“We need”;同时鼓励学生用多种句型进行交流介绍。教学目的(Teaching aims):学会用英语表达建议和需要学会四个单词:pancake、flour、sugar、need;二个句式:“Lets ”“

2、We need”;活用两个句式进行交际。教学重点(Important points):Lets make _. Its easy . What do we need ? We need _.教学方法:创设情境教学法、TPR教学准备:多媒体课件、图片、录音机、图片教学过程(Teaching steps):一、 复(Revision)T : Good morning , class !Ss: Good morning , Anna !T : Nice to meet you .Ss: Nice to meet you , too .(投影打出一部电话,教师做打电话状)T : Hello ! Thi

3、s is Anna . Is Wang Hong there ?S1: Hi , Anna . This is Wang Hong . T : Lets go swimming this afternoon . S1: Thats great !T : (对全体学生)Do you like swimming ?Ss: Yes , we do .T : Lets go swimming together , Ok ?Ss: Ok !T : First , Lets do exercise . Ss: Ok !T : Here - we - go !(师生唱“Clap your hands , t

4、ouch your toes ”边唱边做动作)【评析:上课伊始,师生英语问候,营造出浓厚的英语氛围,紧接着教师设置情境,吸引学生注意力,以打电话的方式,巧妙地把“Lets”句式编排在对话中,既复了学过的旧知,又为新的学内容做了铺垫,师生结合了复内容唱歌热身,为新课定下了一个轻松愉快的基调,使学生迅速进入英语学状态。】二、 教授新课(Teaching the new lesson) :T : (出示图片)Look , whats this ?(自答)pancake .Ss: pancake . (教师领读数遍)T : Do you like pancakes ? Lets listen to t

5、he tape , see what happens . (教师指导学生看书、听录音,跟读模仿;教师重复录音,做 TPR,出示 flour , egg , sugar , pancakes 图片,帮助学生感知、理解课文内容。)T : (学生跟读录音一遍后,教师按停止键,录音停止)What does “need” mean in Chinese ?Its means “需要”. Do you understand ?Ss: Yes . T : (领读数遍)need , flour , easy , pancake , sugar .【教师运用听说法,全身动作反应法导入新课,放录音让学生听清句式,

6、模仿语音语调;教师做 TPR,出示图片,帮助学生理解语言含义,整体感知语言全貌,用母语点拨抽象重点词的含义,使学生正确、迅速吸收新的语言信息,呈现过程紧凑、精练,表情生动,动作到位,面向全体。】三、 巩固练(Consolidation)T : Lets play a game , Ok ?Ss: Great !(开火车游戏,六人一组,确认一名司机用 chant 节奏,司机在前,其余五人依次双手搭肩,做车厢状,围桌跳行。)T : Are you ready ?Ss: Yes . T : Lets go . Group 1.T : pancakes , pancakes , Lets make s

7、ome pancakes . S1:What , what , what do we need ?Ss: need , need , we need some flour , two eggs and sugar . (其余五组依次进行)T : Now , lets make a dialogue like this : (请出二名同学配合)T : Im your mum , you are my children . Lets play a game , Ok ?S2: Ok !T : (出示图片)Lets make some hotdogs.S3: What do we need ?S4:

8、 We need some flour , sugar and salt .Group 2 S1: (出示图片)Lets make some sandwiches .S2: What do we need ?S3: We need some flour , meat and sugar .Group 3S1: (出示图片)Lets make some bread .S2: What do we need ?S3: We need some flour and sugar .Group 4S1: (出示图片)Lets read a bookS2: What do we need ?S3: We

9、need a book .Group 5S1: (出示图片)Lets make a snowman .S2: What do we need ?S3: We need snow.Group 6S1: (出示图片)Lets play baseball . S2: What do we need ?S3: We need bats , gloves and a baseball . 【这一环节是整节课的关键, 教师在确认学生领悟语言含义,模仿正确的基础上,转入操练,让学生把学到的语言知识转化为语言技能,以游戏的方式进行机械训练,开火车一组一组进行,在进一步熟练掌握所学内容的基础上,进行有意义操练,

10、用图片创设情境,以表演的方式,进行句式替换练,在玩中,使学生不知不觉地学会语言,热闹不失有序,零散不失重点,每个学生都参与其中,在游戏中快乐地学,满足了学生的认知需要,初步培养了学生的交际能力。】T : Are you happy ?Ss: Yes !T : Lets play another game , Ok ?Ss: Great !T : Lister to me , please . (用汉语讲竞赛规则:五名女生为一队;五名男生为一队,一队男女各出一名。黑板有五张图片,听教师指令,回答,谁先拿到教师指的图片,为胜。)T : Are you ready ?Ss: Yes !T : Her

11、e - we - go !Ss: What do we need ?T : (指图片)Boy 1 and girl 1, we need a bike . (跑到黑板前拿 ride a bike 图片T : Who is first ?Ss: Boy !T : Yes , a flag for boys . (贴在黑板上)(共五组,得旗多者为胜,其余略)T : Im very happy . Are you happy !Ss: Me , too !T : Practice by yourself , you can say anything you like , Ok ?Ss: Ok . (

12、让学生准备 2 分钟)T : Lets begin . Group 1S1: Hi ! Do you like pancakes ?S2: Yes , I like pancakes .S3: Me , too .S4: Lets make some pancakes . S1: What do we need ?S1-4: We need some flour , two eggs and sugar .Group 2S1: Hello ! Lets play the violin .S2: What do we need ?S3: We need a violin .S4: Where i

13、s it ?S1-3 : There it is !(其余略)【教师紧紧围绕激发学生兴趣展开语言训练,制造一个又一个学高潮。竞赛是学非常喜欢的巩固形式,它能满足学生的成功感,自信心;在用开火车方式进行机械训练,三人一组进行有意义训练的基础上;教师以竞赛的形式,自由对话的形式进行活用语言开展交际,教师鼓励学生大胆说,创造性地用,达到教学最终目的使学生乐于用英语进行交际。】五、总结(Summary Homework) T: All of you did a good job !T : Are you happy today ?Ss: Yes .T : Lets chant again , Ok ?

14、Ss: Ok !TSs: Lets make some pancakes .What do we need ?We need some flour , two eggs and sugar .T : pancakes , pancakes , we make some pancakes.Boys: What ,what , what do we need ?Grils: need , need , we need some flour , two eggs and sugar .T : Make a dialogue like that after class , Ok ?Ss: Ok !T

15、: Its time to say good-bye . See you .Ss: See you T : Have a nice day !Ss: You , too . 【教师通过 chant 操练,表演操练、游戏操练、竞赛操练,自由活用等一系列有趣的活动,使学生掌握了所学语言, 最后进行听音,检验学生听力,检验学效果,培养学生听力,最后用 chant 整理本课要点,再次巩固新知识,并提出要求,把课堂学延伸到课外。】Blackboard Design : Lesson 8 Be Careful ! (I )Lets make pancakes . Its easy .What do we

16、need ?We need some flour , two eggs and sugar .Lesson 8 Be Careful! (II)I、Organization: T: Good morning,class!Ss: Good morning,teacher! T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks. And you? T: Im fine, too. What day is it today ? Ss: Its . T:Lets sing a song ,OK?Ss:OK. (Sing the song.)II、Revision: T: Very good. Now,look at here .Whats this? S1: pan.T: Whats this?S2: cake.T: Whats this?S3: pancake.T: W


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