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1、浅析近几年高考阅读理解的浅析近几年高考阅读理解的“代词指代题代词指代题”上海 刘张生代词的主要作用就是用来指代上下文所出现的名词以及名词词组。由于代词这种指代 性,使其与上下文的联系比较紧密,同时使得作者的行文更加紧凑。因此,在篇章阅读过 程中是否能够准确把握代词的指代,则成为检测阅读理解能力高低的一个重要标志。所以, 最近几年高考阅读理解几乎每年都有一题与此相关。这是值得关注的一个趋势,笔者现对 此作一简单分析和归纳。 首先,从形式上看,近几年高考对代词指代的考查主要集中在人称代词、物主代词和 指示代词几个方面;对人称代词的考查又包括单数和复数,以及主格和宾格等。其次,从 测试的层次看,对代

2、词指代的考查大致可分为对句、段、篇的考查即“点” 、 “线” 、 “面”三个层次。现在笔者就以近几年高考为例,从测试的层次这一角度,分析高考阅读 理解“代词指代题”的特点:一、“点点”的考查的考查主要考查考生对较为复杂的句子的理解以及其内在的逻辑和指代。这是代词指代 最简单的一种。如: 例 1:(2002 年春。全国卷。第 70 题)In the last sentence of paragraph 1,the underlined word “they” refers to _ .A.wine and beer B.food and drinksC.the various yeasts D.

3、other organisms(分析) 解决该题的语境为:Pasteur discovered that heating the wine gently for a few minutes after it had fermented would kill off the yeast that was left in the wine,with the result that the wine would remain fresh for much longer.He also proved that food and drinks could be turned bad by other o

4、rganisms that were present in the air,and that they too would keep fresh much longer if they were kept in airtight containers.而如能把握:He also proved that . , and that .句中 food and drinks , they , they 的相互指代关系,即很容易选出答案为:B。 例 2:(2002 年。全国卷。第 67 题)The underlined word “them” (paragraph 1) refers to _ .A.r

5、ed herrings B.treasure huntsC.Henry VIIIs six wives D.readers of Masquerade(分析) 该题亦属“点”的考查。如能把握:The book contained a large number of clues to help readers find the hare , but Williams put in a lot of “red herrings” , of false clues , to mislead them .尤其是 but 前后的转折关系; 以及contain a large number of clue

6、s to help readers find 和 .put in a lot of . Of false clues ,to mislead them 对比关系,即可选出答案为:D。注意:高考“代词指代题”对“点”的考查,往往与代词的“后指”这一语言 现象联系起来考查。如: 例 3:(1999 年。全国卷。第 58 题)The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to the idea that Computer towns _ . A. help to set up more computer clubs B. bring

7、people to learn to use computers C. bring more experts to work togetherD. help to sell computers to the public (分析) 该题仍属“点”的层面的考查:通过 although 连接的让步状语从句: Although many people see this as a successful attempt to bring people closer to the computer , David does not see it that way . 读者不难了解句中的 this 和下文的

8、 it 是一种相互指代关系。但要解决该题,考生必须理解这里涉及到指示代词 this 的“后指”用法,即:this 常可用来指代话语中其后的一个名词短语或一个较常可用来指代话语中其后的一个名词短语或一个较 长的话语片段。长的话语片段。由此可见,该句中,this 指代下文的 to bring people closer to the computer 即 bring people to learn to use computer.故该题选 B。二、“线线”的考查的考查所谓“线”的考查,是指考查考生对文段语境的理解能力。考生必须通过两句 或两句以上的语境,并作出合理的判断,才能解决问题。如: 例 4

9、:(2002 年。北京卷。第 57 题)“To do this” (in paragraph 3) means _ . A. to help patients recover B. to increase the number of heart surgeries C. to get back the money spent on the equipment D. to buy new equipment for the treatment of heart disease (分析) 此题即属于“线”的考查。文章中论及“三个明显的不利因素” (three clear disadvantages

10、).解题的主要语境是:.second , it causes the costs of general hospital care to rise . After hospitals buy the expensive equipment that is necessary for modern heart surgery , they must try to recover the money they have spent . To do this , they raise costs for all their patients , not just those .;关键线索 是:mus

11、t try to recover the money .及其与 to do this . 之间的内在联系。故该题 选 C。 例 5:(2000 年。上海卷。第 102 题)“It ” in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to _ . A. temporary loneliness B. situational loneliness C. a new place D. sleeplessness (分析)该题亦属“线”的考查。解决该题的关键语境是: The second kind , situational loneliness

12、 , is a natural result of a particular situation _ for example , a family problem , the death of a loved one , or moving to a new place . Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems , such as headaches and sleeplessness , it usually does not last for more than a year . 如果能够把握作者行文中的斜

13、体部分的相互关系,则很容易选出答案为:B。三、“面面”的考查的考查所谓“面”的考查,就是考查对文章内容进行逻辑分析、推理判断的能力。它不 仅要求考生对某一关键句,更要对上下段、以至整篇文章的内在关联及连贯意义的 理解和把握。这是“代词指代题”中难度最大的一种。考生只有在做好“点” 、 “线” 的基础上才能做好所谓的“面”的题。如: 例 6 (2003 年春。北京卷。第 63 题)What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to ?A.Child-caring B.Lizs adviceC.Downshifting

14、 D.Lizs job(分析) 该题即属“面”的考查题。在把握整篇文章的话题“downshifting”的基 础上,应该理解:自文章第三段起,作者把 Daniel 和 Liz 的前后生活进行了对比, 即:nowadays , they ran a farm in the mountains of Wales ; . have to think twice now about spending money on car repairs ; no longer have any holidays ; However , it has made us stronger as a family , a

15、nd the children are a lot happier . 接着,作者通过 Liz 之口谈了 downshifting 前后生活的利弊,而全文最后一句则 是 Liz 对其他打算 downshifting 的人的忠告。解题的关键线索是:My advice , to do the same (即 downshift) not to think it too much , or you might not do it at all .所以,该 题选 C。例 7:(1999 年。上海卷。第 85 题)In the last sentence , the word “their” refers to _ .A.lakes B.rivers C.glaciers D.systems(分析)该题亦可归入“面”的考查。答案在文章的最后一段,即:The last of the great glaciers began its melting about 11,000 years ago.Its melting formed the Great Lakes . These lakes are today little changed from their early sizes and shapes . The largest of the North American River


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